The Ancient Science of Numbers/Chapter 7
A or 1. As “A” is the head letter, 1 should denote intellectuality, but intellectuality displayed in a most diverse manner. In fact, even when in harmony, an “A” usually requires several outlets for its energies, or as many as three “strings to its bow.” Though a planner, and often successful in organizing and directing, its ability In this direction is that of the architect. So seldom is “A” the builder that it is pretty safe to predict that others will always have to execute the plans it outlines. The appearance of 1 in the name marks the beginning of new conditions. Even the “A” Cycle generally brings changes in life, either socially, or commercially, or both. If these changes appear under harmonious conditions they may be turned to great advantage. If left to themselves, or not directed into proper channels, they are quite as likely to result disastrously. An “A” out of harmony would be obstinate and headstrong. The tendency to “begin” things would still exist, but the power to “finish” would be weakened to correspond to the extent of vibratory discord.
B, or 2. As 2 bears the message of the maternal spirit, its appearance in the name of a woman would indicate strength of mother-love. In a man it would tend to induce an interest in agriculture, horticulture, or in some other pursuit in which he might have an opportunity to assist and foster the efforts of nature. Almost invariably it evokes love of nature, and domestic inclinations. Usually there is aversion to long journeys, and, when travel is necessary, eagerness to return. In material things 2 is not strong, and its greatest achievements are frequently postponed until after the beginning of the fortieth year. Though loyal to friends and extremely sympathetic, a 2 is apt to be strongly fixed in opinions. What these opinions may be depends largely upon the harmony of vibrations. If the strength of the letter predominates, they are likely to be strongly tinged with materialism, and yet, as 2 is inclined to be secretive and introspective, it is generally hard to detect its true feelings and sentiments. A 2 is apt to be very sensitive, and, like all who live introspectively, intuitional. Even when in harmony it is no uncommon thing to find a 2 possessing a melancholy turn of mind, and this tendency usually grows stronger in sympathy with the strength of discordant vibrations. In a “B” out of harmony, the tendency to secretiveness is not unlikely to exhibit itself in selfishness, untruthfulness, and dishonesty.
C, or 3. Because “C” is a scattering letter it does not lend itself readily to work of accumulation; because it is a spiritual letter it is not in harmony with material things. As the result, a “C” finds it very difficult to save money. Being a universal number, however, it is able to conduct several lines of effort at the same time. In fact, it falls to meet its highest possibilities if not provided with a multiplicity of interests, some of which should exert a wide influence. A 3 belongs to the intellectual vibrations, and frequently manifests itself in authorship, or in some other artistic profession. It makes the good talker, and would supply a ready spring of inspiration for the orator, or promoter. It indicates the power to design, and would help the architect, or any planner. It also insures executive ability, but it is not conducive to the completion of plans once they have been made, especially when these plans are those of other persons. In opinions it is difficult for a 3 to be dogmatic about anything, and the more thoroughly a 3 comes into harmony, the more cheery and hopeful its disposition will become. A 3 in full harmony seldom knows what it means to worry, and this is particularly true when it is money matters that are concerned. A 3 Is naturally generous; is a lover of the mysterious, and is apt to be honest and conscientious in all labors undertaken. In constructive work, however, its efforts tend towards the spiritual rather than the material. When out of harmony the scattering tendencies of the “C” are emphasized, it then scatters everything—mentally, morally, physically, spiritually, materially. As 3 governs the liver, notably inharmonious vibrations often exhibit themselves in that organ. As it also affects the lungs and bronchial tubes, these parts of the body should be watched for any indication of discord.
D, or 4. As “D” is a letter of balance, 4 is a good number for an anchor; a strong force in the establishment of equilibrium. While it is capable of giving poise in conditions of nervousness, however, any inharmonious vibrations are apt to change its character conspicuously, bringing afflictions of every sort—losses in business, misfortunes in associations, and, physically, diseases that are slow in response to treatment, particularly afflictions of the intestines. A 4 is naturally of sterling character; loyal to friends, and, while not especially philanthropic, is usually generous to those who have any right to expect such generosity. A 4, however, generally insists that other people shall live up to its own particular ideal of right and justice, and it is extremely important that the 4 itself should obey the same law, for the slightest deviation from the path of sterling honesty, or the smallest tendency in the direction of intemperance, will change a noble character into one that is distinctively ignoble. A harmonious 4 usually adopts a business career, and, not infrequently, is interested in mining affairs, or in realty transactions. Being an admirer of nature, and a home lover, it is no uncommon thing to find a 4 engaged in agricultural persuits, and, if the owner of animals, a 4 is certain to make pets of them. A 4 should make every effort to avoid business relations with a 3. Its best associates are 2s, 8s, 11s, and 22s.
E, or 5. An “E” is possessed of a dual nature. Even when in harmony it is both beneficent and maleficent, although, under such favorable conditions, soul-racking regret and munificent atonement follow all exhibitions of maleficence. Although a good number when in concord, it is apt to become a most dangerous one in discord, as many of its attractive qualities are easily reversed. When in harmony an “E” will probably be a social and entertaining person, although inclined to be more fond of dress and worldly things, than of the spiritual life. When such higher manifestations of character become possible, however, this 5 is both a philosophical and a peace-making element in society, but it must be remembered that, as 5 is usually of nervous temperament, becoming excited over little things. Inclinations to impulsiveness, and sudden exhibitions of temper are apt to become a serious handicap when brought out by discordant conditions. Under inharmonious vibrations, therefore, these are the qualities to be feared, and the violence of the outbursts of temper will become greater if the 5 does not live true to the law of absolute temperance in all things. In fact, even under concordant conditions, a 5 frequently finds it difficult to maintain proper mental equilibrium. It is, therefore, absolutely essential that destructive impulses should never be obeyed, lest all kinds of troubles follow, including nervous disorders and indigestion; loss of friends, possibly through death, but more probably through estrangement; mishaps in business; loss of money, or similar undesirable complications. If under favorable conditions, however, the 5 possesses many attractive qualities. It is a business number, and is often interested in making money, especially by speculation. It also exhibits considerable mechanical ability, and, if drawn towards spiritual things, may easily develop psychic powers. In every case, however, absolutely temperate habits must be maintained, or the soul will be wrecked. The most antagonistic vibrations to a 5 are 8 and 11.
F, or 6. In “F” we have another example of dual manifestations, another exhibition of opposing forces, strong to make or mar the character of the person possessing them. Under the effect of the higher vibrations, “F” is steadfast of purpose; firm in opinions, and with a loyalty to friends that remains unshaken, sometimes even when known to be wrong. This 6 is an idealist; a dreamer of dreams; one who can build air castles so realistically as to be able to live in them. Such a person usually works for others, rather than for self. A 6 is usually of artistic temperament; may be musical, and is intuitional in arriving at conclusions. As it is one of the intellectual numbers, it is frequently found in the names of writers. Under discordant conditions, many of these qualities are changed. The imaginative quality that once jumped at conclusions, now magnifies things unreasonably, borrowing trouble, and worrying over circumstances that exist largely, if not altogether in the mind of the individual. In other words, the power of intuition now becomes an unreasonable dread of impending calamity, and as the result, alternate attacks of mental exhilaration and depression usually follow. Under harmonious vibrations a 6 would make a good organizer, especially of social and ethical movements. For its own good, however, it must adhere closely to all the laws of the higher life; must abstain from alcoholic beverages, and must neither speculate in stocks or gamble.
G, or 7. As “G” is a letter of completion, those under its influence are usually able to carry out all their plans. They are also likely to be extremely methodical, both in act and in thought. Ordinarily hard to convince, owing to the innate necessity of studying every phase of a proposition before accepting it, any increase in vibratory strength would inspire the tendency to be “strong-willed,” or even “self-opinionated.” As “G” always finds it hard to take advice, a 7 should be the director of men, not the occupant of a subordinate position. Many good lawyers and judges are 7s. It is also an inventive number, and usually attracts to work connected with electrical science. In fact, the influences of “G” are exerted both upon the mental and the physical life. The 7 is an intellectual and philosophical number; if turned into psychic channels, it often inspires prophetic gifts. To the body it brings a strong reserve of physical strength, and, when in full harmony, long and healthful life. Its effect upon the heart makes the bearer strong in passions and sentiments. When he likes, he loves: when he dislikes, he hates. There is seldom any half-way exhibitions of feeling. A 7 is a lover of literature, music, and art, and yet it frequently lacks the ability that makes the performer. The strongest opposition to “G” is found in the number 8, and yet, through a strange psychological paradox, a 7 usually exerts a strong attraction for an 11 or 22. But as such associations would have a most unfortunate effect upon all parties concerned, this influence should be strenuously resisted. The crimes of a discordant “G” are generally of a swindling nature.
H, or 8. The law of 8, in its manifestation of “H,” is to create, to fulfill, to complete. It is usually sympathetic, often to the point of bearing the burdens of others, and yet, while it attracts the confidences of friends, it is so sufficient unto itself that it is seldom dependent upon other individuals for its happiness, finding easy contentment in solitude. While an 8 is liable to live introspectively, it usually tries to deal justly with all men, and, if under genuinely harmonious conditions, it will take great interest in work for humanity. When in discord, pronounced selfishness and extreme egotism may be developed. An “H” can frequently develop the powers of research, or invention, especially along mineral lines. If spiritually inclined, will probably take extreme positions in religious opinion, and yet, while not easily convinced of error, or quickly persuaded to change an opinion that has been accepted, such a person is seldom aggressive, or strong in contention, being more inclined to follow the line of least resistance. A lover of nature, music, and artistic things, an 8 might easily become a writer, an artist, or a musician. In spite of its generally happy and confident disposition, an “H,” to be genuinely successful, must be in harmony in most of its vibrations, for even a slight discord has a tendency to change its beneficent characteristics. Thus, while it may be highly sympathetic with one in the Triad of 3–6–9, it is extremely antagonistic to a 5 or a 7. As it possesses a duality of forces, its activities should not be confined to a single interest.
I, or 9. An “I” is largely a law unto itself. Being the Capstone of a Triad, or a completing number, its tendency is to finish whatever it undertakes. Being a strengthening force, however, it is likely to cause the repetition of work, making one do things over and over, until they meet the requirements of the ideal. These vibrations also manifest themselves in the matter of luck, an “I” having what are popularly termed “runs of luck,” or several pieces of good or bad fortune in rotation. If one is under the direct influence of “I” the tendency is towards a change in both thought and things. If all conditions are harmonious, the change will be for the better, for higher intellectuality, more spirituality, and greater prosperity, if the efforts are along the line of best endeavor. As “I” is distinctively an individual letter, the person controlled by it is liable to be of strong will, chafing under dictation, and aggressively opposed to any attempt to put a limit upon his field of endeavor. Other persons may try to rule an “I,” but they will find it difficult to keep such a personality under subjection. As “I” is an intellectual letter, and strongly original through its force of individuality, it indicates either literary or artistic ability—perhaps both. If it combines with the talking ability, its tendencies will be towards the lecture platform, rather than the pulpit. The attraction towards written, or printed matter is so clearly defined, however, that an “I” without literary ability will ordinarily gravitate to clerical work. An “I” wants to hold a pen. It will create, if possible; if not, it will copy, but it must write—unless some discordant element is extraordinarily powerful. In fact, this trait of character is generally shown in infancy, for an “I” is usually a child who prefers to find amusement among books, and with paper and pencil, rather than in the out-of-door games that most children love. Accordingly, parents should approve of, rather than oppose these manifestations, for such a child, when intelligently directed, may be expected to develop marked ability in literary or artistic pursuits. When “I” is out of harmony its effect is liable to be anything but advantageous. As it affects the nervous organism, discord is apt to be felt in that direction. Extreme nervousness may develop; extreme conditions of life may follow, and apparently insurmountable obstacles may arise to prevent the successful culmination of plans. An “I” under strong discord is likely to be extremely forgetful; will do things over and over unnecessarily, and the frequent repetitions of ill luck will not improbably end in despondency.
J, or 10. The “J,” or 10, maintains the predominating characteristics of I, but in more intense vibration. As “J” is the stronger letter—stronger both in material and spiritual things—it helps to carry out the plans of “A.” Moreover, “J” has higher aspirations, aspirations that tend to develop its powers in the direction of deeper things. Like “A,” “J” is a designer, an architect, a planner, but upon a higher plane. Still, to be successful, “J” must direct, not obey, and for this the number has been given more than a proportionate share of executive ability. A “J” also stands for change—new thoughts, new things. Thus, under a harmonious Cycle of “J” important business changes may be made without hesitation. A “J” is generally honest, just, and benevolent, but he requires that others shall conform to his own ideals of integrity and righteousness. Accordingly, “J” must be true to the purity of his life motives, for any discord in this direction will result in serious mental, if not physical suffering.
K, or 20. A “K” resembles “B,” except that its vibrations are much stronger. In fact, it is a letter of extremes—extremes in mental conditions, extremes of fortune, extremes of health, extremes of spirituality. Intensity of nature almost invariably controls a “K.” It knows no twilight. It recognizes no half-hearted measures. If it is not happy, it is miserable. If it is not good, it is evil. There are no possible heights of attainment to which it cannot reach; no depths of iniquity to which it cannot descend. As the result, one who comes under the control of this letter cannot afford to offend against any law—either the law of man or the law of God. He must think pure thoughts. He must be just and honest in all his dealings with men, for, though of strong will, the penalties that will be certain to follow any violation of the law of love cannot be evaded. When under free rein, “K” indicates versatility, and capability in many fields of endeavor. If restrained, however, it stands for small attainment. A “K,” for self preservation, should neither gamble, nor drink intoxicating liquors.
L, or 30. “L” has many of the spiritual characteristics of “C,” but, in the material sense, there is a difference, for, while “C” scatters, “L” not only gathers, but retains a reasonable portion of the things that it accumulates. Also, in other respects it holds the power of bringing to completion the things that are merely under process of organization in “C.” While “L” is quite as philanthropic as “C,” its generosity is exhibited in a wiser form. It gives generously, but justly, and, for all that it does, it asks appreciation, often losing its desire to give to the degree that such recognition is withheld. To a similar extent, “L” strives persistantly to gather the fruits of its labors, and finds its greatest inspiration in a plentiful harvest. “C” will plant without hope of reward in this life, “L” insists upon gathering. At the same time, “L” generally uses its forces wisely. It is a letter that belongs to a leader of men; to persons of executive ability, and considerable intellectuality. An “L” often surpasses in art, music, or literature. Under harmonious conditions it also may attain to high spiritual powers. Even when in discord, it has no evil attributes of character, although it may effect the health through the lungs, or breath.
M, or 40. The “M” spiritualizes the attributes of “D,” being the strongest vibration in the Triad of 2–4–8. It is so full of life, strength, and integrity that it is both a creative and a productive number. It deals justly with everybody, but while firm for the right, it will not become aggressive under wrong. In other words, instead of fighting, a 40 will urge arbitration as a means of adjusting difficulties. As the result, “M” cannot be a leader. It will serve faithfully and honestly, but its greatest success comes from executing plans made by others. It sometimes shows some originality, especially when it becomes a worker of the soil, but its strongest quality is spirituality. Under proper vibrations it may develop remarkable psychic gifts, and there is no letter that will bear a cross so bravely, or with so little complaint. Thus, when out of harmony, “M” will bring many burdens into the life.
N, or 50. “N” is not a good letter, although, when in harmony, and kept under absolute control, it frequently developes many praiseworthy traits. There is nothing stable about “N” and, however harmonized, it is always negative. It incites jealousy, envy, and much unkindness, it is often malicious, holding fast to sentiments of spite and feelings of hatred. Being in every sense a material letter, “N” in full harmony should find little trouble in accumulating a fortune, although it may not be extremely particular as to the methods it adopts in getting this money. It is a marrying letter, but, as its dominion is transient, domestic happiness is scarcely likely to follow. As “N” ts a mental letter, a person under its influence often makes a good teacher. In fact, association with children is one of the best avenues of escape for the surplus energies of “N.” Philanthropic pursuits is another. Moreover, as “N” has its physical manifestations through the circulation of the blood, inharmonious vibrations are liable to extend to any portion of the body, resulting in nervousness and blood poisons, like those of rheumatism, etc. Many of these natural characteristics may be neutralized by proper arrangement of harmonious influences.
O, or 60. “O” possesses practically all of the good and evil qualities of “F.” In many instances it even accentuates them. Thus, it displays more genius for order: it is more systematic; more intellectual; more firmly set in opinions, and more intuitional. “F” frequently leaves work uncompleted; “O” persists in finishing all that it undertakes, for it is not easy to make an “O” acknowledge defeat. Although possessed of little originality, “O” makes a good imitator, and, while such a person may write, or display artistic, or musical ability, it will be difficult for him to become great in any of these pursuits. In religious thought “O” is more liberal than “F.”
P, or 70. “P” intensifies the characteristics of “G,” finishing what “G” begins and leaves unfinished. Occupying a higher spiritual plane than “G,” it has stronger individuality, and is usually distinctively original, sometimes to the point of eccentricity. “P” also aspires to lead, and is not only impatient of restrictions, but must be allowed free rein, under penalty of being thrown out of equilibrium if restrained. As “P” is an intellectual letter, it is often productive of excellent literary or artistic work. It may even create the musician; possibly, the vocalist. Although honest and upright in its inclinations, it is in danger of missing opportunities by reason of its desire to study every phase of each proposition considered. The remedy is to act more impulsively by placing more dependence upon intuition. Under harmonious conditions, a “P” might make a political reformer, a philosopher, or an organizer. In every case, however, such an individual must be careful not to overstep the bounds of love and equity, for all his deeds, whether good or evil, are certain to come back to bless or confound him. By observing proper precautions, a “P” should live a long and useful life.
Q, or 80. “Q” is a stronger manifestation of the qualities displayed by “H.” It shows more originality; has more intensity of feeling; greater aspirations towards leadership. It is an intellectual letter, often showing genius for philosophy, or scientific research. Is strong in inductive reasoning, and good in arranging a convincing argument. If satisfied that he has a mission to perform, such a person is not easily dominated, but he will always be most successful when supplied with two channels of expression. In discord, a “Q” might become extremely unscrupulous.
R, or 90. “R” holds all the possibilities of “I,” the 9 of single vibration, except that it represents the bright side of the number. It is more spiritual than “I,” “R” being a living letter, and is not so subject to the loss of things loved. As “R” ts an intellectual letter, it belongs to the name of one who is interested in writing, or printing; as it is a completing letter, its occurance in a name indicates that this Cycle will be the best period for development. Thus, should one aspire to progress towards nobler, or higher effort, such a Cycle is the most promising time in which to shape the life in the desired direction, as “R” holds the power to bring out the greatest human possibilities. When in harmony, therefore, “R” is extremely beneficent. When out of harmony, however, it induces losses—loss of money, loss of health, loss of friends, loss of articles valued, etc. LETTERS OF TRIPLE VIBRATION.
S, or 100. “S” is another architectural letter, but intensified in its spirituality. When harmonious, it is beneficent: when inharmonious, disastrous, deadly. It makes, or mars, but usually strikes extremes. When inharmonious conditions exist, the effect may possibly be seen through troubles with the kidneys. To live successfully under “S” it is not sufficient that all numerical forces should vibrate concordantly. Besides the harmony of numbers, there must be harmony of life. In other words, it is the law that “S” must constantly hold an attitude of spiritual communion with all creation and all creatures—assuming a position of love, peace, and benefaction towards all things, not only in word and deed, but in thought as well.
T, or 200. “T” is another dual letter, that, while rich in individuality, knows no middle ground. It is righteous, or the contrary; will save, or slay; will upbuild, or break down. A “T” is usually dictatorial, and will seek to control every individual who comes within its influence. It is the natural moulder, and is unhappy if it cannot shape things to its liking. As “T” is also the symbol of the law of divine compensation, it demands the privilege of reaping when it has sown. To enjoy success under “T” one must attain to the mastery of self, for, even when in perfect harmony, a “T” must be a master of self-control, that the maleficent influences of the letter may have no opportunity to dominate.
U, or 300. The “U” manifests many of the qualities of “C,” but, being more spiritual in its operation, it emphasizes them. Thus “U” will be quite tenacious in holding the things that it accumulates, showing even more tenacity in this regard than “L” exhibits. “U” has the universal spirit of both “C” and “L,” but, as it is more inclined to bind, it is more hopeful in temperament, less easily discouraged, less liable to despondency. When out of harmony, however, “U” becomes extremely selfish, even to the point of miserliness.
V, or 400. A “V” combines the qualites of “M” and “Q.” It is a home-loving force, with strong disinclination to travel. It is fixed in its opinions; firm in its friendships, and square in its dealings with men. Though a strong lover of nature, a “V” would find little pleasure in tilling the soil. It is more interested in things that appear above ground. Thus, as “V” Is tinged with the artistic, it would make the successful landscape gardener, or florist, the tendencies leading towards experimentation through grafting, etc. Like many other spiritual letters, “V” has a duality of forces. In one phase of manifestation it is the personification of equilibrium, or practical things. In its other nature, it is a dweller in two worlds; a dreamer; a castle-builder; the judge who delves deeply in search of the intention behind the deed, in the belief that it is the motive more than the act that counts. If not harmonious, however, “V” may become very impractical.
W, or 500. “W” is another regenerative letter, and is strongly beneficent when its spiritual law is comprehended and lived both in spirit and in letter. It is a letter of aspiration, and yet such aspirations cannot be realized if faith does not govern. A “W” must believe in the means, before he can use it to attain an end. “W” is a completing letter, and is the spiritualization of “E” and “N.” To live this letter advantageously, one must know and follow the divine law of love and justice. When out of harmony, “W” frequently develops tendencies to secretiveness, selfishness, dishonesty, etc.
X, or 600. “X” Is the spiritual completion of “F” and “O,” and neutralizes their material qualities. Their maleficent forces are at last overcome, and their beneficent promises are realized. At the same time “X” performs a double office. It is the Roman numeral representing the number 10, and its influence in the life of the individual corresponds closely to its effect in Roman notation. Thus, when placed before other letters, it diminishes their force, as when:
X (10) and L (50)=40
When placed after a letter, it increases, or adds its own force to that already exerted, as when:
L (50) and X (10)=60.
Next to “E” and “N,” “X” is the greatest tipler, and inharmonious vibrations may not improbably show themselves in that direction. Such discords may also arouse unreliable, or erratic tendencies.
Y, or 700. “Y” is a letter of promise, but its fulfillment is often long deferred. It is a patient letter, as the knowledge that one may have long to wait induces patience. Another tendency of the letter is to help in upbuilding the memory. Under favorable conditions a “Y” may be blessed with psychic powers. When in proper concord, or under its Cycle, it might create a skillful musician, painter, jeweler, silversmith, or high-grade mechanic. Its successes, however, would be based more upon the mechanical side, than upon the spiritual, or artistic plane. When out of harmony, “Y” might tend strongly towards egotism—the uplifting and worship of the individual “I”—or it might become easy-going to the point of laziness.
Z, or 800. “Z” holds all the qualities of “H” and “Q,” but intensified spiritually. It opens the door to the knowledge of higher things. It creates a love for the mysterious, and fosters a desire to study the occult, or psychic. It does not aid in the work of creating. It does not help the inventor. It explores; it discovers; it investigates—new things, new lands, new remedies. A person controlled by the forces of “Z” might make a good chemist, a persevering psychologist, or a painstaking student in some other experimental field. When out of harmony, “Z” is not good for health.