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Talk:The Folk-Lore Journal/Volume 7/Dorsetshire Children's Games, &c

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Latest comment: 8 months ago by Beleg Tâl in topic Works on this page

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Many of the games described in this work contain songs and rhymes that are quoted in full. These are as follows:

I. Choral Games

  1. Sally Water (Roud 4509)
  2. Little Girl of mine (Roud 8371)
  3. What are you weeping for? (Roud 2118)
  4. Rosy Apple, Lemon, and Pear (Roud 6492)
  5. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (Roud 7882)
  6. Kiss-in-the-ring (Roud 13188)
  7. Drop the Handkerchief
  8. My little Dog Buff
  9. (no song quoted for the game "Cat after Mouse")
  10. Green Gravel (Roud 1368)
  11. Wall-flowers (Roud 6307)

II. Dramatic Games

  1. Oranges and Lemons (Roud 13190)
  2. Fox and Goose
  3. When first we went to School (Roud 5040)
  4. Garden Gate
  5. May I go out to play?
  6. The Duke of Rideo (Roud 730)
  7. A Young Man that wants a Sweetheart (Roud 730)
  8. Gathering Nuts away (Roud 6308)
  9. Here we come gathering Nuts to-day
  10. The Lady of the Land (Roud 12975)
  11. The Lady of the Land continued (Roud 12975)
  12. Queen Anne (Roud 12755)
  13. An Old Woman from the Wood (though this is hardly a song and more a simple call-and-response)
  14. How many Miles to Gandigo? (Roud 8148)
  15. Basket

III. Games of Skill


IV. Christmas and Indoor Games


V. Rhymes


a. Rustic rhymes


b. Nursery or Domestic rhymes


c. Counting out or "Lot" rhymes


VI. Riddles

  1. Which would you rather have, a rusty rag, a sunburnt cake, or a blackbird under the bush?
  2. As white as milk, an' 'tisn' milk
  3. Long legs, crooked thighs
  4. There is a little house; and in that little house there is a little room &c.
  5. There was a thing just four weeks old
  6. There was a king met a king
  7. Little Miss Etticott
  8. I saw a fish-pond all on fire

Beleg Tâl (talk) 18:27, 20 June 2024 (UTC)Reply