Tayama Katai and His Novel Entitled Futon/Bibliography
I. Primary Sources
A. Works in western languages
Futabatei Shimei. Ukigumo. Translated (under the title of Japan's First Modern Novel Ukigumo of Futabatei Shimei) by Marleigh Grayer Ryan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.
Hauptmann, Gerhart. Einsame Menschen ("Lonely Lives.") Translated by Mary Morrison. London: William Heinemann, 1898.
________. Einsame Menschen. With introduction and glossary by M. Blakemore Evans and Ernst Feise. New York: Hold, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.
Maupassant, Guy De. After-dinner Series. London: Mathieson & Co., 1896–97.
Okazaki Yoshie, ed. Japanese Literature in the Meiji Era. Translated by V. H. Viglielmo. Tokyo: Ōbunsha, 1955.
Ozaki Kōyō. Konjiki Yasha ("The Gold Demon.") Re-written in English by A. and M. Lloyd. Tokyo: The Yūrakusha, 1905.
B. Works in Japanese
Futabatei Shimei 二葉亭 四迷. Ukigumo 浮雲. Futabatei Shimei Zenshū 二葉亭 四迷 全集. Vol. I. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1953.
_________. "Shōsetsu Sōron" 小説 総論, "Kalkov-shi Bijutsu Zokukai" カルコフ市 美術 俗解, "Bijutsu no Hongi (Belinsky's)" 美術 の 本義 (ベリンスキー). Futabatei Shimei Zenshū. Vol. IX. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1953.
Kawazoe Kunimoto 川副 国基. Nihon Shizenshugi no Bungaku 日本 自然主義 の 文學. Tokyo: Seishin Shobō, 1957.
Kunikida Doppo 國木田 獨歩. Kunikida Doppo Shū 國木田 獨歩 集. Vol. XVIII of Nihon Gendai Bungaku Zenshū 日本 現代 文學 全集. Edited by Itō Hitoshi 伊藤 整. 102 vols. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1965.
Masamune Hakuchō 正宗 白鳥. Masamune Hakuchō Zenshū 正宗 白鳥 全集. Edited by Nakajima Kawatarō 中島 河太郎. 13 vols. Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1966–68.
Mori Ōgai 森 鷗外. Hauptmann. Ōgai Zenshū: Chosaku Hen. 鷗外 全集 著作 編. Edited by Kinoshita Mokutarō 木下 杢太郎. Vol. XX. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1951.
________. Sabishiki Hitobito 寂しき 人々. Ōgai Zenshū: Honyaku Hen 鷗外 全集 翻譯 編. Edited by Kinoshita Mokutarō 木下 杢太郎. Vol. IV. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1954.
Nakamura Mitsuo 中村 光夫. Fūzoku Shōsetsu Ron 風俗 小説 論. Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1967.
________, and Yoshida Seiichi 吉田 誠一, ed. Shizenshugi to Han-Shizenshugi 自然主義 と 反自然主義. Vol. II of Gendai Bungakuron Taikei 現代 文學論 大系. 8 vols. Tokyo: Kawade Shobō, 1953.
Ozaki Kōyō 尾崎 紅葉. Konjiki Yasha 金色 夜叉. Ozaki Kōyō Shū 尾崎 紅葉 集. Vol. V of Nihon Gendai Bungaku Zenshū 日本 現代 文學 全集. Edited by Itō Hitoshi 伊藤 整. 102 vols. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1963.
Senuma Shigeki 瀬沼 茂樹. Kindai Nihon Bungaku no Kōzō: Meiji no Bungaku 近代 日本 文學 の 構造:明治 の 文學. Vol. I. Tokyo: Shueisha, 1963.
Shimazaki Tōson 島崎 藤村. Hakai 破戒. Shimazaki Tōson Zenshū 島崎 藤村 全集. Vol. III. Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1949.
________. Shimazaki Tōson Zenshū 島崎 藤村 全集. Vol. XIX. Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1951.
Tayama Katai 田山 花袋. Kindai no Shōsetsu 近代 の 小説. Tokyo: Daito Shuppansha, 1941.
________. "No no Hana Jo," 野 の 花 序 and "Rokotsu naru Byōsha" 露骨 なる 描写. Vol. II of Gendai Bungakuron Taikei: Shizenshugi to Han-Shizenshugi 現代 文學論 大系:自然主義 と 反自然主義. Edited by Nakamura Mitsuo 中村 光夫 and Yoshida Seiichi 吉田 誠一. 8 vols. Tokyo: Kawade Shobō, 1953.
________. Tayama Katai Shū 田山 花袋 集. Vol. IX of Gendai Nihon Bungaku Zenshū 現代 日本 文學 全集. 99 vols. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 1955.
________. Tokyo no Sanjūnen 東京 の 三十年. Vol. XCVII of Gendai Bungaku Zenshū 現代 文學 全集. 99 vols. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 1958.
________. Tayama Katai Shū 田山 花袋 集. Vol. XXI of Nihon Gendai Bungaku Zenshū 日本 現代 文學 全集. Edited by Itō Hitoshi 伊藤 整. 102 vols. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1962.
________. Futon. Jūemon no Saigo 布団。重右衛門 の 最後. Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1968.
Tsubouchi Yūzō (Shōyō) 坪内 雄蔵. "Futabatei no Koto" 二葉亭 の 事. Shōyō Senshū 逍遥 選集. Vol. XII. Tokyo: Shunyōdō, 1926.
________. Tōsei Shosei Katagi 當世 書生 氣質. Shōyō Senshū 逍遥 選集. Vol. XIII. Tokyo: Shunyōdō, 1927.
________. Shōsetsu Shinzui 小説 神髄. Shōyō Senshū 逍遥 選集. Vol. XV. Tokyo: Shunyōdō, 1927.
Yanagida Izumi 柳田 泉. Tayama Katai no Bungaku 田山 花袋 の 文學. 2 vols. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 1956–58.
Yoshida Seiichi 吉田 誠一. Shizenshugi no Kenkyū 自然主義 の 研究. 2 vols. Tokyo: Tokyodō, 1964.
________; Ishimaru Hisashi 石丸 久; and Iwanaga Yudaka 岩永 胖. eds. Tōson Katai 藤村 花袋. Vol. XIII of Kokugo Kokubungaku Kenkyūshi Taisei 國語 國文學 研究氏 大成. 15 vols. Tokyo: Sanshōdō, 1965.
Wada Kingo 和田 謹吾. Shizenshugi Bungaku 自然主義 文學. Tokyo: Shibundō, 1966.
II. Secondary Sources
C. Works in western languages
Belinsky, Chernyshevsky, and Dobrolyubov. Selected Criticism. Edited and with an introduction by Ralph E. Matlaw. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1962.
Coar, John Firman. Studies in German Literature in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Macmillan Co., 1962.
Garten, Hugh F. Gerhart Hauptmann. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954.
Heller, Otto. Studies in Modern German Literature. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1905.
Hewett-Thayer, Harvey W. An Anthology of German Literature in the Nineteenth Century 1795–1910. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1932.
Ibsen, Henrik. Rosmersholm. The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen. Edited by William Archer. Vol. IX. New York: Charles Scribner' Sons, 1907.
Keene, Donald. Japanese Literature. New York: Grove Press, 1955.
Krikorian, Yervant H., ed. Naturalism and the Human Spirit. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944.
Siden, Margaret. Gerhart Hauptmann, the Prose Plays. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1957.
Stallknecht, N. P. and Harst Frenz. Comparative Literature Method and Perspective. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1961.
D. Works in Japanese
Chikamatsu Monzaemon 近松 門左衛門. Chikamatsu Zenshū 近松 全集. Edited by Fujii Otoo 藤井 乙男. 12 vols. Ōsaka Asahi Shinbun, 1925–28.
Chikamatsu Shūkō 近松 秋江. Chikamatsu Shūkō Kasai Zenzō Shū 近松 秋江 葛西 善蔵 集. Vol XLV of Nihon Gendai Bungaku Zenshū 日本 現代 文學 全集. Edited by Itō Hitoshi 伊藤 整. 102 vols. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1965.
Hisamatsu Sen'ichi 久松 潜一. Nihon Bungaku Hyōronshi 日本 文學 評論史. 2 vols. Tokyo: Shibundō, 1952.
Ihara Saikaku 井原 西鶴. Teihon Saikaku Zenshū 底本 西鶴 全集. Edited by Ebara Taizō 穎原 退蔵. 14 vols. Tokyo: Chūōkōronsha, 1951–60.
Ikegami Teizō 池上 禎造. Buntai no Hensen 文体 の 変選. Vol. XVI of Iwanami Kōza Nihon Bungakushi 岩波 講座 日本 文學史. 16 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1959.
Itō Hitoshi 伊藤 整. Kōyō to Rohan 紅葉 と 露伴. Vol. XII of Iwanami Kōza Nihon Bungakushi 岩波 講座 日本 文學史. 16 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1958.
Iwanaga Yudaka 岩永 胖. Tayama Katai Kenkyū 田山 花袋 研究. Tokyo: Hakuyōsha, 1956.
Karaki Junzō 唐木 順三. Kindai Nihon Bungakushi Ron 近代 日本 文學史 論. Tokyo: Kobundō, 1952.
Kataoka Yoshikazu 片岡 良一. Shizenshugi Kenkyū 自然主義 研究. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 1957.
Kitamura Tōkokoku 北村 透谷. "Jōnetsu" 情熱. Tōkoku Zenshū 透谷 全集. Edited by Katsumoto Seiichirō 勝本 清一郎. Vol. II. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1950.
Nakamura Mitsuo 中村 光夫. Nihon no Kindai Shōsetsu 日本 の 近代 小説. Tokyo: Iwanami Shinsho, 1968.
Ōta Saburō 太田 三郎. Hikaku Bungaku 比較 文學. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1967.
Sakakibara Yoshibumi 榊原 美文. Shōyō Futabatei 逍遥 二葉亭. Vol. XI of Iwanami Kōza Nihon Bungakushi 岩波 講座 日本 文學史. 16 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1958.
Yanagida Izumi 柳田 泉. Shōsetsu Shinzui Kenkyū 小説 神髄 研究. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 1966.
E. Lectures and Journal
Hayashi Ken'ichirō (Kyoto). "Style and Form in Modern Japanese Literature: Two Monumental Works." Lecture delivered at the seventh congress of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures held at Heidelberg from the 26th to the 31st of August 1957, had for its central theme Problems of Style and Form in Literature. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1959. pp. 413–16.
Hibbett, Howard. "The Traditional Japanese Novel." Paper presented at the second conference on Oriental–Western Literary and Cultural Relations held at Indiana University from 23rd to 27th June 1958, Asia and the Humanities. Edited by Horst Frenz. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1959. pp. 3–14.
Sibley, William F. "Naturalism in Japanese Literature." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, XXVIII (1968), 157–69.
III. Dictionaries
Dai Jimmei Jiten 大 人名 事典. 10 vols. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1953–55.
Dai Jiten 大 字典. Comp. by Ueda Kazutoshi 上田 萬年; Sakata Takeshi 栄田 猛猪; Okada Masayuki 岡田 正之; Iida Den'ichi 飯田 伝一; and Iijima Tadao 飯島 忠夫. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1963.
Gendai Nihon Bungaku Daijiten 現代 日本 文學 大事典. Edited by Hisamatsu Sen'ichi 久松 潜一; Kimata Osamu 木俣 修; Naruse Masakatsu 成瀬 正勝; Kawazoe Kunimoto 川副 國基; Hasegawa Izumi 長谷川 泉. Tokyo: Meiji Shoin, 1968.
The Japan Biographical Encyclopedia & Who's Who. Third Edition. Edited by Japan Biographical Research Department. Tokyo: The Rengo Press, 1965.
Kenkyusha's New Japanese–English Dictionary. Edited by Katsumata Senkichirō 勝俣 銓吉郎. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1954.
Kenpō Jiten 憲法 事典. Comp. by Kiyomiya Shirō 清宮 四郎. Tokyo: Seirin Shoin Shinsha, 1962.
Kōjien 廣辞苑. Edited by Shinmura Izuru 新村 出. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1963.
Kokubungaku Kenkyū Jiten 國文學 研究 辞典. Comp. by Sumi Toshihisa 鷲見 寿久. Tokyo: Meiji Shoin, 1963.
Nihon Chimei Jiten 日本 地名 事典. Comp. by Watanabe Akira 渡辺 亮. 4 vols. Tokyo: Asakura Shoten, 1954–55.
Date of Birth: | November 4, 1926 | |
Place of Birth: | Kyoto, Japan | |
High School: | Horikawa Girls' High School | |
College: | Department of English Department of English | |
Graduate School: | Department of East Asian |