Telugu-English Dictionary/క

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ka, The sixteenth letter, and first consonant, in the Telugu alphabet.

కంకటము kankatamu, s. A cuirass. 2. Armour; mail.

కంకటి kankati, 5. A bedstead.

కంకణము kankanamu, s. A bracelet or ornament for the wrist. 2. A consecrated string tied round the wrist, at the commencement of a marriage &c. కంకణగ్రహణము kankanagrahanamu, A central eclipse.

కంకపత్రము kankapatramu, s. An arrow.

కంకము kankamu, s- The lotus. 2. A heron.

కంకర kankara, s. Gravel.

కంకరగాడిదె kankaragadide, 5. A mule.

కంకాళము kankalamu, 5. A skeleton.

కంకి kanki, s. An ear, or head of corn.

కంకు kanku, v. a. To scold ; to abuse.

కంఖాణము kankhamirnu, 5. A horse.

కంగుణి kanguni, s. One particle of the grain termed Panicum ltalicum.

కంగులు kangulu, s. plu. The grain above-mentioned.

కంచము kantsamu, s. A small metal plate, turned up at the rim, out of which the Hindoos usually eat their victuals.

కంచరగాడిదె kantsarag'aclide, s. vide కంకరగాడిదె kankaragadide.

కంచు kantsu, s. Any am&lgam of zinc and copper ; queen's metal ; bellmetal. కంచరవాడు, కంచలవాడు kantsaravadu, kantsalavadu, A brazier ; a copper-smith.

కంచుకము kantsukamu, s. A sort of short bodice, or tight jacket, worn by Hindoo females, to confine the breasts. 2. A man's jacket. 3. A serpent's skin. 4. Armour, mail.

కంచె kanche, s. A hedge. 2. Waste or fallow ground.

కంచెల kanchela, s. A tight jacket, confining the breasts, Worn by- Hindoo women.

కంటకము kantakamu, s. A thorn. 2, Hatred; detestation. 3. Severity.. 4. The erection of the hair upon the body. కంటకుడు kantakuclu, A man hated, detested, or abhorred. కంటగించు kanfagintsu, To hate, or detest. కంటసరి kantasari, 5. A necklace.

కంటాళము kantalamu, s. A pack- saddle, placed on a bullock, or horse, in which a Hindoo carries his baggage on a journey. 2. A load of cotton.

కంటు kantu, s. Antipathy ; aversion; hatred. కంటుపెట్టు kantupettu, To have an antipathy towards another,

కంటె kante, adv. Than, the adverb of comparison, as వానికంటె vanikante, than him: For the derivation of this word, vide కన్న kanna.

కంటె kante, s, A thin narrow plate of solid gold, or silver, bent so as to fit the neck, arid worn as a necklace by Hindoo women, or children.

కంట్లము kantlanuv si vide కంటాళము kantalamu .

కంఠము kanthamu, s. The throat. కంఠపాఠముచేయు kanthapathamucheyu, lit. To make the lesson by the throat. To get by heart.

కండ kanda, s. Flesh; a piece of flesh 2. The solid or fleshy part of a mangoe, peach, &c. or of the cucumber, as distinguished from the skin, and stone, or seed. This word is not applicable to the soft pulp of oranges, &c. కండపెట్టు kandapettu, To grow fat. కండకావరము kandakavaramu, Pride? from superior strength, or stoutness.

కండచక్కెర kandatsakkera, *. Sugarcandy.

కండనము kandanamu, s. Bran.

కండువా kanduva, 5. The cloth which the Hindoos usually wear over the upper part of the body, or occasionally tied round the waist.

కండువాదూలములు kanduvadulamulu, s. The cross beams, supporting at the bottom those which form a shelving roof,

కండువు, కండూతి kanduvu, kanduti, s. An itching. 2. The itch,

కండె kanrle, s. The ear or head of the grain termed mokka jonnalu. 2. A ball of thread.

కండ్రావి kandravi, &• . A melancholy event ; a tragical catastrophe, adj. Sad, melancholy, tragic.

కండ్లు kandlu, s. plu. The plural of the irregular noun. కన్ను kannu, the eye. Eyes. కండ్లకలక kandiakalaka, s. Ophthalmia. కండ్లకప్పుకొను kandlakappukonu, v. a. lit. To cover with the eyes. To receive or treat one with great kindness, or affection. కండ్లబడు kondlabadu,

v. n. To appear; to be discovered. కంత kanta, s. A hole, cleft, or opening. 2. A present given by the 

bridegroom to the bride, on the fourth night of the marriage-cere- mony. 3. A present bestowed on a daughter by her parents, daring the nuptial or other auspicious ceremonies.

కంతి kanti, s. A wen or excrescence.

కంతుడు kantudu, 5. The Hindoo Cupid, or god of love.

కంద kanda, s. A bulbous root of any kind. 2. The root termed Tacca pinnatifida.

కందము kandamu, s. vide కంద kanda.

కందర్పుడు kandarpudu, s, Kama, the Hindoo god of love; because he inflames even the first of gods.

కందళము kandalamu,s. A sort of quilt, placed under a bullock-saddle.

కందాయము kandayamu, s. A space of four months.

కంది kandi, s. A crop of the pulse termed Doll, or pigeon pea, Citys- us cajan.

కందిరీగ kandiriga, s. A bee-, because it stings.

కందు kandu, 5". An infant. 2. Sugar of a light colour, adj. Black. 2. Being red or inflamed. కందువెండి kanduvendi, Impure silver.

కందు kandu, v. n. To be scorched, or burnt, by the sun* or by fire. 2. To become red, or be inflamed, by a blow.

కందుకము kandukamu, s. A ball to play with.

కందుడు kandudu, s. Kumiraswami son of Siva, and the Mars of the Hindoos. 2. Iama, the god of love.

కందులు kandulu, s. The pulse produced by the crop termed కంది kandi, q. v.

కందువ kanduva, s. A hint or token. 2. Address, finesse, trick, artifice* adj. Specious, artful.

కందువు kanduvu, s. An iron-plate, used as a cooking utensil, for baking cakes, &c

కందెన kandena, s. Grease, or oil, used in greasing wheels.

కంద్రీగ kandriga, s. vide కందిరీగ kandiriga.

కంప kampa, si Dried brambles, thorns, or bushes. కంపకోట kampakota, A hedge of such brambles, round a fort, or city. కంపగోడ kampagoda, A hedge of dried brambles. కంపతొడుగు, కంపతొడువు kampatodugu, kampatocluvu, s. A large bundle of dried brambles, drawn by a pair of yoked bullocks. కంపము kampamu, s. A trembling, shaking, agitation, or tremor.

కంపించు kampintsu, v. n. To tremble, or shake ; to be agitated ; to have a tremulous motion.

కంపితము kampitamu, adj. Trembling, shaking. కంపనము kampanamu, s. A trembling, moving, or shaking; a tremulous motion, adj. Trembling, shaking. భూకంపము bhiikampamu, An earthquake.

కంపు kampu, s. A smell of any kind. 2. Fragrance. 3. A stink or bad smell. It is generally used in this last sense, adj. Stinking. |

కంపుగొట్టు kampugottu, v. n. To stink.

కంపుతుమ్మచెట్టు kamputummachettu, s. A fetid mimosa tree.

కంబము kambamu, s. A post, pillar, or column.

కంబళము kambalamu, s. A blanket ; termed by Europeans in India a cumbly. The Indian blankets are usually of a dark colour.

కంబళి kambali, s. vide కంబళము, రత్నకంబళి kambalamn. ratnakambali, lit. An ornamented blanket. A carpet.

కంబి kambi, s. Wire, 2. The lines, or border, at the ends of a Hin- doo's cloth.

కంబెచ్చు kambetstsu, s. A plate, with holes, used as an instrument for drawing wire.

కంబులు kambulu,s. The grain termed Holcus spicatus, and in Hindu- stani Bajra.

కంభము kambhamu, s. vide కంబము kambamu.

కంళ్లకలక kanllakalaka, s. vide కండ్లకలక kandlakalaka, Under కండ్లు kandlu.

కంళ్లు kanllu, s. vide కండ్లు kandlu.

కంసాలవాడు, కంసాలి kamsalavadu, kamsali, 5. A gold or silversmith; a worker in the precious metals.

కక్క kakka, $. A father.

కక్కర kakkara, s. The Numidian crane.

కక్కసము kakkasamu, s. Harshness. 2. Dunning a person for a debt due. కక్కసములాడు kakkasamular]u,To speak harshly. కక్కసపడు kakkasapadu, To be harsh. 2. To be very importunate for money due.

కక్కసించు kakkasintsu, v. a, To use harsh, or cruel expressions. 2. To Qun for debp.

కక్కు kakku, s. The teeth of a file, or saw ; the rough part of a millstone. 2. Vomiting. 3. The thing vomited, v. a, To vomit. కక్కుపెట్టు kakknpettu, To sharpen the teeth of a file &c. కక్కువేయు kakkuveyu, To cut or make rough, a mill-stone< by indenting it. కళ్లెపుకక్కులు kallepukakkulu, The bit of a bridle.

కక్కించు kakkintsu, v. Cans. To cause to vomit. 2. To make another re- gorge, or give back. కక్కుడు kak- kudu, Vomiting. కక్కు దెవులు kakku devulu, The vomiting disease. This is a name which the Hindoos give to £he vomiting produced in children by hiccough, and among grown up persons from bile, or other causes.

కక్కుఱితి, కక్కూఱితి kakkurriti, kakkurriti, s. Precipitance. 2. Impor- tunity. 3. Want, indigence. 4. Indolence.

కక్కెర kakkera,s.mZ£ కక్కర kakkara.

కగ్గము kaggamu, s. A sword ; a scymetar.

కచేరి kacheri, s. A cutchery, or public office, for the transaction of business. 2. The bride, or bridegroom, or both, sitting in state, with dancers amusing them.

కచ్చ kachcha, 5. The end of the lower garment, which, after the cloth is tied round the body, passes between the legs, and is tucked up behind, into the waist-band.

కచ్చడము katstsadamu, s. The act of moving the pieces, in the Hindoo game termed Sogataloo, in some degree resembling back-gammon. 2. A bullock cart. o. vide. కచ్చ katstsa-

కచ్చింపు kachchimpu, s. vide కచ్చడము katstsadamu, No.

కచ్చిక kachchika, s. A burnt cake of dried dung.

కచ్చు katstsu, v. a. To move the pieces, in the Hindoo game term- ed Sogataloo.

కచ్చులు katstsuln,^. plu. Splendour ; glittering. 2. Lies ; frivolous excuses.

కచ్చె kachche, s. A dispute, quarrel, noise, or disturbance.

కచ్ఛము kachchhamu, adj. Contiguous to water ; watery, s. The hem of a garment.

కజ్జాయము kajjayamu, s. A sweetcake, fried in ghee.

కటకటా katakata, inter j. Expressive of sorrow, or grief. Ala? ! alas ! కటకటంబడు katakatambadu, To grieve, or lament.

కటకటాకమ్ములు, కటకటాలు katakatakammtilu, katakataln, s. pi. Alow- railing, about two feet high, generally found in the verandas or halls of Mohammedans, and used as the back of a couch, of which the seat is the ground.

కటకము katakamu, s. The town or province of Cuttack. 2. A brace let.

కటా kata, interj. vide కటకటా katakata.

కటారి katari, s. A dagger, with a handle which runs up the arm, on each side, when it is seized by the hand.

కటాక్షము katakshamu, s. A glance or side look. 2. Favor, regard, compassion, kindness. 3. Protection. In Telugu it is used chiefly in its second meaning.

కటాక్షించు katakshintsu, v. a. To favor, or regard.

కటి kati, s. The hip or buttock. కటిసూత్రము katisiitramu, s. The small string tied round a Hindoo's waist, whence is suspended the bit of cloth which covers the privities.

కటిక katika, adj. Mere, quite, entire, total. 2- Cruel, horrid. కటికచీకటి katikack£kati,Total darkness. కటికమెకము katikamekamu, The rhino- ceros.

కటికవాడు katikavadu, s. An attendant or watchman over the apartments of the king's women. 2. A butcher.

కటికి katiki, s. vide కటిక katika.

కటుమర్లు katumarlu, s. pi. The cheek bones.

కటువు katuvu. s. A pungent taste. 2. Solidity, hardness, adj. Pungent. 2. Solid, hard.

కటువు katuvu, s. A bier.

కట్ట katta, s. A bundle. 2. A bank, or shore. 3. A dam, or embank- ment. కట్టగట్టు kattagattu, To tie a bundle ; to pack up. 2. To dam or embank. కట్టతెగగొట్టు kattategagrottu, To break an embankment. కట్టతెగు kattategu,An embankment or dam, to be broken. కట్టవేయు kattaveyu, To raise, or throw up, an embankment.

కట్ట, కట్టా katta, katta, interj. vide కటకటా katakata, s. A kuttah, or custom house, for the levy of duties.

కట్టకడ kattakada, adv. At the farthest point ; at the very end.

కట్టడ kattada, 5. An order, or command, 2. A law, rule, or ordinance ; a precept. 3. A custom. కట్టడచేయు kattadacheyu, To give an order. 2. To make an enactment ; to establish a law.

కట్టాణిగుండ్లు kattanigundlu, 5. A neeklace of small gold beads. కట్టడి kattadi, adj. C i"ueJ, hard-hearted, unfeeling. 2. Inflexible.

కట్టు kattu, 5. A tie, or bond. 2. A knot or bandage. 3. A rule, regulation; or law. 4. A system. 5. A plot. 6. Prohibition. 7. Prevention, or restraint. 8. A charm, or enchantment. 9. A ferrule, or any ornament, on a stick. 10. The water in which any sort of pulse is boiled.

కట్టు kattu, v. a. To tie, bind, or connect. 2. To affix, or attach. 3. To build, erect, or construct. 4. To be with young as applied to cattle only. 5. To charm? or fascinate. 6. To fly in an inauspicious manner.

కట్టుకొను kattukonu, ». Comp. To tie, or bind, round one's own body. 2. To do, or commit, an action. 3. To embrace. 4. To marry. 5. To conquer.

కట్టించు kattintsu, v. Cans. To cause to tie, or bind. 2. To cause to build.

కట్టడము kattadamu, s- An edifice, or building.

కట్టుబాటుచేయు kattubatucheyu, v. a. To lay down a system. 2. To establish a law. కట్టుకొంగు kattukongu, That part of a female Hindoo's garment, which she ties round her waist.

కట్టుబడి kattubadi, adj. lit. Having fallen into a bond- Tied, fixed, permanent, invariable. This is a revenue term, usually applied to lands on which a fixed, invariable, and favorable rent is assessed; and which have 1 commonly been granted,on that tenure, or to peons, liable to be called out occasionally for the service.

కట్టె katte, s. A stick, or staff. 2. A piece of wood. 3. Firewood.

కట్నము katnamu, s, A building, or edifice. 2. Presents given by relations to each other, during the celebration of a marriage, &c. 3. Presents formerly given by zemindars and others, to the governor of a province. 4. A reward; or recompense.

కట్లగుదియ katlagudiya, 5. A club, or cudgel, bound with iron rings, at intervals.

కట్లదండ katladanda, *' A necklace Of alternate gold and black beads, strung in four or five rows.

కట్లపురుగు katlapurugu, s. A dangerous snake striped with black.

కట్లీ katli: s. That species of litter, which is generally termed a Dooly.

కట్లతీగె katlatige, s. A plant. Cissampelos hexandra.

కట్లెలు katlelu, s. plu. Weights. This is generally applicable to those with which the precious metals are weighed. కఠారి kathari, s. vide కటారి katari.

కఠినము ka£hinamu, adj. Hard, firm, solid. 2. Difficult. 3. Severe, cruel, inflexible, rigid, un tractable.

కఠోరము kathoranru, adj. Hard, solid. 2. Difficult. 3. Frightful, horrible. 4. complete, full ; full grown.

కడ kada, s. Place. 2. Quarter or direction. 3. End, or extremity. 4. Side, or corner, adj. Last. Postpos. Near. When this word is affixed to the infinitive of verbs, it forms, with it, an abstract noun. ఇక్కడ ikkada, In this place, or here. ఆకడ, అక్కడ akada, akkada ; In that place, or there. నాకడ nakada, Near me. రాకడ rakada, Coming, పోకడ pokada, Going. కట్టకడ kattakada, At the very end. పెందలకడ pendalakada,Early,sooii, not too late. రేపకడ repakada, In the morning. వెలిగడ veligada, Dry ground ; soil not watered artificially, but by the rains. పరగడ pafagada, A field which is situated close to a village. చెట్టుకడ chettukada, The end, or top, of a tree.

కడంగు, కడగు kadangu, kadagu* v. u. To display courage, or evince intrepidity, in battle, & To strive, or endeavour,

కడంక kadanka, s. Bravery. 2. The display of courage in battle.

కడగండ్లు kadagandlu, s. ply. Calamities, evils, dangers, afflictions, miseries, persecutions.

కడప kadapa, s. The under timber of the door frame. 2. The thresh- old, or entrance. ఇకమీద నీకడపతొక్కను ikamida nikadapa tokkanu, lit. I shall not hereafter kick the under timber of thy doorframe. I shall never again enter your threshold. కడపదాటు kadapadatu, To cross the threshold ; to go out.

కడపట kadapata, adv. vide Under కడ kada.

కడమ kadama, s. The remainder, rest, or residue, adj. Remaining.

కడలి kadali, 5. The sea. కడలికూతురు kadalikuturu, Lakshami, the wife of Vishnu, and goddess of prosperity ; because she was produced from the churning of the ocean. కడలివెన్న kadalivenna, The moon; because it was also produced by the churning of the ocean.

కడవ kadava, s. A large earthen pot, in which water is generally carried.

కడాని kadani, s. Massy, or pure gold.

కడి kadi 5 s. A morsel ; a mouthfuL 2. A stool of cow-dtfng. కడితము kaditamu, s, A book made of folded cloth, covered with a black paste? on which accounts and memoranda are written, with a kind of soft stone, used chiefly by merchants. The writing may be effaced by a wet cloth; it resembles a slate, in this respect, as well as in the appearance of the white- writing.

కడిది kadidi, adj. Large, great, big.

కడిమి haclimi, s. Valour, bravery, gallantry.

కడియము kadiyamu, s. A. bracelet, or ancle-ring.

కడు kadu, adj. Much ; great. కడుకొను kadukonu, v. n. To be distinguished, or signalized in battle.

కడుగు kadugu, v. a. To wash, or lave. 2. To cleanse, s> The water in which rice has been washed. కడిగించు kadigintsu, v. Cans. To cause to wash, or cleanse. కడుక్కొను kadukkonu, p* Comp. To wash, or cleanse.

కడుపు kadnpu, s. The belly, or stomach. 2. Pregnancy. 3. The foetus. పరగడుపు paragadupu, This applies to the state of the stomach, before a person has broken his fast. An empty, or fasting stomach. కడుపుతోఉండు kaduputoundu, To be pregnant. కడుపుదించు kadupudintsu, To cause to miscarry; to cause an ajbortiom కడుపుదిగబడు kadupudigabadu, To miscarry, or have an abortion.

కడుముంత kadumunta, s. A small pot, or pitcher, with a large mouth.

కడువ kaduva, s. vide కడవ, కడువరాశి kadava, kaduvarasi, The sign of Aquarius.

కడువతీటు kaduvatitu, s. A small drum.

కడ్డాయము kaddayamu, s. Compulsion, force, violence, constraint.

కడ్డి kaddi, s. An ingot, or bar of metal.

కణక kanaka, s. vide కడంక kadanka, Under కడంగు kadansro.

కణగు kanagu, v. n. vide కడంగు kailangu.

కణజము kanadzamu, s. A barm or magazine? for grain.

కణత kanata, s* The temple of the head.

కణము kanamu, 5. A small particle, or atom.

కణితి kaniti, s. The animal which is usually called an elk.

కణుజు kanudzu, 5. An elk. 2. A hawk.

కణుదురు kanuduru, s. vide కంద్రీగ kandriga. కణుపు kanupu, s* A knot, knuckle, or joint.

కత kata, 5. wcZe కథ katba.

కతకు, కతుకు kataku, katuku, v. a. To lap with the tongue.

కతన katana, postpos. By, by means of. 2. Because. 3. On account o£

కతము katamu, s. Cause-

కత్తలాని kattalani, 5. A horse.

కత్తళము kattalamu, s. Armour, mail.

కత్తి katti, A sword or sabre. 2. A knife.. 3. A razor. కత్తిదూయు kattiduyuj To draw a sword. కత్తిఒఱkattiorra, A sword's scabbard, or sheath. బాణాకత్తి banakatti, A double-edged sword. మంగలకత్తి mangalakatti, A barber's knife, a razor. కత్తిపిడక kattipidaka, The case hung to the side of a toddy drawer, containing a knife, and other implements. కత్తిపీట kattipita, A large kitchen knife, fixed perpendicularly in a stool, against the edge of which vegetables, &c. are cut; కత్తులుతోమేవాడు kattulutomevadu, A knife-grinder,

కత్తువ kattuva, 5. A wooden, pointed", spade ; the lower part of which is not square, but' triangular, one of the angles forming the point. It is much used, in the Northern Circars, in digging large clods? when the earth is wet.

కత్తె katte, 5. In compos, only, used as an affix, to denote A female : as చెలికత్తె chelikatte, A female friend. The corresponding male affix is కాడు, గాడు kadu, gadu.

కాత్తెర, కత్తెరకోల kattera, katterakola, s. Scissors. కాత్తెరించు, కత్తిరించు katterintsu, kattirintsu, To shear, or cut with scissors. కత్తెరదొంగ kattera donga, A pick-pocket, who, in a crowd, or at a festival, secretly cuts off any ornament from the person of another, with scissors.

కత్తెరచుక్క, కత్తెరరిక్క katteratsukka, katterarikka, s. The third lunar mansion, corresponding with the Pleiades. కత్తెరరిక్క నెల katterarikkanela, The 8th Telugu lunar month ; that in which the moon's change takes place near the Pleiades, when the sun is in Scorpio, vide ఉగాది ugadi.

కత్తెరబావిలీలు katterabavililu, s. flu. An ornament, set with precious stones, worn by Plindoo females, near the top of the ear.

కథ katha, s. A story, tale, or fable. 2. A narrative, or relation. 3. A chronicle or history. కథికుడు kathikudu, A narrator of ancient tales. కద kada, particle, vide కదా kada

కదంబము kadambamn, s. A flock, or multitude. 2. An arrow. 3. A collection of perfumes. కదంబపొడి kadambapodi, A sort of perfumed powder.

కదకు, కదుకు kadaku, kaduka, v. a. vide కతకు kataku.

కదపా kadapa, s. 4 counter-agree-ment.

కదలు kadalu, v. n. To move, stir, or shake. కదలిక kadalika, s. Motion.

కదలించు, కదల్చు kadalintsu, kadaltsu, v. a. To move, stir, or shake; in an active sense.

కదా, కద kada, kada, particle. This is a corruption of the interroga- tive form of the negative particle. కాదు kadu, Not, and literally denotes Is it not so ?. It corresponds in use f witk the English words- Since, as, neither, indeed, even really, entirely &c. Added to infinitives it expresses the precative imperative ; and has many other variations of moaning, to be gathered from the context. వాడు యోగ్యుడుగదా వానితో స్నేహము చెయ్యవలెనుvadu yogyudugada vanito snehamu cheyyavalenu, As he is a worthy man, I must contract friendship with him. చూడగదయ్య tsudagadayya, Pray look, Sir. రూపాయిలేదుగదా ఒకకాసుగూడా లేదు rupayiledugada okakasugddaledu, I have neither a rupee, nor even a cash. వాడువ్రాస్తాడుగదా యేమిచెప్పనుvaduvrastadugada yemicheppanu, I am unable to express my admiration of his writing. కొంచెము సంబళగాడుగద-ఒక వరాహా యిచ్చినాడు konchemu sambalagadugada-oka varahayichchinadu,Even a person on a small salary, gave one pagoda. మీతో మాట్లాడుదామంటే సావకాశం లేదుగదవయ్య mito matladudamante-savakasamledugadavayya,Though I wish to speak with you, I have not leisure. నాకునీవుఇవ్వవలశినది పదివరాలుగదా అందులో ఇప్పుడు అయిదువరాలు పంపించు nakanivu ivvavalasinadi padivaralngada andulo ippuclu ayidu varalu pampintsu, You know that you must give me ten pagodas ; of these, send me five at present,

కదియు kadiyu, v. n. To touch, to be contiguous, to meet to join, to approach. 2. To be pressed or squeezed. 3. To copulate, v. a. To obtain. కదియించు kadiyintsu, To cause to touch, &c. కదిలించు kadilintsu, v. a. vide కదిలించు kadalintsu, Under. కదలు kadalu.

కదుపు kadupu, s. A herd of cattle, or flock of sheep.

కదుము kadumu, s. The coagulated blood, suffused under the skin, after a bruise, v. a. To push a way. 2. To extend.

కదురు kaduru, 5. A spindle. 2. An awl, or puncheon.

కదులు kadulu, v. n. vide కదలు kadalu.

కద్దు kaddu, The third person neuter, in the singular number, of the affirmative aorist of కలుగు kalugu, To be possessed ; to exist. It is, there is. In reply to questions respecting existence, this word represents the general English affirmative yes, as opposed to లేదు

ledu, p. v. ; thus, కద్దా, లేదా kadda, leda. Is it, or not ? With the

dative case, కద్దు kaddu, Expresses possession, as నాకుకద్దు nakukaddu, I have.

కనకనలాడు kanakanaladu, v. n* Live coals, to burn red-hot.

కనబడు kanabadu, v. n. vide కనుపడు kanupadu, Under. కను kanu.

కనమ kanama, s. A defile, or pass, between two mountains,

కనరు kanaru, s. An acrid, bitter, or disagreeable taste.

కనలు kanalu, v: n. To be angry, s Anger.

కనికరము kanikaramu, s. Pity, compassion.

కను kanu, v. a. To see or look ; to regard ; to perceive ; to observe. 2. To meet. 3. To bring forth ; To bear young. 4. To beget. 5. To produce, as applied to fruit trees, or crops. 6. To yield a revenue, or profit.

కను kanu, s. The eye. కను, కనపడు kanu, kana-padn, To appear ; to seem. It is used impersonally, with the dative case.

కను, కనపఱుచు kanu, kanaparrutsu, v. a. To shew, or point oat.

కను, కనిపించు kanu, kanipintsa, v. Coals. To shew, or point out. 2. To deliver a female, or animal, in laboar. This verb is also used impersonally, with the dative case ; and then denotes. To seem ; To appear. 2. To be sensible of pain, to feel. 3. To be afflicted' with, or labouring under, any disease ; as వానికి తలనొప్పికనిపించినది variiki talanoppi kanipinchinadi, He has a head-ache. ఒకరికి అమ్మవారు కనిపించుokariki ammavaru kanipintsu, Any one to have the small pox. కనికొను kanikonu, Yulgarly written. కనుక్కొను kanukkonu, v. comp. To see, to look, to regard, to perceive, to observe. 2. To bring forth young. 3. To find out, detect, or discover. కనుగొను kanugoiiu, To see, look, or perceive. కనిపెట్టు kanipettu, To watch, or take care of. 2. To expect, or look out for. 3. To find out, to discover. 4. To divine. కనుకొలికి kanukoliki, The corner of the eye.

కనుగీటు kanugitu, v. a. To wink, or make signs with the eyes. కనుబొమ, కనుబొమ్మ kanuboma, kanubomnia, The eye brow.

కనుబ్రాము kanubramu, v. a. To conceal; to put out of sight.

కనుమొఱగు kanumorragu, v. n. To disappear, to vanish. కనుఱెప్ప kanurreppa, The eye-lid.

కనువిచ్చు kanuvitstsu, v. n. To awake.

కనువెచ్చ kanuvetstsa, s. lit. eye- warmth. Gentle heat, or warmth.

కనుపుగొట్టు kanupugottu, v. a. To cut into pieces.

కనుమ kanuma, s. A gap. 2. A pass through hills.

కనుము kanumu, s. The day after the Pongal feast, or after any eclipse^

కన్న kanna, adv. Than. This word, and కంటె kante, which is syiioni- mons with it, are the common adverbs of comparison, It is very generally believed that the former is the relative past participle, and the latter the subjunctive, of the verb. కను kanu, to see &c. When. కన్న kanna, is used as the past relative participle of కను kanu, q. v. it may occasionally be translated own ; thus. కన్నతల్లి kannatalli, One 7 s own mother, lit. the mother who bore. కన్నబిడ్డ kannabidda, One's own child, lit. The child born. కన్నతండ్రి kannatandri, One s own father, lit. The father who begot.

కన్నడ kannada, s. Contempt, disre- gard. 2. Indifference ; negligence.

కన్నడము kannadamu, 5. The language of Carnataca, improperly termed the Ganarese. కన్నడ kannada, adj. Of or belonging to the country of Carnataca. కన్నడీ kannadi, s. An inhabitant of the Carnataca country.

కన్నము kannamu, s. A hole. 2. A hole made by thieves in a wall. This is the manner in which burglary is usually committed in India, కన్నగాడు, కన్నడీడు kannagadu, kannadidu, A thief as above defined. A person who has committed burglary. కన్నపుకత్తి, కన్నపుకోల kannapukatti, kannapukola, The instrument with which a thief commits burglary, as above defined కన్నమువేయు, కన్నముపెట్టు kannamuveyu, kannamupettu, To commit burglary, as above explained.

కన్నాకు kannaku, s. A noble, or excellent, person.

కన్నియ kanniya, s. vide కన్య kanya.

కన్ను kannu, s. Irregular, making in the inflex. Sing. కంటి kanti, And in the nom. nlu. కండ్లు kandlu, The eye. 52. The joint or knot in a cane, or in the stalk of a reed, or plant. 3. The mesh of a net. 4. A vital part, vide కను kanu, When- ce this word is derived. కన్నీఱు kannirru,A tear. కన్నుదోయి kannudoyi, A couple of eyes.

కన్నె kanne, s. vide కన్య-కన్నెఱికము kanya-kannerrikamu, s. Virginity. 2. The act of first cohabiting with a female.

కన్య kanya, .5. A girl of eight years of age. 2. A virgin. 3. The sign Virgo in the zodiac

కన్యక kanyaka, s. A little girl. 2. A maiden, or virgin.

కపటము kapatamu, s. Dissimulation, artful concealment of one's intentions. 2. Cunning, artifice. 3. A feint, or trick. 4. Deceit, cheating. కపటి, కపటస్థుడు kapati, kapatasthudu, A cunning person ; a cheat.

కపిలె kapile,s. This is the name given to an engine, of very simple construction, used for drawing up water from wells. A large 'pulley, supported by strong pieces of wood, is raised on the highest side of the well ; and, by means of it, the water is drawn up in a lea- thern bucket, by two yoked bullocks, which pulldown an artificial descent, formed for the purpose.

కపురము kapuramu, s. Camphor.

కప్ప kappa s. A frog.

కప్పచిప్పలు kappachippalu, a- A bi- valve shell.

కప్పము kappamu, s. Tribute. కప్పముకట్టు kappamu kattn, To give or pay (lit. To tie) tribute.

కప్పరము kapparamu, s. A variegated colour.

కప్పు kappu, v, a. To cover, v. n. To. spread, or extend. 2. To collect or settle in a thick covering, as the clouds before heavy rain, or smoke over a large city. కప్పు kappu. s. A covering. 2. Thatch. 3. Black colour. 4. The black composition, with which the Hindoos rub their teeth, and which covers the interstices between them. adj. Black. కప్పి, కప్పుకొను kappi, kappukonu, v. Comp. To envelope one's- self; to cover one's- self. 2. To spread, extend, or collect, as above explained. కప్పతాళము kappatalamu, A pad lock.

కప్పురము kappuramu, s. vide కపురము kapnramu.

కప్పెర kappera, s. An earthen vessel, used as a plate for victuals, at the meals of the lower classes of Hindoos. The superior classes in- variably use metal vessels. 2. A pot used in begging alms.

కప్రము kapramu, s. vide కపురము kapuramu.

కబళము kabaiamu, s. A mouthful, a morsel .2. Physic- ball for horses. కబళించు kabalintsu, v. a. To' swallow, to devour, to gulp.

కబాడము kabadamu, s. A bullock-load of grass, or straw. 2. Forage.

కబురు kaburu, 5. News, intelligence. 2. Eeport. 3. A message.

కబ్బము kabbamu, s. Poetry.

కబ్బిలివాడు kabbilivadu, 5-. A toddy- drawer.

కమండలము, కమండలుపు kamandalamu, kamandalupu, s. The waterpot of an ascetic, or hermit.

కమతము kamatamu, s. The cultivation which the owner carries on with his own farming stock, by means of another. 2. The land of which the zemindar, jaghiredar, shotriumdar, inamdar, &c. himself retains the farm in his own hands, or causes to be cultivated with his own farming stock, in contradistinction to the land rented out by him to others. కమతగాడుkamatagadu, s. The person employed to cultivate, with the farming stock of the owner.

కమరు kamaru, v. n. To be singed, or burnt, as applied to hair or leather, and to the body if burnt black, s. The/ act of burning as above.

కమలము kamalamu, s. The lotus, or Nymphcea nelumbo. 2. Water. 3. An antelope.

కమలాపండు kamalapandu, 5. A small sweet orange, usually in India, termed the hill orange.. కమలు kamalu, ?;.?z.To fade, or wither. 2. To be scorched by the sun. 3. To be burned hy fire, without coming in immediate contact with it.

కమసాలెవాడు kamasalevadu, s. vide కంసాలవాడు kamsalavadu.

కమికిలి kamikili, s. The hand, held with the fingers bent, and separated. This word is much used with the affix. ఎడు edu, And is chiefly affixed to words denoting food, to express a handful ; as కమికెడుఅన్నము kamikeduannamu, A handful of boiled rice.

కముచు kamutsu,*?. a. To swallow, to devour.

కమురు kamurti, v. n. vide కమరు kamaru.

కమ్మ kamma, s. A branch or bough of any tree of the palm species. 2. A letter of correspondence, written upon thft palm leaf. 3. A kind of ear-ring worn by Hindoo women, adj. Delicious, pleasant. కమ్మదనము, కమ్మన kammadanamti, kammana, A delicious odour or taste.

కమ్మగా kammaga, adv. Well, in good order.

కమ్మరవాడు, కమ్మరి kammaravadn, kammari,s.An iron or black-smith, కమ్మరత, కమ్మరిది kammarata, kammaradi, A female of that caste. This is one of the five castes of artificers, vide కంసాలవాడు, బైటికమ్మరవాండ్లు kamsalavadu, baitikammaravandlu, Itinerant blacksmiths.

కమ్మవారు kammavaru, s. phi. The kammavars, a numerous caste of Telugu Sudras, usually employed in agriculture.

కమ్మరికము kammarikama,5.The caste itself in the abstract.

కమ్మి kammi, 5. Wire. 2. A bar. 3. The line or border at the ends of a Hindoo's cloth, vide కంబి, ఇనపకమ్మి kambi, inapakammi, An iron bar. కడపకమ్మి kadapakammi, The threshold. ముక్కుకమ్మి, ముక్కమ్మి mukkukammi,mnkkammi, A gold or ornamented ring, worn by women, and suspended from the side of the nose, which is perforated for this purpose. కమ్మిసాగదీయు kammi sagadiyu, To draw wire. కమ్మిచీర kammichfra, A woman's cloth, with a stripe on it's border. కమ్మిదీయు kammicliyu, To draw wire. 2. To flee away. కమ్ము kammu kammu, v. a. To cover. 2. To spread, or extend. 3. To overspread. 4. To surround. గొంతుకమ్ము gontukammu, To become hoarse.

కమ్ముదల kammudala, s. Covering. 2. Concealing. 3. An escort. 4. Aid. మబ్బుకమ్మిన mabbukamminad1/Ehe cloud overspread. వానికిమైకముగమ్మినది vanikimaik amugamminadi , He is completely intoxicated. సేనలుకమ్మినవి senalukamminavi,The troops surrounded.

కమ్మేరాకు kammeraku, s. A kind of beetle leaf, darker and stronger than the common one.

కయి kayi, s. The hand.

కయి kayi, s. A poet. కయిత, కయితము kayita, kayitamu, Poetry. కయీసరుడు kayisarudu, A poet.

కయిపు kayiphu, & Drunkenness.

కయ్య kayya, 5. A brook, or running stream. 2. A paddy field.

కయ్యము kayyamu, s. Battle, combat. 2. A quarrel or dispute. 3. War.

కర kara, s. A hedge. 2. An embankment, vide కఱ karra.

కరకర karakara, 5. Sharpness. 2. The noise made in chewing, or by the iron style in writing on the palmyra leaf.

కరకరి k^irakari, s. Confusion. 2. Mixture.

కరకసా karakas£, s. A dispute regarding boundaries.

కరక్కాయ karakkaya, s. The fruit of the కరకచెట్టు karakachettu, g. v* There are some curious phrases in which this word is. used, viz. నోటకరక్కాయబడు notakarakkayabadu, lit. This fruit to fall in the mouth. To be prevented. నోటకరక్కాయ-గొట్టు, వేయు notakarakkaya-gottu, vey'u, lit. To force this fruit into the mouth. To prevent.

కరగసము karagasamu, s. A saw.

కరగు karagu, v. a. or n. To melt, dissolve, or waste.This verb, like the English verb to melt, is used either in an active, or neuter sense. మనసుగరగు manasugaragu, To feel compassion. ఆస్తికరగు astifearagtr, An estate to be wasted.

కరచు karatsu, v. a. To melt.

కరగించు karagintsu, v. Cans. To cause to melt, &c.

కరడము, కరడు karadamu, karadu, s. A wave.

కరణము karanamu, s. An organ of sense. 2. Cause. 3. An instrument or means of action. 4. A curnum or village accountant. In Telinga,na, these are generally Brahmans; in the Tam]l country, Sudras of the Pilly tribe. కరణీకము karanikamu, The'office of a village accountant.

కరణి kararii, s. Manner, way, mode. 2. Similarit} 7 , likeness.

కరము karamu, s. The hand. 2. A ray. 3. A tax.

కరము karamu^ adj» Much, great.

కరవాయి karavayi s. An instrument used by gold-smiths.

కరవాలము, కరవాలు karavalamu, karavalu, 5. A scymitar, or sabre, thirty inches long.

కరారు kararu, s. Agreement, engagement.

కరారుచేయు kararu cheyu, v. a, To engage, to agree.

కరారుపడు kararupadu, v> n. To be agreed.

కరారునామా kararunarna, 5. A written agreement, ©r engagement.

కరి kari, s. The pudendum of any female, either of the human or brute species. 2. A sharp weapon.

కరిణి karini, s. A female elephant.

కరిణెవాండ్లు karinevandlu, s. plu. A particular caste of weaver?,

కరిది karidi, s. The bridge of the Yina> a t.brt of Hindoo guitar.

కరిశెము karisemu, s. Agriculture cultivation.

కరుకు karuku, s. Medicinal drugsburnt to ashes, which the Hindoos use with a mixture of water, during sickness.

కరుగు karugu, s. Melted gold, &c 2. The vessel in which gold is melted. 3. Liquified or clarified butter, &c. vide కరగు karagu.

కరుడు karudu, .?. A lump of boile^i rice, or of turf. 2. A wave. 3. A daily account. This term is also applied to what we term the sur£ which is distinguished by the name of పెంటికరుడు pentikarudu, Or the female surf, and the పోతుకరుడు potukaruclu, Or the male surf. The former denotes the inner or inferior surf, the latter the out ward or larger one.

కరుణ karuna, s. Compassion, mercy, clemency, pity, tenderness. 2. Pardon. 3. Favor.

కరుణించు, కరుణజేయు karunintsu, karunajeyu, v. a. To have compassion, &c. 2. To favor,

కరుబూజాదోసతీగె karubudzadosatfge, 5. The creeping plant of the melon.

కరోడా karoda, s. An officer employed to superintend a Tanadar, <fcc. కర్జకాయలు karjakayalu, 5. pi A sort of sweet meat.

కర్జము karnamu, s. The ear.

కర్ణధారుడు karnadharudu, s. A pilot.

కర్ణ పత్రములు, కర్ణపూరములు karnapatramulu. karnapuramum, s. An ear- ornament worn by Hindoo women.

కర్ణిక karnika, 5. A trinket for the ear. 2. A roll of palm leaf, thrust through the lobe of the ear.

కర్త karta, s. An agent, doer, or maker. 2. A lord or master. 3. An owner. 4. An author. 5. An heir. 6. In grammar, the agent of the action denoted by the verb.

కర్పూరము karpuramu, s. Camphor. రసకర్పూరము rasa! Karpuramu, s. Calomel.

కర్మము karmamu, s. An act or action. 2. A lot or destiny. 3. Moral duty; the religious obligations, or ceremonies, imposed by peculiarities of tribe or occupation. 4. Funeral rites. 5. In grammar, the subject, cr object of the action denoted by the verb. కర్మాంతరము karmantaramil, s. Funeral rites.

కఱ karra, s. A stain ; dirt ; blackness, adj. Black.

కఱకంఠము karrakaiithamu, s. A sparrow.

కఱకంఠుడు karrakanthudu,s. The god Siva, because his neck is black.

కఱకఱి karrakarri, s. Force.

కఱకు karraku, s. Roughness, in-equality, sharpness ; as of the file, or teeth of a saw, or of any rough surface, adj. Sharp, rough, hassh.

కఱకెక్కు karrakekku, v. n. To be sharp.

కఱకుట్టు karrakuttu, s. Boasted meat; because it is fixed on a spit, or staff.

కఱచు karratsu,0. a. To bite, to gnaw. 2. To learn, study, or acquire, any art, science, or business.

కఱపు karrapu, v. a. To teach, to instruct.

కఱపించు karrapintsu, v. Cans. To cause to bite, or gnaw. 2. To cause to teach.

కఱతలు karratalu, s. phi. Childish desires.

కఱద karrada, s. Wickedness.

కఱదూపము karradupamu, s. A cobweb.

కఱవు karravu, s. A famine ; scarcity, deficiency.

కఱి karri, s. Blackness, adj. Black.

కఱివేల్పు karnvelpu, 5. The god Vishnu, in his incarnation as Krishna.

కఱివేపచెట్టు, కఱివేము karrivepachettu, karrivemu, s. The Berjera kcenigii, of which the leaves are used to give a flavour to certain dishes, and are deemed tonic.

కఱుకు karruku, s. vide కఱకు karraku,

కఱ్ఱ karra, 5. A staff, or walking stick. % The stalk of grain- 3. A stain.

కఱ్ఱి karri, ,9. One of the names of Arjuna the third son of Pandu.

కఱ్ఱు karru, s. A plough-share. This noun makes in the sing. Inflex. కఱ్తి-కఱ్తినేల karrti-karrtinela, Such a quantity of ground as may be cultivated by one plough. కఱ్తిమొన karrtimona, The point of the plough-share.

కఱ్తిమొలలు karrtimolalu, 5. plu. The iron cramps which fasten the plough-share to the wooden part of the plough.

కల kala, 6. A dream. This word is also the irregular relative participle of కలుగు kalwgu, And may then be translated possessing. Added to substantives, it becomes గల gala, by the rules for the permutation of letters, and converts the substantive into an adjective.

కలగను kalaganu, v. h. To dream* '

కలంకారీ kalankari, 5. Chintz-painting,

కలంచు kalantsu, v. a. vide కలచు kalat'm, Under కలగు kalagu,

కలందాను kalandanu, s. An inkstand.

కలకండ, కలకండా kalakanda, kalakanda, s. Sugar-kandy.

కలకల kalakala, s. The warbling of birds. కలకలనవ్వు kalakalanavvu, To laugh heartily, or loudly.

కలకలము kalakalamu, a. A confused sound? as the buzz of a crowd, &c.

కలకాలము kalakalamu, adv. Permanently, constantly.

కలగు kalagu, v. n. To be in agita- tion, confusion, disorder, disquiet, or trouble. 2. To be turbid, as water. 3. To be embarrassed or disconcerted.

కలచు kalatsu, v. a. To put in agitation, &c. 2. To make turbid. 3. To embarrass, &c. కలకనీరు kalakaniru, Turbid water. కలకపాఱు kalakap&rru, To be turbid, troubled; or confused. కలగద్రొక్కుకొను kala gadrokkukonu, To retire, in alarm or confusion. కలగుండు kalagundu, The turbidness of water.

కలత kalata, 5. The turbidness of water. 2. Perplexity, confusion. 3. A quarrel or dispute. 4. A false fabricated story.

కలగూర kalagura, s. Greens of four or five sorts, mixed and cooked together. కలడు kaladu, The irregular third person singular, in the masculine gender, of the affirmative aorist of కలుగు kalugu, q. v. There is, was or will be.

కలదు kaladu, jpartf. vide కద్దు kaddu,

కలను kalanu, s. Battle; war; combat.

కలప kalapa, s. The materials for a house. 2. The materials for a plough. కలపకట్టె kalapakatte, ft. A reed-pen.

కలమ kalama, s. A gap.

కలము kalamu, s. A ship. 2. A reed-pen,

కలయంపి kalayampi, s. Water which is sprinkled on the ground, after it has been swept.

కలవ kalava, 5. The water-lily.

కలవంటకములు kalavantakamulu, *. plu. Boiled rice which is separately mixed with four different ingredients, and thus forms four distinct dishes. These ingredients are. Tamarind juice. 2. Curds. 3. The flour of G-ingili or Sesamum seeds. A. That of the seeds of the Phase olus mango-

కలవరము kalavaranm, s. Fixed refi&xi- on, or thought.

కలవరించు kalavarintsii; v. a. To fpc&k jn one's sleep,

కలవరింత kalavarinta, s. Speaking in one's sleep.

కలశము kalasamu, s. A water-pot.

కలహము kalakamu, S; Disturbance, trouble, % A quarrel or dispute. 3. A tumult, revolt, or insurrection. 4. War, combat, battle.

కలహంతరిత kalahantarita, s. An angry ..wife, a scold.

కలాచి kalacM, $, A spitting-pot-

కలాపి kalapi, s. The peacock..

కలాలీ kalili, atij* Of or belonging to arrack. This is a revenue term, sometimes used as a substantive, to denote the arrack- farm itsel£

కలి kali, *• The fourth age of the world, according to the Hindoo's; the Iron age, or that of vice ; the commencement of the kali-yug or age is placed about 3, 000 Years anterior to the Christian gsra ; the number of it's years are 432,000, At the expiration of -which the world is to be destroyed, and again renewed

కలి kali, «s. The water in which riee has been washed, kept until it ferments.

కలిక kalika, & An unblown flower ; a bud.

కలికము kalikamu, s. An eye-salve. కలికి kaliki, s, A woman, adj. Beautiful, agreeable.

కలిమి kalimi, s. Wealth, riches, possession. 2. Existence. కలుమితొయ్యలి kalumitoyyali, The goddes of riches. కలిమిదండుగ kalimidanduga, s. An unjust tax, exacted from the rich inhabitants.

కలియు kaliyu, v. n. To mix or mingle. 2. To be joined, united, or connected. 3. To be included in. 4. To be on terms of intimate familiarity. 5. To be in the act of copulation, v. a- To join, unite, connect, or ally one's- self, with another. 2. To meet. 3. To overtake. 4. To copulate.

కలియిక kaliyika, s. The act of joining, &c. కలియగూడు kaliyagudu, To add up figures. సభకలిసినది sabhakalisinadi, The assembly is dissolved, or broken up.

కలుసుకొను kalnsukonu, v. Comp. To meet- 2. To associate with. 3. To overtake.

కలుగు kalugu, s. A hole.

కలుగు kalagu, This is an irregular verb, of very extensive use in Telugu. As a neuter verb, it denotes. To be> or exist. 2. To be born, 3. To happen. Used impersonally with the dative case, it denotes. To have, to possess.

కలుపు kalupu, v. Caus. of కలియు kaliyu, q. v. To mix or mingle, in an active sense- 2, To join, unite, &c. 3. To include. 4. To form an in- timac} r .

కలుపు kalupu, s. Mixing. 2. Weeds. 3. Curds.

కలుపుకోలుతనము kalupukolutanamu, s. Intimacy, friendship,

కలువ kaluva, s. vide కలవ kalava.

కలువల ఱేడు kaluvalarredu, 5. The moon, who is termed the ruler of the water-lily, which his beams are supposed to expand.

కలువరించు kaluvarintsu, v. n. vide కలరించు kalayarintsu.

కలుషము kalushamu, s. Sin. adj. Turbid, foul, muddy.

కల్కము kalkamu, s. Sin. 2. Fraud. 3. Dirt, sediment, ordure. 4. The Hindoos in febrile and bilious affectionSjSometimes starve them- selves for many days, and then take a decoction of drugs to which they give this name, after which they no longer refrain from food.

కల్కి kalki, s. A woman, vide కలికి kaliki.

కల్పన kalpana, s. Fabrication, invention. 2- Fiction.

కల్పనచేయు, కల్పించు kalpanacheyu, kalpintsu, v. a. To fabricate, in- vent, or contrive. 2> To produce, form, or atiake. 3. To institute, or establish. 4. To restore to life.

కల్పము kalpamu, s. A day and night of Bramha, a period of 432,000,000 years of mortals? measuring the duration of the world, adj, In compos. Like, but with a degree of inferiority. కల్పక్షయము kalpak- shayamu, The destruction of the world.

కల్మషము kalmaskamu, s. Sin. 2. Un- cleanliness. 3. The matter of a sore.

కల్యాణము kalyanamu, 5. Good fortune, happiness, prosperity. 2. Marriage. 3. The name of a city.

కల్ల kalla, s. Untruth, falsehood, a lie. కల్లరి kalla ri, A liar. కల్లరికత్తె kallarikatte, A woman who tells lies. కల్లరీడు kallaridu. A man who tells lies.

కల్లు kallu, s. Toddy, the liquor extracted from the cocoanut, palmyra, or date tree. 2. A stone. 3. A wheel. When it is used in either of the two last senses, it makes the innex. Sing. కంటి kanti, And the nom. plu. కండ్లు, కల్లుపెంట kandlu, kallupenta, A toddy-shop. కల్లువెల్లి kalluvelli, One of the seven seas, viz. That of toddy.

కల్లోలము kallolamu, s. A surge ; a billow.

కల్వ kalwa, s. vde కలవ kalava.

కల్వము kalwamu, s. A small grinding stone, or mortar, used chiefly for drugs.

కళ kala, s. Splendour, brightness, eclat. 2. A part, or division. 3. The sixteenth part of the moon'"s diameter. 4. The phases of the moon. 5. A mechanical art. 6. Literature. 7. In Telugu grammar, a particular class of words. ముఖకళ mukhakala, Sweet features ; a fine air. కళానిధి kalanidhi, j he moon.

కళంకము kalankamu, s. A spot, stain, or blemish. 2. Rust. 3. Defamation. 4. Suspicion.

కళత్రము kalatranm, s. A wife.

కళపెళ kalapela, s. The sound of boiling.

కళాచిక kalachika, s. A box, with a lid or cover.

కళేబరము kalebararnu, s. The body. 2. A corpse.

కళ్యాణము kalyanamu, 5. tide కల్యాణము kalyanamu.

కళ్లము, కళ్లాము kallamu, kallamu, 5. The spot of ground in the open fields, in which cattle tread the grain out of the ear ; the thrashing floor. కళ్లియము kalliyamu, s. vide కలీయము kaliyamu.

కళ్లె kalle. s. Thick phlegm.

కళ్లెము kallemu, s. A bridle ; #£cfe కళ్లియము kaUiyamii.

కవ kava, *• A couple, or pair. కవలవారు, కవలు kavalavara, kavalu, Twins.

కవచము kavachamu,s. Armour^ mail, మంత్రకవచము mantra kavaehainu, Ad amulet, or charm worn on the person.

కవనము kavanamu, s. Poetry. ఆశు-కవనము, కవిత్వము asu-kavananui, kavitwanan, An extemporary poem or verse. చిత్రకవనము chitrakavanamu, A poem written, and to be read, according to some fantastic shape ; as that of a snake, chessboard, &c.

కవాటము kavafamo, ,9. A door.

కవి kavi, 5. A poet, 2. A bird. 3. The planet Yenus.

కవిత, కవిత్వము kavita, kavitw&mu, $♦ A poem, poetry.

కవియు kaviyu, v, n. To excite, to attack. 2. To 'let loose to battle. 3. To throw one's-self on the enemy.

కవిరియుండలు kaviriyundalu, .*. pltu Small balls made of the sediment arising from the boiling of beetlenut, which, being dried, are used with the beetle-nut when chewed.

కవిలె kavile, s. An account book of the palm or cadjan leaf, such as those used by the Cuprums, or village accountants, in the Northern Circars, and the Tamil country,

కవురు kavuru, s. A light" shade of any colour-

కవులు kavulu, s/A special agreement, promise, or convention. 2. A favorable condition, stipulation, or assurance. 3. A capitulation. 4.Quarter in battle. కవులిచ్చు kavulitsiso, To. give kavulu, is usually applied to the safe guard, or favorable assurance, given to an ab sconding person, that he may appear free from all apprehension of danger • thus, a rebel sometimes comes in on kavulu. To give lands on cowl, means to grant them on special agreement. In the districts of Beliari and Cuddapah, this expression is applied to waste, granted on favorable terms for a certain number of years, and afterwards subjected to full rent. కవ్వడి kavvadi, s. A name of Arjuna, కవ్వడిచెలి kawadiclieli, Krishna, because he was the friend of Arjuna.

కవ్వము kavvamu, 5. Achurniiig-stick. కవ్వపుమల kavvapnmala,The moan- tain Mandara ; because the Suras andAsuras used it as a cliurning- stick, in charging the ocean, in order to recover the sacred things lost at the deluge.

కశి, కసి kasi, kasi, s. Wrath, anger, rage, fury. కసిమసంగు kasimasangu, v- a. To destroy.

కశ్మలము kasmalamu, s. Fainting. 2. A village inhabited by the ఎఱుకలవాండ్లు errukalavandlu, q. v.

కషాయము kashayamu, 5. Astringent taste. 2. A decoction, fhfusioii, or extract. కషాయము కాచు kashayamukatsn, To decoct, or infuse. కషాయము కాగు kashayarnukagU To be decocted, or infused.

కష్టము kaslitamu, s. Bodily pain, or suffering. 2. Labour, fatigue. 3. Hardship, difficulty. 4. Trouble, affliction, calamity, vexation, sorrow. 5. Danger, adj. Painful. 2. Laborious.. 3. Hard, difficult. 4. Afflicting, vexations, 5. Dangerons.

కసటు kasatu, s. Impurity, or dirt, in any liquid, 2. The dark spots in the moon's disk.

కసరు kasaru, s. Anger, rage. % A storm. 3. Profit or loss on the ex- change of coins. 4. Bad humours of the body.

కసరు kasaru, v. a. To revile, or abuse.

కసవు kasavu, s. Grass. 2. Straw. 3. Sweepings, rubbish.

కసాయీ kasayi, s. A butcher.

కసు kasn, part. Used in compos. Only, Small, little. కసుగందు kasugandu, To fade a little. కసుగాయ kasugaya, A young or unripe fruit.

కసుబా kasuba, s. The chief city, or head station of a talook.

కసురు kasaru, s. ride కసరు kasaru.

కసెము kasemn, s. An infusion, from a mixture of iron, toddy, and chebulic myrobolan, Terminally cliebula.

కస్తి kasti, s. vide కష్టము kashtamu.

కస్తూరి kasturi, s. Musk. కస్తూరిపిల్లి kastiiripilli, A civet cat. కస్తూరిపసుపు kasturipasupu, A sort of scented turmerick.

కక్షి kakshi, s. One party as opposed to another. 2. Objection or reply in aroTimi'ivu