Author:Clark Ashton Smith
[edit]Story Cycles
[edit]- "The Colossus of Ylourgne" in Weird Tales, 23 (6) (June 1934)
- "The Disinterment of Venus" in Weird Tales, 24 (1) (July 1934)
- "Mother of Toads" in Weird Tales, 32 (1) (July 1938) (transcription project)
- "The Enchantress of Sylaire" in Weird Tales, 35 (10) (July-August 1941)
- "The Satyr" (Genius Loci, Arkham House, 1948)
- "Averoigne" (poetry) (Challenge, Spring 1951)
- "The Beast of Averoigne" (original version, Weird Tales, June 1932)
- "The Beast of Averoigne" (abridged version, Weird Tales, May 1933)
- "The Return of the Sorcerer" in Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, 1 (1) (September 1931)
[edit]- "The Door to Saturn" in Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, 1 (3) (January 1932) (transcription project)
- "The Ice-Demon" in Weird Tales, 21 (4) (April 1933)
- "The Seven Geases" in Weird Tales, 24 (4) (October 1934) (transcription project)
- "The White Sybil" (1934)
- "The Coming of the White Worm" in Stirring Science Stories (1941)
- "The Powder of Hyperborea" (AKA "The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles") in Saturn (1958) IA
[edit]- Atlantis (1912 poem)
- From a Letter/Muse of Atlantis (1922 prose poem)
- "The Death of Malygris" in Weird Tales, 23 (4) (April 1934)
- "The Double Shadow" (1933)
- "Tolometh" (1958 poem)
Maal Dweb of Xiccarph
[edit]- "The Maze of Maal Dweb" (1933)
- "The Maze of Maal Dweb" in Weird Tales, 32 (4) (October 1938)
- “The Flower-Women” in Weird Tales (1935)
[edit]- “The Planet Entity" (AKA "Seedling of Mars”) in Wonder Stories Quarterly (1931) IA
- “Dweller in Martian Depths” in Wonder Stories Quarterly (1933) IA
- "Vulthoom" (1935)
[edit]- "The Voyage of King Euvoran" (1933)
- "The Weaver in the Vault" in Weird Tales, 23 (1) (January 1934)
- "The Witchcraft of Ulua" in Weird Tales, 23 (2) (February 1934)
- "The Charnel God" in Weird Tales, 23 (3) (March 1934)
- "The Tomb-Spawn" in Weird Tales, 23 (5) (May 1934) (transcription project)
- "Xeethra" in Weird Tales, 24 (6) (December 1934)
- “The Dark Eidolon” in Weird Tales (1935)
- "Necromancy in Naat" in Weird Tales (1936)
- “The Black Abbot of Puthuum” in Weird Tales (1936)
- "The Death of Ilalotha" in Weird Tales (1937)
- “The Garden of Adompha” in Weird Tales (1938)
- "The Master of the Crabs" in Weird Tales, 40 (3) (March 1948)
- "Morthylla" in Weird Tales, 45 (2) (May 1953)
- "The Last Hieroglyph" in Weird Tales, 25 (4) (April 1935)
Other Short Stories
[edit]- “The Ghost of Mohammed Din” (1910)
- “The Mahout” (1911)
- “Prince Alcouz and the Magician” (1910-12)
- “The Raja and the Tiger” (1912)
- “The Flirt” (1921)
- “Something New” (1924), 10 Story Book vol. 23 no. 6
- "The Ninth Skeleton" (1928) Weird Tales (September, 1928)
- “The Planet of the Dead” (1932)
- "The Nameless Offspring" in Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, 2 (2) (June 1932)
- "The Hunters from Beyond" in Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, 2 (3) (October 1932)
- “The Demon of the Flower” (1933) Astounding Stories, December 1933 LW2
- “The Devotee of Evil” (1933)
- "The Devotee of Evil," in Stirring Science Stories (February 1941)
- "The Second Interment" in Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, 3 (1) (January 1933)
- “The Chain of Aforgomon” (1935)
- "A Night in Malneant" in Weird Tales, 34 (3) (September 1939)
- "The Return of the Sorcerer" in Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, 1 (1) (September 1931)
[edit]Poetry collections
[edit]- Ebony and Crystal (1922)
[edit]- The Absence of the Muse (1921)
- The Abyss Triumphant (1912)
- Adventure (1924)
- "After Armageddon" in The Recluse (1927), edited by William Paul Cook
- Afterwards (1923)
- Alexandrines (1918)
- Alienage (1923)
- Anticipation (1922)
- Apologia (1924)
- Arabesque (1922)
- Artemis (1922)
- Ashes of Sunset (1922)
- At Sunrise (1922)
- August (1923)
- Autumn Orchards (1923)
- Autumnal (1922)
- Autumn's Pall (1910)
- Ave Atque Vale (1918)
- Averted Malefice (1912)
- The Balance (1912)
- The Barrier (1923)
- Beauty Implacable (1922)
- The Bedouin Song
- Before Sunrise (1910)
- Belated Love (1918)
- Benares
- Beyond the Great Wall
- Brumal (1923)
- The Butterfly (1912)
- A Catch (1924)
- Chant of Autumn (1922)
- Chant to Sirius (1912)
- The Cherry-Snows (1912)
- The City in the Desert (1922)
- The City of Destruction (1948)
- The City of the Titans (1915)
- Cleopatra (1922)
- The Cloud-Islands (1912)
- Coldness (1922)
- Consolation (1925)
- Contradiction (1923)
- Copan (1912)
- Crepuscle (1922)
- The Crucifixion of Eros (1918)
- A Dead City (1912)
- The Departed City
- Departure (1923)
- Desert Dweller (1937)
- The Desert Garden
- Desire of Vastness (1922)
- Desolation (1922)
- Dialogue (1943)
- Dissonance (1919)
- Don Juan Sings (1923)
- Doubtful Skies (1925)
- The Dream-Bridge (1912)
- A Dream of Beauty (1911)
- Dream Mystery (1915)
- Duality (1923)
- Echo of Memnon (1922)
- Ecstacy (1922)
- Eidolon (1922)
- The Eldritch Dark (1912)
- Enchanted Mirrors (1925)
- The End of Autumn (1923)
- Enigma (1925)
- Epitaph for the Earth
- Estrangement (1924)
- Evening Harmony (1925)
- Examination at Midnight (1925)
- The Exile (1922)
- Exotique (1918)
- "A Fable" in Weird Tales, 10 (1) (July 1927)
- Fairy Lanterns (1912)
- Felo-de-se of the Parasite
- Finis (1912)
- Flamingos (1919)
- Forgetfulness (1919)
- Forgotten Sorrow (1923)
- The Fountain of Blood (1925)
- A Fragment (1922)
- The Fugitives (1912)
- "The Garden of Evil" in Weird Tales, 2 (1) (July-August 1923)
- The Ghoul and the Seraph (1922)
- The Giantess (1925)
- The Harlot of the World (1915)
- Haunting (1922)
- The Hidden Paradise (1922)
- The Hope of the Infinite (1922)
- The Horizon (1911)
- Hymn to Beauty (1925)
- The Ideal (1925)
- Image (1922)
- Impression (1922)
- In Lemuria
- In November (1919)
- In Saturn (1919)
- Incognita (1925)
- Inferno (1918)
- The Infinite Quest (1922)
- Inheritance (1922)
- Interrogation (1925)
- The Irremediable (1925)
- The Kingdom of Shadows (1922)
- Lament for Vixeela
- Lament of the Stars (1912)
- The Land of Evil Stars (1922)
- The Last Night (1912)
- The Last Oblivion (1924)
- Laus Mortis (1921)
- Lethe
- Lines on a Picture
- A Live-Oak Leaf (1911)
- Loss (1925)
- Love is not Yours, Love is not Mine (1922)
- Love Malevolent (1922)
- The Love-Potion (1923)
- Lunar Mystery (1925)
- The Mad Wind (1912)
- The Masque of the Foresaken Gods (1912)
- Maya (1925)
- The Maze of Sleep (1912)
- Medusa (1911)
- The Medusa of Despair (1913)
- The Medusa of the Skies (1912)
- A Meeting (1924)
- The Melancholy Pool (1922)
- Memnon at Midnight (1918)
- Minatory (1925)
- The Ministers of Law (1918)
- Mirage (1922)
- Mirrors (1922)
- The Mirrors of Beauty (1922)
- Moesta et Errabunda (1925)
- The Monacle
- Moon-Dawn (1923)
- Moonlight (1910)
- The Morning Pool (1912)
- The Motes (1922)
- The Mummy (1919)
- Music (1925)
- The Mystic Meaning (1912)
- The Nemesis of Suns (1912)
- The Nereid (1913)
- Nero (1912)
- The Night Forest (1912)
- Nightfall (1924)
- Nightmare (1922)
- Nirvana (1912)
- November Twilight (1922)
- Nyctalops (1929)
- Obsession (1925)
- Ode (Your name) (1925)
- Ode on Imagination (1912)
- Ode to Music (1912)
- Ode to the Abyss (1911)
- Odysseus in Eternity
- The Orchid (1922)
- Ougabalys (1929)
- Palms (1920)
- Pine Needles (1912)
- Plum-Flowers (1924)
- A Precept (1922)
- The Price (1912)
- Psalm (1922)
- A Psalm to the Best Beloved (1922)
- Psalm to the Desert (1915)
- Query (1925)
- Quest (1922)
- Recompense (1922)
- The Red Moon (1923)
- The Refuge of Beauty (1918)
- Remembrance (1924)
- Remembered Light (1912)
- The Remorse of the Dead (1925)
- Requiescat (1922)
- Requiescat In Pace (1920)
- The Retribution (1912)
- Retrospect and Forecast (1912)
- The Return of Hyperion (1912)
- Rêve Parisen
- The River of Life
- Rosa Mystica (1922)
- Rubaiyat of Saiyed
- Sandalwood (1937)
- Satan Unrepentant (1918)
- Satiety (1922)
- Saturn (1912)
- "The Saturnienne" in Weird Tales, 10 (6) (December 1927)
- The Secret (1923)
- Selenique (1923)
- Semblance (1923)
- Semper Eadem (1925)
- Sepulchre (1918)
- Shadow of Nightmare (1912)
- The Sick Muse (1925)
- The Snow-Blossoms (1912)
- Solution (1922)
- Song (1922)
- The Song of Aviol (1923)
- The Song of Cartha (1923)
- Song of a Comet (1912)
- The Song of the Comet (1937)
- A Song of Dreams (1912)
- Song of the Necromancer (1937)
- Song to Oblivion (1912)
- A Song of the Stars (1912)
- "Sonnet" in Weird Tales, 13 (4) (April 1929)
- The Sorcerer to his Love (1941)
- The Sorrow of the Winds (1912)
- The Soul of the Sea (1912)
- The Spiritual Dawn (1925)
- The Star-Treader (1912)
- Strangeness (1916)
- The Summer Moon (1912)
- A Sunset (1912)
- Symbols (1922)
- Sympathetic Horror (1925)
- The Tears of Lilith (1917)
- The Temptation (1924)
- That Motley Drama
- "To Howard Phillips Lovecraft" in Weird Tales, 30 (1) (July 1937)
- To Nora May French (1920)
- To Omar Khayyam (1922)
- To the Beloved (1922)
- To the Chimera (1922)
- To the Darkness (1912)
- To the Sun (1912)
- Transcendence (1922)
- Triple Aspect (1922)
- Twilight on the Snow (1922)
- Union (1922)
- The Unremembered (1912)
- The Unrevealed (1912)
- A Valediction (1923)
- The Venal Muse (1925)
- A Vision of Lucifer (1922)
- We Shall Meet (1923)
- White Death (1912)
- The Wind and the Moon (1912)
- The Winds (1912)
- The Wine of Lovers (1925)
- The Wingless Archangels (1923)
- Winter Moonlight (1922)
- Witch-Dance (1941)
- The Witch in the Graveyard (1922)
- The Witch with Eyes of Amber (1923)
- The World
- You are not Beautiful (1923)
- Zuleika: An Oriental Song
- "Luna Aeternalis" in Weird Tales, 42 (4) (May 1950)
- "The Kiss of Zoraida," in The Magic Carpet Magazine (July 1933, vol. 3, no. 3)
Prose poems
[edit]- A Phantasy (1916)
- The Abomination of Desolation (1938)
- The Black Lake (1922)
- The Caravan (1922)
- Chinoiserie (1931)
- The City of Destruction (1948)
- The Crystals
- The Demon, the Angel, and Beauty (1922)
- The Desolation of Soom (The Abomination of Desolation)
- A Dream of Lethe (1922)
- Ennui (1918)
- The Flower-Devil (1922)
- The Forbidden Forest (1943)
- From a Letter (1922)
- From the Crypts of Memory (1917)
- The Garden and the Tomb (1922)
- The Horror of Soom (The Abomination of Desolation)
- Images (1922)
- In Cocaigne (1922)
- The Lake of Enchanted Silence (1922)
- The Litany of the Seven Kisses (1922)
- The Lotus and the Moon (1934)
- The Memnons of the Night (1917)
- The Mirror in the Hall of Ebony (1934)
- The Mithridate (1943)
- The Muse of Hyperborea (1934)
- Narcissus (1945)
- The Passing of Aphrodite (1934)
- The Peril That Lurks Among Ruins (1945)
- The Princess Almeena (1920)
- Remoteness (1922)
- The Shadows (1922)
- The Statue of Silence (1922)
- To the Daemon (1922)
- The Traveller (1922)
- Vignettes (1922)
[edit]- Abandoned Plum-Orchard
- Aftermath of Mining Days
- Berries of the Deadly Nightshade
- Basin in Boulder
- Bed of Mint
- Boys Rob a Yellowhammer's Nest
- Boys Telling Bawdy Tales
- Builder of Deserted Hearth
- Borderland
- Cats in Winter Sunlight
[edit]- "Parisian Dream", by Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1925)
- "Alchemy of Sorrow", by Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1925)
- "Spleen" by . in Weird Tales, 7 (2) (February 1926)
- "Brumes et Pluies", by Charles Pierre Baudelaire, in The Recluse (1927), edited by William Paul Cook
- "The Owls" by . in Weird Tales, 36 (2) (November-December 1941)
- "Moonlight" by . in Weird Tales, 36 (6) (July 1942)
[edit]- "A Poet's Comments," letter to Weird Tales (May 1939, vol. 33, no. 5)
External links
[edit]- The Eldritch Dark - An extensive wiki dedicated to Clark Ashton Smith and his works.
Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1930.
This author died in 1961, so works by this author are in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 63 years or less. These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.
- For Class A renewal records (books only) published between 1923 and 1963, check the Stanford University Copyright Renewal Database.
- For other renewal records of publications between 1922–1950, see the University of Pennsylvania copyright records.
- For all records since 1978, search the U.S. Copyright Office records.
Works could have had their copyright renewed between January 1st of the 27th year after publication or registration and December 31st of the 28th year. As this work's copyright was not renewed, it entered the public domain on January 1st of the 29th year.
This author died in 1961, so works by this author are in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 63 years or less. These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
- 1893 births
- 1961 deaths
- Authors-Sm
- Early modern authors
- Male authors
- Modern authors
- Novelists
- Painters as authors
- Science fiction authors
- Sculptors as authors
- Translators as authors
- United States authors
- Author-PD-old-60-US
- Author-PD-US-no-renewal-old-60
- Modern poets
- Horror authors
- Short story authors
- Contributors to Weird Tales
- French-English as translator