- The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories (1908)by Lord Dunsany
- The Fifth String (1902)
- Oregon Historical Quarterly Volume 7 (1906)
- Margaret of Angoulême, Queen of Navarre (1886)
- On Shakespeare, or, What you will (1908)
- The Imp and the Angel (1901)
- An Old English Home and Its Dependencies (1898)by Sabine Baring-Gould and illustrated by Frederick Bligh Bond
- The Slave Struggle in America (c. 1880)
- Senate Judiciary Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson (2017)
- Occult Japan (1894)
- A Traveler from Altruria (1894)
- Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 1 (1900)
- House Intelligence Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson (2017)
- The Milestones and the Old Post Road (1915)
- The Ninth Man (1920)
- The Undying Thing (1901)by Barry Pain
- The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) Volume 1 (1903)
- What colonial preference means (1907)by the Cobden Club
- FBI Statement on HPSCI Memo (2018)
- Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 9, No. 2 (1833)
- HPSCI Meeting Transcript (January 29, 2018) (2018)
- The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann (1899)
- Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 4 (1903)
- The Girl and the Game and Other College Stories (1908)
- Notes on the State of Virginia (1802)
- The Nether World (1889)
- InFraud Press Release (2018)
- The Geographical Distribution of Animals (1876)
- The Princess Pourquoi (1907)
- Hawaiki The Original Home of the Maori (1904)
- Donald Trump denies declassification of Democratic Memorandum (2018)
- J. Archibald McKackney (Collector of Whiskers) (1907)
- Susan Rice January 20, 2017 E-mail to Self (2018)by Susan Rice
- You Know Me Al: A Busher's Letters (1914)by Ring Lardner
- Exiles (1921)by James Joyce
- The Canadian Soldiers' Song Book (1918)by Various authors
- Internet Research Agency Indictment (2018)
- Grand Jury Indicts Thirteen Russian Individuals Press Release (2018)
- The Troll Garden (1905)by Willa Cather
- Silent Sam and Other Stories of Our Day (1914)
- Letters (1888)
- Correcting the Record – The Russia Investigations (2018)by HPSCI Minority
- Constitutions of 1975 and of 1989 (2009)
- Nágánanda, or the joy of the snake-world, a Buddhist drama in five acts (1872)by Harsha, translated by Palmer Boyd
- The Pirate of Jasper Peak (1918)
- Gujarát and the Gujarátis (1882)
- Special Systems of Education for Women (1868)
- Pollyooly (1912)by Edgar Jepson
- On Secondary Instruction, as relating to Girls (1865)
- Holy Week (1891)by the Cathedral Library Association
- On Trained Nursing for the Sick Poor (1876)
- Civil and Religious Liberty (c. 1875)by Annie Besant
- The Siamese Cat (1907)
- Some Account of a Proposed New College for Women (1869)
- Anacreontics (1872)by Carl Benson
- Medicine as a Profession for Women (1862)
- Mary Lamb (1883)
- Status of the Russia Investigation by the Democratic Minority (2018)by HPSCI Minority
- The Legalisation of Female Slavery in England (1876)by Annie Besant
- On the Political Status of Women (1874)by Annie Besant
- The Odyssey (1900)by Homer, translated by Samuel Butler
- Livingstone in Africa (1874)by the Hon. Roden Noel
- The A B C's of the Twenty-One Demands (1921)
- Pagan Papers (1894)
- Sam Nunberg Subpoena (2018)
- Tales of Space and Time (1899)
- An Act to amend the National Anthem Act (gender) (2018)by the Parliament of Canada
- The Roman Index of Forbidden Books (1920)
- The Wings of the Dove (1902)by Henry James
- Cyclopedia of Painting (1906)
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)
- The Influence of University Degrees on the Education of Women (1863)
- Kings of the Missouri (1921)
- The Virginia Housewife: or, Methodical Cook (1836)
- Hymns for our Lord's Resurrection (1746)
- Report of the Park Board, Portland, Oregon (1903)
- "N" Rays (1905)by Prosper-René Blondlot, translated by Julien François William Garcin
- The Golden Book of King Edward VII (1910)
- Battle Hymn and Litany (1899)
- Why I Do Not Believe in God (1887)by Annie Besant
- Emily Brontë (1883)
- Abraham (1922)by Hrotsvitha, translated by Richard S. Lambert
- Summer in Massachusetts: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau (1884)
- The Kingdom of Man (1938)
- Biblical Biology (1884)by Annie Besant
- Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1892)
- Thoreau: As remembered by a young friend (1917)
- Laus Patriae Celestis (1867)by Bernard of Cluny, translated by Oliver Andrew Morse
- The Invisible Man (1897)
- Weekly List, National Register of Historic Places (January 5, 1983)
- The Medea of Euripides (1868)by Euripides, translated by Augusta Webster
- The Blue Peter: Sea Yarns (1908)
- In a Glass Darkly (1872)
- The Devil's Pool (1895)
- A Short History of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1909)
- Tales of the Cloister (1901)
- The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift (1801)
- Poems by Isaac Rosenberg (1922)
- France and the Levant (1920)by Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section
- Fables for the Fair (1902)
- The Marne (1918)
- A Victory Unforeseen (1906)
- Natural History (1938)
- Stories of Bengalee Life (1912)by Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay, translated by Self and Miriam Singleton Knight
- The Luck of Roaring Camp, (1870)by Bret Harte
- The Glimpses of the Moon (1922)
- Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts (1900)
- Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona (1865)by the Government of the Territory of Arizona
- The Patrioteer (1921)by Heinrich Mann, translated by Ernest Boyd
- Mauprat (1900)by George Sand, translated by Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie
- Madame de Treymes, (1907)
- Natural History of the Ground Squirrels of California (1918)by Joseph Grinnell and Joseph Dixon
- Sanctuary (1903)
- The Four Philanthropists (1907)by Edgar Jepson
- The Age of Innocence (1920)
- The Pālas of Bengal (1915)
- The Touchstone, (1900)
- Jacqueline of the Carrier Pigeons (1910)
- The Federal Prosecutor (1940)
- Reflections upon Ireland (1660)
- The Express Messenger, and Other Tales of the Rail (1897)by Cy Warman
- The Prometheus Bound of Æschylus (1866)by Aeschylus, translated by Augusta Webster
- Eleven years in the Rocky Mountains and a life on the frontier (1877)
- A Motor-Flight Through France (1908)
- The Little Humpbacked Horse (1912)by Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov, adapted by George Post Wheeler
- Burma (1905)
- The Lives of the Poets-Laureate (1853)
- Aida (c. 1935)by Antonio Ghislanzoni, translated anonymously
- The Little Clay Cart, [Mṛcchakaṭikā] (1905)by Śūdraka, translated by Arthur William Ryder
- The Better Sort (1903)by Henry James
- Stars of the Desert (1903)
- Three Years in Europe, 1868 to 1871 (1896)
- Lord Cromer in Egypt (1905)by Eldon Gorst
- Poems (1900)
- Whitman's ride through savage lands, with sketches of Indian life (1905)
- Is Christianity a Success? (1885)by Annie Besant
- Jinrikisha Days in Japan (1891)
- 10 Rules for Radicals (2010)by Carl Malamud
- The Law and the Constitution (1905)by John Buchan
- The Princess of Cozytown (1922)by Ruth Plumly Thompson, illustrated by Janet Laura Scott
- The Haunted Ships (1887)
- On the movements and habits of climbing plants (1865)
- Woman's Position According to the Bible (1885)by Annie Besant
- Kai Lung's Golden Hours (1922)
- The Crown and the Empire (1905)
- Tom Swift in the City of Gold (1912)
- Grumblegizzard (1908)by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, translated by George Webbe Dasent
- The Girl in His House (1918)
- The Kingston Morasteen (1858)by William Bell
- Farmer Bassett's Romance (1878)
- The Whitman Controversy (1885)by Edward Carpenter Ross et. al.
- Ancient British Barrow at Teddington (1858)by Anonymous
- The Bengali Book of English Verse (1918)by Various, edited by Theodore Oliver Douglas Dunn
- History of the Down Survey [1655-6] (1851)
- West African Possessions and Administration (1905)
- Tom Grogan (1896)
- Carmen (1906)by Prosper Mérimée, translated by Mary Loyd
- Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People (2018)
- The Oath of Hippocrates (1900)by John Young
- The Straits Settlements and Beyond (1905)
- The Suffix -μα in Aristophanes (1916)
- Quantulumcunque concerning Money (1682)
- The Longest River in the World (1905)
- Natural and Political Observations Made upon the Bills of Mortality (1676)by John Graunt
- The Passing of Hope Abbott (1898)
- Remarks by President Trump and President Niinistö of the Republic of Finland at Working Break (2018)by Donald Trump, Sauli Niinistö, et al.
- British Rule in the Sudan (1905)by Sidney Peel
- The Shorn Lamb (1922)
- The Termination -κός, as used by Aristophanes for Comic Effect (1910)
- The Theme of the Joseph Novels (1942)by Thomas Mann
- Our Imperial Interests in Nearer and Further Asia (1905)
- Speculations on Metaphysics (1880)
- Imperial Trade (1905)
- Simplified Grammar of the Hungarian Language (1882)
- Remarks by President Trump and President Putin of the Russian Federation in Joint Press Conference (2018)by Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, et al.
- Russian National Charged in Conspiracy to Act as an Agent of the Russian Federation Within the United States (2018)
- The War and the Future (1944)by Thomas Mann
- New Zealand To-day (1905)by W. P. Reeves
- Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election (2018)
- The Indian Army (1905)
- U.S. v. Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, et al (2018)
- Last Poems (1905)
- The Clouds (1853)by Aristophanes, translated by William James Hickie
- Painted Rock (1907)
- The Nile as I saw it (1905)
- Women and Representative Government (1883)
- Roman Road between Silchester and Staines (1858)
- P. Ovidius Naso (1870)
- Martial Elegy (1902)by Tyrtaeus, translated by Thomas Campbell
- A Note on Pauperism (1869)
- Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - Intelligence Community Assessment (July 3, 2018)by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
- The Imperial Ideal (1905)
- Life, Death, and Immortality (1886)by Annie Besant
- The Pythian Odes (1846)by Pindar, translated by Charles Apthorp Wheelwright
- A Memoir of the Manor of Hatcham, co. Surrey (1858)by W. H. Hart
- Leonardo da Vinci: a Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence (1916)by Sigmund Freud, translated by Abraham Arden Brill
- The Genus Riella, with Descriptions of New Species from North America and the Canary Islands (1903)
- Two essays in Political Arithmetick (1686)
- Lost Island (1918)by Ralph Henry Barbour and H. P. Holt
- The Name of Ottawa (1897)
- The Governor's Machine (1897)
- The Navy and the Empire (1905)
- An Algonquin Syllabary (1906)
- Further observations upon the Dublin Bills (1686)
- Interim Report (2012)
- The Mercantile Marine (1905)by Evelyn Cecil
- Rhodes and Milner (1905)
- The Voice of the Pack (1920)
- Imperial Postal Services (1905)
- Britain's Deadly Peril (1915)
- The Brass Bowl (1907)
- The Red Badge of Courage, (1895)
- The Frontier Question (1905)
- India: Past, Present, and Future (1905)
- Observations upon the Dublin Bills of Mortality (1683)
- Adventures in stupidity (1922)
- The East African Protectorate (1905)
- The Joyous Trouble Maker (1918)
- The West Indies (1905)
- Pirate Gold (1896)
- Full text of Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People (2018)by Avi Dichter, et al.
- The grammar of Dionysios Thrax (1874)
- Remarks by President Trump to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (2018)by Donald Trump
- Address by President Moon Jae-in at May Day Stadium in Pyeongyang (2018)by Moon Jae-in
- Useful Knowledge, Vol. II: Vegetables (1825)
- Bird Haunts and Nature Memories (1922)
- Imperial Defence and National Policy (1905)by L. S. Amery
- Some Particulars of the Life and Adventures of James Guidney (1862)
- The Prospects of a United South Africa (1905)
- Description and Use of a New Celestial Planisphere (1802)
- Views of Ottawa (1884)by Jas. Hope & Co.
- Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux (1819)
- Imperial Organization (1905)by Richard Jebb
- Life in the Old World (1860)
- Australia and its Critics (1905)by B. R. Wise
- Natural History, Reptiles (1850)
- Krishnakanta's Will (1917)by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, translated by Dakshina Charan Roy
- Unpublished Poems by Bryant and Thoreau (1907)
- The Navy and the Colonies (1905)by John Colomb
- The Bird Watcher in the Shetlands (1905)
- The Importance of The Ghost in Hamlet (1910)
- The Empire and the Church (1905)
- Bohemia's claim for freedom (1915)
- The Ganas or Republics of Ancient India (1920)
- Alcestis (1894)by Euripides, translated by Arthur Sanders Way
- The Thruston speech upon the progress of medicine 1869 (1869)
- Some Unpublished Letters of Henry D. and Sophia E. Thoreau (1898)
- Orphée aux Enfers (1868)by Ludovic Halévy & Hector Crémieux, translated anonymously
- The Lost Galleon and Other Tales (1867)by Bret Harte
- George Sand (1889)
- Autumn: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau (1892)
- Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism (1882)
- Yorkshire Oddities, Incidents and Strange Events (1900)
- Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change (2016)
- Cyber Threats to Elections: a Lexicon (2018)
- Studies in Socialism (1906)by Jean Jaurès, translated by Mildred Minturn
- A history of the gunpowder plot (1904)
- Correspondence (1849)
- Poems of Ossian (1900)translated by James Macpherson
- On the Anglo-Saxon Charters of Frizwald, Ælfred, and Edward the Confessor, to Chertsey Abbey (1858)
- Imperialism and Australian Conditions (1905)
- Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace (2018)
- Winter: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau (1888)
- The Native Question in South Africa (1905)
- The French-Canadians and the Empire (1905)
- Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections (2017)
- History of Public School Education in Arizona (1918)
- Principles of Political Economy, vol. 1 (1871)
- The Secret Adversary (1922)
- Memoirs of Vidocq, Volume 2 (1829)
- Mr. Punch's History of the Great War (1919)
- An Anthology of Modern Bohemian Poetry (1912)translated by Paul Selver
- Medea (1894)by Euripides, translated by Arthur Sanders Way
- Love and Mr. Lewisham (1899)by H. G. Wells
- The Jail (1921)by Josef Svatopluk Machar, translated by Paul Selver
- Some Account of the Science of Botany (1827)by John Frost
- Dr. Andrew Ure: a slight sketch (1876)by Anonymous/ William Beattie
- America Fallen! (1915)
- Democracy in America (v. 1) (1835)by Alexis de Tocqueville, translated by Henry Reeve
- Electra (1896)by Euripides, translated by Arthur Sanders Way
- Jefferson Beauregard Sessions Resignation Letter (2018)
- Heroic Airmen Are Key To Victory (1918)
- Climate Change: The Fiscal Risks Facing The Federal Government (2016)by Office of Management and Budget
- The War and the Future (1918)
- The Cost of Delaying Action to Stem Climate Change (2014)
- Andromache (1896)by Euripides, translated by Arthur Sanders Way
- The Tragedy of King Richard the Second (1921)
- NSA Report on Russia Spear-Phishing (2017)
- England's Jubilee Gift to Ireland (1887)by Annie Besant
- A voice from Harper's Ferry (1861)
- Brunch: a plea (1895)by Guy Beringer
- Resignation Letter of James N. Mattis (2018)
- William Barr Memo to Department of Justice (2018)by William Barr
- Leaves of Knowledge (1904)
- Polar Exploration (1911)
- The Constitution of the Czechoslovak Republic (1920)by Václav Joachim and Jiří Hoetzel (introductory chapters)
- The Farmer and his Son's return from a visit to the CAMP (1776)by Edward Bangs
- Songs of the Slav (1919)translated by Otto Kotouč
- Atharva-Veda Samhita (1905)translated by William Dwight Whitney, edited by Charles Rockwell Lanman
- History of a Six Weeks' Tour (1817)by Mary Shelley
- Royal Naval Biography (volumes I-IV, supplements 1-4 1823-1836)
- James Comey Interview Transcript (07 December 2018) (2018)by United States House of Representatives
- Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845)
- The battle for open (2014)
- The Columbia River: Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery, Its Commerce (1909)
- The voice of an oppressed people (c1917)
- The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck (1857)by Mary Shelley
- The Sea Lady (1902)by H. G. Wells
- The Bacchanals (1898)by Euripides, translated by Arthur Sanders Way