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The Ancient Science of Numbers/Chapter 3

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In the application of the Science of Numbers the importance of the Triads is a matter that cannot be overestimated. While it is true that the NAME NUMBER usually rules in the experience of life, it does not control to such an extent as to make it independent of the BIRTH NUMBER. In this regard the law of harmony is not unlike the law of attraction. Through the operation of the latter, like attracts like; by the operation of the former, like works in harmony with like. When this condition of concord does not exist, however, the influence exerted upon the thoughts and acts of the individual is always discordant. As the natural result, failure follows instead of success; sickness comes in the place of health; troubles and sorrows rather than peace and happiness.

So far as the individual influences of the two vital numbers are concerned, the NAME NUMBER asserts itself chiefly in the general affairs of life. We feel its power in all our social, domestic, and business relations. The BIRTH NUMBER, on the other hand, acts more directly upon the body, affecting the health of the individual according to the position that it occupies in relation to the NAME NUMBER, and yet, as perfect success or happiness are impossible without health—the three qualities combining to complete the vital trinity—the importance of bringing the two numbers into the closest possible harmony is a fact that must be recognized. Thus, we know, by reference to our own experiences, that we cannot be ill in body and at the same time genuinely happy. We know. too, that we do our best work when in good health, and that any attack upon our strength and vitality has an immediate and appreciable effect upon our mental and physical energies. To make the most out of life, therefore, it is absolutely necessary that the NAME NUMBER and BIRTH NUMBER should be in harmony.

It will be remembered that the letters of the alphabet are classified according to three degrees of vibration, and that, while each letter has a corresponding number, these numbers do not go beyond the ninth dimension, while these nine dimensions (shown in the First Table) also exert an effect upon the several parts of the body, as follows:




Parts of Body

1, 10, and 100 Head
2, 20, and 200 Kidneys
3, 30, and 300 Liver
4, 40, and 400 Intestines
5, 50, and 500 Stomach
6, 60, and 600 Mental Organism
7, 70, and 700 Heart
8, 80, and 800 Generative Organs
9 and 90 Nervous Organism
Thus, to arrange these numbers in the form of the Triads:

The Triad of 1–5–7 governs the upper part of the body;

The Triad of 2–4–8 controls the lower part of the body; and

The Triad of 3–6–9 exercises a control over the liver, as well as the mental and nervous system.

Of course, it does not necessarily follow that, because the NAME AND BIRTH NUMBERS are inharmonious, the individual who is subject to such conditions must suffer from continued poor health. If the vibrations of the NAME NUMBER are very strong, and other conditions (to be explained later) are harmonious, sickness may be avoided for a long period. In fact, it is possible, even under these conditions, that an individual may become abnormally healthy. He may remain so for years, whereas other persons in a similar position might suffer constantly from poor health. In any case, however, this opposition between the vital numbers would tend to produce equally inharmonious conditions in the particular portion of the body governed by the BIRTH NUMBER, and sickness, when it came, would naturally go to these points of least resistence.

Moreover, as may be imagined, these combinations of numbers known as the Triads also prove most helpful in adjusting many other affairs of life. Thus, if it is true, as experience indicates, that a name is actually something more than a mere mark of identification, it is wrong to leave the selection of that name to chance. If it is true that this name is really a strong vital force that may be made to work towards the harmonious fulfillment of the life of the person or thing bearing it, it is certainly our duty to see to it that the name given to a new born babe; to a new firm, or business venture; to a new invention, or to any other newly created thing, shall be as harmonious as possible.

It is in this particular that the Science of Numbers may be made to assert a powerful influence upon the life of every individual who will abide by its principles, for, by the relation between the two vital numbers—the number of the NAME and the number of the BIRTH—it becomes possible for each person determine his best lines of occupation; the best location for his business, or residence; the selection of his companions, friends, or business associates; the naming of articles to be produced for sale; the prices to be demanded for them; the method of sale, and in fact, almost every other consequential step that he may be required to take.

For example, knowing his own NAME and BIRTH NUMBERS, he always has the privilege of bringing them into harmony, not only with each other, but with the numbers of other persons and things that may come into his life. To accomplish this result, it is merely necessary for him to change the discordant name to one that stands in more proper relation to those to which he has been opposed.

To illustrate how easily this may be done, we may take the name of “Anna,” used in the preceding chapter, for it will be remembered that this name bore an inharmonious relation to its BIRTH NUMBER, which was given as the first day of the month, or 1. As the BIRTH NUMBER, or the day of birth, was a matter over which “Anna” could exercise no control, it was obviously impossible for her to change it. At the same time, she could change her NAME NUMBER, and, to do this, she had only to select, as another name, a combination of letters standing in more harmonious relation to the date of her birth.

The name “Anna” counts 12, or, after the necessary addition of the two numbers, 3. This places her in the Triad of 3–6–9, whereas the date of her birth (1), is in the Triad of 1–5–7. To correct this discord, and put herself in line for all the blessings of health, happiness, and prosperity, she is obliged to select her new name from those that have a place in the birth Triad.

One name that she might select—for there are many names that possess the proper numerical valuation—is Eleanor. Thus, the problem would then stand:
5 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 34 = 7

The figure 7, the mystic valuation of the name “Eleanor,” is in perfect concord with 1, the BIRTH NUMBER of the individual who had been known as “Anna,” both numbers being in the Triad of 1–5–7.


Another influence of the Triads that may be turned to considerable advantage in all the affairs of life may be found in their effect upon the months and the days of the month, for there are harmonious and inharmonious, or fortunate and unfortunate days, just as there are numbers that are in concord and numbers that are in discord with the particular vibration in which we have our being.

To find these harmonious months and days—the days and months which exert an influence in shaping the course of life successfully—it is only necessary to consult the following tables:


Triads Harmonious Months
1–5–7 January, May, July, and October.
2–4–8 February, April, August, and November.
3–6–9 March, July, September, and December.

The list of harmonious days follow:


Triad of 1–5–7 Triad of 2–4–8 Triad of 3–6–9
1 5 7
10 014 16
19 23 025
2 4 8
11 013 17
20 22 025
29 31
3 6 9
12 015 18
21 24 027

Thus, in beginning new things, or in undertaking important enterprises, we must be careful to bring our material interests into harmonious vibration with our fortunate days, months, and years. In the effect, the days exert greater force than the months; the months are more important than the years, while the latter influence general conditions more than particular events.

The fortunate years for an individual are those that may be divided by the BIRTH NUMBER; the unfortunate years are those that are not so divisable. Thus, 1908 ts a harmonious year for any person who is in the Triad of 3–6–9, because


The number 18 contains two 9s, and 9 is the Capstone (See Chap. IV.) of the Triad of 3–6–9. It is also divisable by either 3, 6, or 9.