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The Ancient Science of Numbers/Chapter 2

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To comprehend the apparently mysterious operation of the Science of Numbers, and its effect upon the health, happiness, and success of the individual, the student must first master the table that follows, for the very cornerstone of the Science rests upon the relationship which exists between the numbers, and the letters of the alphabet. Until this fact is comprehended, no good results can be obtained, no practical application of the Science can be made. It is best, therefore, that this table should be memorized so thoroughly that the arrangement of the figures and letters will stand, like a familiar picture, before the mind’s eye, that there may be no hesitation in placing the letters in their proper vibration, or in fitting them to their corresponding numbers.


1 A. 10 J. 100 S.
2 B. 20 K. 200 T.
3 C. 30 L. 300 U.
4 D. 40 M. 400 V.
5 E. 50 N. 500 W.
6 F. 60 O. 600 X.
7 G. 70 P. 700 Y.
8 H. 80 Q. 800 Z.
9 I. 90 R.

From this it will be seen that the twenty-six letters of the alphabet must be arranged in three columns, each representing a different strength of vibration. Thus, while the “0,” or cipher, which indicates this strength of vibratory force, must be considered in reading the effect of the letters upon the name of the individual, the ciphers are not counted in the enumeration by which the student arrives at the final symbol, or number of the name. In other words, while “J” will exert a greater force in the shaping of events and character than “A,” and “S” will be still more forceful than “J,” none of these facts affect the mathematical calculation by which the NAME NUMBER is determined. At the same time, as will be seen as step by step the fundamental principles of the Science are unfolded, the facts concerning this difference in vibrations must be remembered, that the proper degree of force may be given to each letter in the readings that are to come later.

Moreover, in beginning the study of the Science of Numbers it is best that only the given name should be counted. In the play of vibrations it is the given name that is the great positive force, and, while it is true that the surname has some effect in shaping the vibrations of the BIRTH NUMBER, or the negative force, its influence is of such character that it is never taken into account until the student has become a thorough master of the first principles of the Science. In the study of arithmetic, for example, a child is compelled to learn all the rules governing addition, subtraction, etc., before he can begin to comprehend the law of fractions, and he must complete his acquaintance with all the ordinary arithmatical problems before he can be introduced to the study of algebra, and the higher fields of mathematics. In the Science of Numbers, the same rule must be applied; for it is not until a student has attained full comprehension of the introductory laws that govern names and numbers that he can hope to understand the more intricate vibrations that exert their influence upon the course of human events. It is to avoid such unnecessary complications, therefore, that these facts have been omitted in this introductory course.

Therefore, to ascertain the NAME NUMBER, write down the numerical value of each letter composing the first, or given name, omitting all the “0s” or ciphers. Then, add these numbers together. Thus, to use the name “Anna Smith” as an example:

As the surname, “Smith,” has no bearing according to present calculations, it is promptly excluded. In the given name, “Anna,” the “A” counts 1; each of the “Ns,” count 5, and the final “A” also counts 1. this gives:
1 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 12

but as 12 is too high a number to come within the scope of any one of the three vibrations, the two figures must be added:


and we have the figure 3, which is the NAME NUMBER of “Anna.”

The NAME NUMBER, as will be shown later, exerts a most powerful influence in shaping the life of every individual, but the character of the influence exerted, or the nature of the vibrations, depends largely upon the degree of harmony which may exist between the NAME NUMBER and the BIRTH NUMBER, the latter being the day of the individual’s birth.

To ascertain to what degree these two numbers are harmonious or inharmonious, the nine lines of letters and numbers shown in the First Table have been divided into three distinct classes, designated. for the sake of convenience, the “Triads.” Thus:

The first, fifth, and seventh lines compose the First Triad.

The second, fourth and eighth lines compose the Second Triad.

The third, sixth and ninth lines compose the Third Triad.

In other words, A, J, and S, or the letters in the first line (1, 10, and 100) are in harmony with E, N, and W—the letters in the fifth line—as well as with G, P, and Y—the letters in the seventh line. Therefore, any letter that possesses a numerical value of 1, 5, or 7, is in harmony with every other letter that is represented by one of these numbers, but bears an inharmonious relation to letters represented by the other numbers in the table.

One of the most important factors in the application of the Science of Numbers, however, is the degree of agreement between the number representing the NAME and the number symbolizing the BIRTH. That is to say, the number which represents the value of the letters in a person’s given name ought to be in harmony with the BIRTH NUMBER, or the day of the month upon which that person was born. If this number should be 9, or less, it requires no calculation to find it. If, on the other hand, it is composed of two numbers, these two figures must be added, as was done in the case of the NAME NUMBER. Thus, If Anna Smith was born on the first day of the month, we have the figure 1 as her BIRTH NUMBER. If, however, she was born on the fourteenth day of the month, we have the figures


and 5 is the BIRTH NUMBER. If the birthday had been the twenty-eighth of the month, we should have had the figures


or, as the cipher counts for nothing,


and 1 would have been the BIRTH NUMber.

To ascertain if the NAME NUMBER and the BIRTH NUMBER are in harmony, therefore, we must first find the two numbers. As an example, take the name of John Jones, born on July 26. We thus have:
J O H N (Jones), or
1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20 = 2,

and the NAME NUMBER is 2.

The BIRTH NUMBER, or 26, makes


and the BIRTH NUMBER is 8.

By comparison with the table presented above it will be seen, that the second, fourth, and eighth lines are included in the same Triad, or are in the Triad of 2–4–8. Accordingly, the NAME NUMBER, 2, is found to be in concord with the BIRTH NUMBER, or 8. Thus, we see that the two numbers possess a harmonious relation.

If we had taken the case of Anna Smith—supposing her to have been born on the first of the month—the result would have indicated discord rather than harmony. Thus, the problem would then have stood:
A N N A (Smith), or
1 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 12 = 3

The figure 3 belongs to the Triad of 3–6–9. The BIRTH NUMBER, or 1, belongs to the Triad of 1–5–7. Between the two numbers there would be inharmonious vibrations.