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Telugu-English Dictionary/కి

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కి ki ; posipos. To, one of the signs of the dative case, added to inflexions in ి e, ీ i, or ై ai.

కింకరుడు kinkarudu, s. A male servant, or slave. కింకరి kinkari, A female servant, or slave.

కించిత్తు kinchittti, adv. A very htm the smallest possible quantity.

కింద kinda, a dv. Below, under, dowra కిందామీదా kinclamida, Topsy inr-vy. కిందట kindata; Formerly. ఒకనిచేతికింద okanichetikinda, Under one's power. కిందిచూపు kinditsirpu, A down-cast look. కిందటి kiudati, adj. Former.

కికురించు kiknrintsu, v a. To caress* 2. To cajole, to deceive.

కిక్కిఱియు kikkirriyu, v. n. To be in close order, to be pressed^ or squeezed together.

కిచకిచ kitsakitsa, 5. The chirping of birds, rats, <fec.

కిచిడీ kichidf, s. RiceVaiid split pulse, mixed and dressed with clarified batter, &c.

కిటికీ kitiki, s, A window.

కిటుకు kituku, s. Ah artifice, or trick: 2,. A secret.

కిట్టు kittu, v. To approach. 2. To be crowded, squeezed, or shut to- gether. 3. To agree. కిట్టికోల Inttikola, The hand-torture, composed of two pieces of wood, tied at Ohe> end ; one is passed over, and the other under the hand, and then the two open ends arc squeezed together. It was formerly applied to Kyots who refused to pay their assessment.

కితాబు kitabu, s. A title.

కిత్తనారబట్ట kittanarabatta,s. CanvaSs- cloth.

కిత్తళిచెట్టు kittalichettu, s. The orange tree.

కినియు kiniyu, t>. rc. To be angry, or irritated. 2. To demand with importunity, to dun. 3. T© approach, కినుక, కిన్క kinuka,kinka,s. Anger. wrath, rage.

కిన్నెర kinnera, s. A sort of small fiddle? or shrill violin, used by the mussulmans.

కిఫాయతు kiphayatu, s. Benefit, profit, advantage.

కిమ్మతు kimmatu, s. Price, value.

కిరణము kiranamu, *. A ray.

కిరస్తాను kirast&nu, adj. Christian.

కిరాతకదేశము kiratakadee'amn, s. The name of a barbarian country, One of the fifty-six enumerated by the Hindoos.

కిరాతుడు kiratuoiu, s. Any individual of the race of savages, found in the hills in India, .who wear the feathers of the peacock as an ornament in their heads.

కిరాయి kirayi? .v. Rent, hire, fare.

కిరీటము kiritamu, s. A diadem, or crown.

కిఱకిఱ kirrakirra, s. The noise produced by the rattling of a wheeled carriage, or by creeking shoes.

కిఱుపు kirrupu, v. n. To wink.

కిఱుమెట్లు kirrumethv*. pL A sort of sandals, which are made so as to produce a creeking noise, in walking.

కిఱ్ఱలు kirralu, s. pi. The turning of a wheel, &c»

కిఱ్ఱు kirru, s. vide కిఱకిఱ kirrakirra.

కిలకిల kilakila, s. The sound of loud laughter.

కిల్బిషము kilbishamn, s, Sin, crime.

కిసరు kisaru, s. A disease, believed to arise in children, from the touch of a menstruous female, or of a woman impure after child-birth.

కిసుమీసు kisumisu, s. The raisin, or dried grape.

కిస్తీ kisti, s. An instalment. కిస్తిబందీ kistibandi, The settlement of the revenues, or taxes, by instalments.