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The Ancient Science of Numbers/Chapter 8

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The best method to be pursued in studying the Science of Numbers, or in securing an intelligent working basis for its application, is to begin by memorizing the table of letters and numbers. Follow this by mastering the process for finding the BIRTH and NAME NUMBERS, and study the relations that exist between the two figures. It will then be easy to determine whether the vibrations are harmonious or otherwise.

To ascertain in what Triad the BIRTH NUMBER belongs, the method of procedure is as follows:

If there is more than one figure in the date of the month, add them together. For example, the 10th of the month counts as 1. So, too, does the 19th, and, of course, the 28:




It is in a similar manner that we arrive at the number of the NAME. In other words, we add the numbers of all the letters—these corresponding numbers being given in the First Table—and the number left, after the last possible addition has been made, is the mystic number of the name. Thus, supposing the name to be Edmund:
5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 4 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7,

and 7 is the NAME NUMBER. Moreover, whatever the sum total of the name may make, the process to be followed is the same. Thus, if the value of the letters of the name should equal 57, the problem would stand:


The NAME NUMBER of a name counting 57 would be 3.

Although the name, “Edmund,” would be a harmonious combination for a 1 in any degree, and, while it possesses a most fortunate Cornerstone, it contains but two letters belonging to its own Triad, these being the “E” and the “N.” As this condition would not be conducive to particularly harmonious vibrations, it would be better for this “Edmund” to change his name to “Gregory,” as the problem would then stand:
7 + 9 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 7 = 50 = 5

Thus, under these new conditions, this person would stand in more harmonious vibrations. Not only the Cornerstone, Keystone, and Capstone would be in full harmony but all other letters in the name are, at least. sympathetic. Moreover, “G,” with its strong will, would assist in bringing to completion whatever 1, the BIRTH NUMBER, might begin. The three 7s would inspire strong love for all the arts, while the “Rs” would assist in perfecting whatever writing there was to to be done.


In reading a name, the most successful method is to commence by reading the BIRTH NUMBER. Follow by reading the NAME NUMBER, and compare the Triads, noting the position that they occupy in their relation to one another. Study the effect of the Cornerstone upon the name; then, consider the influence of the Keystone—if there should be one—and do not neglect the Capstone, for its vibrations are among the strongest that play through the name. It is largely due to this fact that, in reading a number, we read the three degrees of vibration. That is to say, in reading a 1 or a 5, we must always lay considerable stress upon the effect of the Capstone of that Triad, the 7. So, too, we must consider the influence of the 8 in reading a 2 or a 4, and of the 9 in reading a 3 or a 6. For example, In the Triad of 3–6–9, the 9 will invariably intensify the spirituality of the 3, and will add to the steadfastness of the 6, unless its beneficent effect is sadly neutralized by a most inharmonious BIRTH NUMBER.

In ascertaining the effect of the NAME upon the individual life, every letter has its value in pointing the course of the harmonious or inharmonious vibrations. At the same time, there are certain letters that exert a stronger force than others, the most important being classified as Living, or Spiritual Letters, Individualized Letters, Universal Letters, and Material Letters. Thus:

The Living, or Spiritual Letters, which vibrate with the greatest intensity through the entire name are “C,” “G,” “H,” “I,” “L,” “M,” “R,” “U,” and “V.” These must be lived on the side of faith, hope, and truth, for, being subject to extreme conditions, under less spiritual manifestations they will tend to mould the life to fit the other extremity, guiding the soul into absolutely contrary channels. Such letters stand out resplendently in any name if lived conscientiously.

The Material Letters are “J,” “K,” “L,” “M,” “N,” “O,” “P,” “Q,” and “R.” Their influence, as their name implies, is usually cast along material lines, bringing the power to think material thoughts and accumulate material things. It may be noticed that a few of these letters are included in both the Spiritual and the Material classifications. This indicates that, while their strongest influence is felt from the Spiritual side, they are also affected by Material vibrations, just as people of high spiritual nature are not infrequently blessed with almost perfect physical health and a large share of worldly goods.

The Universal Letters, or “C,” “I,” “L,” “R,” and “U,” are also strongly in sympathy with the spiritual vibrations, as they are the letters that will strive most persistently to perform a universal work.

The Individualized Letters, or “K,” “P,” “Q,” “S,” “T,” “Y,” and “Z,” owe their name to the fact that they represent so strong a force that they frequently shine both ways, sometimes vibrating in three Cycles.

As each and all of these letters are extremely powerful, the appearance of several inharmonious factors in a name is certain to bring discomforts and trials as the life is drawn under the influence of such disadvantageous Cycles. In fact, the influence of the Cycle in which the individual is now living, is the next fact to be considered in the reading of the name: after which we may pass by easy stages to the question of fortunate days and months, color vibration, musical harmony. etc.

Important as it is that a character reading should be conducted along some such lines as those that have been suggested, it is very difficult to formulate arbitrary directions by which the name should be read. While it is true that the vibrations rule in the manner described, and that the characteristics of the letters change in exact concord with the change in these vibrations, it is no easy matter to anticipate and describe these factors in such a manner that they may be recognized quickly by the beginner: To a great extent proficiency in applying the the principles of the Science of Numbers is a question of practice, for, while the rules are exact, the phenomena of their manifestation varies so materially in each individual case that it would require a volume of huge proportions to describe all the operations of each rule, to say nothing of the many exceptions that affect this play of lights and shadows.

Accordingly, the only wise course for the student to pursue is to follow the common rule of patience, perseverence, and fidelity, for the beginner if he would hope to succeed, must be faithful in all his experiments with the Science, and must persevere patiently, and without permitting the vitiating element of discouragement to enter. If undertaken under such conditions, it will not be long before he himself will begin to notice the indications of improvement.

As an aid in the work of analyzing names, the following may be taken as a brief example of a life reading. The name selected is that of Alice Ames, who was born on the 20th of July. To read this name, one should proceed as follows:
A L I C E (Ames)
1 + 3 + 9 + 3 + 5 = 21 = 3

Thus, the NAME NUMBER is 3; the BIRTH NUMBER, of course, is 2 (2 + 0 making 2.)

The NAME NUMBER, 3, stands for some universal work, the 3 being one of the Universal numbers. The number 2, on the other hand, holds the strong love of home. The Cornerstone, “A,” would lead one to begin many things, but there are no vibrations in the name that would help such a person to finish them. The Keystone, “I,” would bring separation from friends, material losses, and nervous afflictions. The “C,” which follows “I,” would continue to scatter everything that 2—the BIRTH NUMBER—could gather. In other words, the conditions are generally unsatisfactory, and things would be better if the name should be changed to “Beth.” Thus:
2 + 5 + 2 + 8 = 17 = 8
brings out all the possibilities that lie in the BIRTH NUMBER, as 8 is the Capstone, or force of completion, of the Triad of 2–4–8. Moreover, the “B” gives poise, sympathy, and power to help others, while the “T” and “H” bring the ability to create, or invent.


The following table of names may prove of assistance to those who, for any reason find it desirable to make a change in their own name, or in that of some friend:


Triad of 1–5–7.

Agnes—19 Arthur—32 Edmund—25
Alfred—28 Benjamin—32 Eleanor—34
Edward—28 Ethel—23 Flora—25
Edwin—28 Gladys—23 Grace—25
Joseph—28 Gustave—23 Nelson—25
Katherine—46 Kenneth—32 Philip—43
Marie—28 Lewis—23 Victoria—43
Peter—28 Paul—14 Willard—34

Triad of 2–4–8.

Dora—20 David—22 Bernard—35
Doris—29 Delia—22 Beth—17
Mildred—38 Dexter—31 Dwight—35
Morris—38 Harold—31 Hugh—26
John—20 Kathleen—31 Moses—17
Julius—20 Ruth—22 Virginia—53

Triad of 3–6–9.

Alice—21 Dorothy—42 Curtis—27
Charles—30 Florence—42 Louise—27
Claire—30 Fred—24 Olive—27
George—39 Lillian—33 Olive—36
Orville—39 Lona—15 Raymond—36
Rose—21 Lydia—24 Roger—36
Ruby—21 Robert—33 Lottie—27


In the reading of names the student will avoid some stumbling blocks by remembering the following facts:

All numbers can reach perfection, for no one number is more perfect than another. The matter is one of vibration; plus personal endeavor.

In business and residential addresses, all numbers are equal for prosperity, with the single exception of 11, which possesses such a high spiritual vibration that it does not readily attract the material things of life. All addresses, however, should be in harmony.

Change names as a physician changes remedies. If the new name does not bring desired results within a reasonable length of time, select another, and continue changing until the effective remedy is found.

When, in reading names, a deviation from the law of the harmony is discovered, look for the cause in the letters of the name.

Be sure that you know the correct BIRTH NUMBER before beginning to read a name. This may seem like an unnecessary caution, but experience will soon prove that there are many individuals who do not know the actual date of their birth. A difference of a few hours in this regard would be quite likely to change the entire character of the reading.

If one is ill, and in search of better health, it is not well to put that person into an octave by beginning the new name with the BIRTH letter. For example, if one is in 8 in birth, the new name should not begin with “H.” Either “B” or “D” would bring more satisfactory results.

Those in the Triad of 1–5–7 should make no new business deals on the 3rd of the month.

A 5 through 14 is active, energetic, vital, physical, and material. Such a person can usually operate machinery successfully. A 5 through 23 is the home-lover, and is interested in things on the spiritual plan. It has more of the qualities of an 8 than of a 5. A 5 through 32 should make a successful surgeon. Many 5s in a name make a hard and faithful worker, but they are not conducive to either health or happiness. “E,” the 5 of single vibration, and 11 are very antagonistic. Thus, if a boy born on the 29th of the month is named “Edgar,” he is in grave danger of spinal trouble. The 5 affects the spine—an influence exerted through the Cornerstone, “E;” the 11 accentuates this force, and the 8, the NAME NUMBER, intensifies it still further.

A 3 asks advice. A 7 will not take advice, and should not.

If one is 2 in NAME and 7 in BIRTH, the 2 will “box up” things so securely that the 7 cannot find any avenue of escape.

An “A” is not a good Cornerstone for any person except one who is a 7 in BIRTH. The effect of “A” is to bring lack of continuity. Nothing but a 7 can bring the force of completion.

“N” and “H” tend to surgical operations.

The peculiarity of 2 and 4 is to localize, or “get into a rut.” Moreover, once there, these numbers generally “stay put.” They have to be helped out.

Be careful to see that “R” is followed by a favorable letter. If under full harmony, “R” is beneficent, and will bring beneficial changes.

A 13 in BIRTH is self-assertive, self-opinionated, and self-reliant, even to the point of extreme stubbornness. Such a person cannot be limited, or restrained, cannot be made to change his opinions, and must rule his own business.