Grammar of the Burmese Language (1883)
by Adoniram Judson
The Land Question (1885)
by Charles Alan Fyffe
Yule Logs (1898)
by Various authors
Immediate Experience and Mediation (1919)
by Harold Henry Joachim
The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church (1844)
by Ælfric of Eynsham, tr. Benjamin Thorpe
The Fight (1822)
by William Hazlitt
Salomé (1904)
by Oscar Wilde
Southern Historical Society Papers (vol. 1) (1876)
On the Vatican Library of Sixtus IV (c.1899)
by John Willis Clark
Problems of Empire: Papers and Addresses by the Rt. Hon. T. A. Brassey (1904)
by Thomas Allnutt Brassey