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The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Story of Apollonius of Tyre/Glossary

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Arranged according to their Roots.

[Words marked with an asterisk are corrections of the Glossary to the Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. Prefixed particles are printed in Italics.]

Geacsian, to inquire after.
envious, jealous.
Æfestian, to be envious.
Onælan, to inflame.
Geæmtigan, to be at leisure, vacare.
Ær-wacol, early awake.
Æðel-boren, of noble birth.
Æðel-borennes, nobility.
Unæðele, ignoble, plebeian.
Arleasnes, impiety, wickedness.
Attor, i. q. ater & atter, poison.
Axsian, i. q. axian, to ask, inquire.
Bæð, III. 1. bath. Gr. 93.
Bæð-stede, bath-stead, bathing-place.
Geban, III. 1? proclamation.
Baðian, to bathe.
*Bend, signifying bond, is oftener II. 2. than II. 3.
Beodan, pret. bead, 2. bude, pp. boden, to announce, offer, promise, command. Gr. 193.
Beorscipe, entertainment.
Abifian, to tremble.
Æbilignes, anger.
III. 1. birth; generally used in the plural.
Abisgian, to busy, engage oneself.
Bóc-cist, II. 3. book-chest, book-case.
Bóc-cræft, book-craft, literature.
Bóclic, booklike, contained in books, learned.
*Bold, II. 1. house.
Gebóren, born; from beran.
Oferbrædan, to spread over.
Abrecan, to break (into).
Brid-bed, marriage-bed.
Brid-gifta, Ii. 3. nuptials; used only in the plural. Gr. 87.
In-gebringan, pre. -brohte, to bring in.
Búr, bower, chamber.
Campian, to fight.
Ceaster-gewara, i. q. -wara, citizens, townsfolk.
Cliopian, i.q. cleopian, to call.
Ymb'clyppan, to embrace.
Ungecnawen, unknown.
Gecneordnes, study, acquirement?
Cnyssan, to strike, dash.
Acuman, to bear, sustain.
Cuð, known, familiar, domestic.
Gecweme, estimable.
Cwic-suslen, sulphureous, fiery.
Cynedóm, kingdom
Cyne-helm, crown
Cyne-rice, III. 1. kingdom
Cyne-setl, roal seat, throne.
Cyrlisc, churlish, of the common people; from ceorl.
Cystignes, liberality, bounty.
Dæg, day; to-dæg, to-day.
Gedafenlic, proper, fitting.
Digolnes, i.q. digelnys, secret
Bedihlian, i. q. bediglian, to conceal.
Dihtnere, II. 2. steward.
Dirstig, i.q. dyrstig, daring.
Dóm-setl, judgement-seat, tribunal.
Gedrefan, to trouble, vex; gedrefed, afflicted.
Gedrefedness, sorrow, affliction, trouble.
Adry'fan, to drive from.
Dún-land, mountainous land; from dún, mountain.
Dwelian, to err.
To-escan, in addition to.
Ealda, old man.
Ealdorman, prince.
East-norðern, north-east.
Eaðe, easily, and p. 11, line 13, apparently an error for eað, more easily.
Est, II. 2. provision, meat.
Fæderlic, paternal.
Befæstan, to commit.
Fæstnes, firmness, constancy.
fain, glad, joyful.
Gefáran, to experience, suffer.
Gefeallan, to fail.
Feccan, pret. fehte, to fetch.
Find, i. q. fynd, pl. of feond, foe, enemy.
Afirsian, to drive away.
Fiscnoð, II. 2? fishing.
Flíma, fugitive.
To-geflites, adv. in emulation.
forward, onward.
Fostor-modor, foster-mother.
Fremfulnes, utility, benefit.
Freodóm, freedom.
Freondscipe, friendship.
Frig, free.
Frind, i. q. frynd, pi. of freond, friend.
Fultumiend, II. 2. supporter.
Onfundennes, discovery, solution.
Gaderung, i. q. gegaderung, assembly.
Galnes, lust, libido.
Agán, to go; pp. agan, gone. Gr. 212.
Ingán, to enter.
Togán, to part, go different ways.
Gegeárcian, to prepare.
Gearo, accurately.
Gest-hús, guest-house, inn.
Giden, i. q. gyden, goddess.
Giftelic, marriageable. Isl. at gifta, to marry.
Gim, gem.
Gingre, I. 3. disciple.
Aginnan, pret. -gan, pl. -gunnon, to begin, set about.
Begirdan, to begird.
Gegirla, garment.
Forgitan, pret. -geat, to forget.
Gitsung, i. q. gytsung, avarice.
Gladian, to be joyful.
Gegódian, to enrich.
Gegretan, i. q. gretan, to greet.
Greting, II. 3. greeting, salutation.
Angrislic, horrid, terrible.
Gyrnan, to yearn, desire; often governs a genitive of the object
Háli, i. q. halig, holy.
Gehaten, called; from hátan.
Heaf, II. 2. sigh, groan.
Beheafdung, beheading.
Healice, chiefly; healicost, in preference to all others.
Hearpe-nægl, harp-nail, plectrum.
Hearpe-streng, II. 2. harp-string.
Hearpian, to play on the harp.
Hefig, tedious.
Helan, to conceal.
Heof, mourning, lament.
II. 2. hope, expectation.
Gehihtan, to hope, trust.
Hiw-cuð, belonging to the household, familiaris.
Hládan, pret. hlód, to load.
Hnecca, neck, cervix.
Oferhogian, to despise.
Horu, III. 1. pollution, filth, sordes.
Hund-teontig, hundred.
Hwar, i. q. hwær, where.
Hwaðerode, probably an error for hraðerode, i. q. hreðode, raged; from hreþian, sævire.
Hwíg, i. q. hwi, why.
Hyred-man, domestic, retainer.
Gehywed, feigned, assumed, hypocritical.
Geinnian, to indemnify.
Irlic, angry.
Irre, i. q. yrre, ire, anger.
Iuguð, i. q. geogoð, youth.
Iung, i. q. geong, young.
Gelæccan, pret. -læhte, to catch.
Læ'ran, to advise.
Læ'rincg-mæden, female pupil.
Alætan, to let forth, give up (the ghost).
Leaf, II. 3. leave, permission.
Lengc, i. q. leng, longer.
Leogan, pret. leah, pl. lugon, to lie; leogende, lying.
Alesan, i. q. alysan, to redeem, liberate.
Mislician, to be displeasing.
Anlícnes, likeness, statue.
Forliden, shipwrecked; from liðan, to navigate. Gr. 248.
Gemæcca, make, mate; used both of males and females.
Gemægnan, i. q. gemengan, to mingle.
Mænio, many, multitude.
Mangere, i. q. mancgere, monger, merchant.
Wiðmeten, compared, comparable; from wiðmetan.
Mid þam þe, when, after that.
Mid þi, or mid þy, when, since.
Moddren, maternal.
Morcnung, complaint.
Morgen-gifu, dower. Ger. Morgengabe.
Mynegian, i. q. myngian, to admonish, exhort.
Næs na, not.
Naht, not.
Na Þ án, not only.
Geneadian, to compel..
Nefe, granddaughter.
Genémnian, to name.
Neod-gebirian, to happen of necessity.
Genihtsum, sufficient, abundant.
Genihtsumian, to suffice.
Ge-edniwian, to renew.
*Geniðla, hate, enmity; Cod. Exon. 56, b.
Nyhst, superl. of neah, Gr. p. 51. æt nyhstan (nyxtan), at last.
On, a; as, on fiscnoð, (go) a fishing.
Organa, organ; generally used in the plural.
Pænig, penny.
Plega, play, game.
Plegan, to play.
Purpra, purple, purple robe.
Ræcan, i. q. geræcan, to reach, hold out.
Aræ'dan, to read, guess.
Misræ'dan, to misread, misinterpret.
Rædels, II. 2. riddle; rædelse, I. 3. is also usual.
Rædlice, i. q. hrædlice, quickly, promptly.
Rædnes, readiness, promptness.
Aræfnian, to endure.
Reaf, robe, tapestry, drapery.
Bereafian, to bereave, rob; bereafigend, robber, spoiler.
*Reced, house, &c, though sometimes masc., as Cod. Exon. 79, a., is usually of the neut. gen.
to rede, hit upon.
Gerefa, overseer, steward.
Areodian, to become red.
Reowlice, lamentably, cruelly.
right, lawful, just, rightly; rihte, rightly.
Ring, i. q. hring, ring.
Rowan, 3. rewð, pret. reow, to row.
Rúd, redness.
Gesælð, III. 1. happiness, advantage, good.
Asændan, i. q. asendan, to send.
Sárlic, painful, sorrowful, grievous.
Unscæðði, for unscæððig, harmless, innocent.
Scamfæst, shamefaced, bashful.
Scamu, i. q. sceamu, shame.
Scicels, II. 2. cloak.
Forscildian, to accuse, condemn; forscildod, guilty. Ger. verschulden.
Scite, I. 3. sheet.
Unscoren, unshorn; from sceran. Gr. 229.
Ge-inseglian, to seal.
Seglung, sailing, navigation.
Asettan, to propose.
Síd-feax, with dishevelled hair.
Sillan, i. q. syllan & sellan, to sell, give.
Gesingian, to sin, do wrong.
Gesirwan, to lay snares for.
Ymbsittan, to sit around.
*Sið-fæt, II. 2. journey.
Slæcan, put off, procrastinate.
Asmeagung, meditation, investigation.
Smercian, to smirk, smile.
Gesmerian, i. q. smy'rian, to smear, anoint.
Smiltnes, serenity.
Snelnes, activity.
Snotornes, wisdom.
Sona swa, as soon as.
Besorgian, to sorrow for.
Ofstæ'nan, to stone.
Understandan, to dare, venture. Ger. unterstehen.
to establish, make good.
Ge-edstaðelian, to re-establish.
Strand, II. 2? strand, shore.
Gesund, sound, healthy: wel gesund, a form of salutation, all hail!
Suð-western, south-west.
Sweg-cræft, music.
Sweoðe, i. q. swiðe, very, valde.
Swerian, pret. swerede & swor, to swear. Gr. 240.
Andswerian, i. q. andswarian, to answer.
Geswerian, to swear.
Beswican, to delude.
*Swige, silence.
Swigian, to keep silence.
Forswigian, to conceal by keeping silence, reticere. Ger. verschweigen.
Swingan, pret swang, to strike.
Gesynscipas, nuptials; used generally in the plural, like gyfta.
*Besyrode, ensnared; from besyrian.
Tacen-bora, standard-bearer, signifer. Why this title is given to the fisherman does not appear.
Betæcan, to assign, appoint.
Getæcan, pret. -tæhte, to point out.
Tal, II. 3. blame.
Forðteon, to exhibit.
Geteon, to play (on the organ, &c).
Getogen, educated, instructed; from teon.
Top, II. 2. apparently the same as þoðer. I am not aware of this word occurring elsewhere in A. S., or of its existence in any cognate dialect.
*Trym, step; trem, Beow. l. 5047.
Tweonian, to doubt; sometimes used impersonally, with gen. of object.
Awácan, pret. awóc, to awake, intrans.
Bewæfan, to wrap, clothe.
Wæfels, II. 2. coat, cloak.
Wæl-reow, i. q. wæl-hreow, bloodthirsty.
Wæl-reownes, cruelty.
Gewæmman, to pollute, sully, defile.
Gewæ'nan, i. q. gewénan, to turn.
Wændan, i. q. wendan, to turn, return.
Awændan, i. q. awendan, to change.
Bewændan, i. q. bewendan, to turn.
Gewændan, i. q. gewendan, to turn.
Awændednes, translation.
Waforlic, theatrical; from wafian, to gaze on with admiration.
Forwandian, to revere, have respect for; forwandigende, respectful.
Unforwandigendlice, unblushingly.
Wea, trouble, affliction.
Gewealc, III. 1. rolling; from wealcan, to roll.
Weax, II. 1. wax.
Wel-willendlice, benevolently.
Welwillendnes, benevolence.
Wén, II. 3 hope, probability.
Wíd-cuð, widely known, public.
Gewiht, III. 1? weight.
Willes, willingly: his wiles, of his own accord. This adverb is analogous with nihtes. Gr. 108.
Gewilnung, desire.
Gewinnan, pret -wan, pl. -wunnon, to win, gain, hit upon.
Ongean-winan, to struggle against, resist.
Winstra, left, sinister.
Gewis, prudent, skilful.
Forwitan, to know beforehand.
Ny'tan (ne witan), not to know. This word is inadvertently omitted in the Glossary to the Analecta A. S.
Unwreón, i. q. onwreón, to uncover.
Oferwritan, to read over.
Wuda-land, woodland.
Ungewunelic, unusual, uncommon.
II. 1. worth, value, price.
Wyrrest, worst. Gr. p. 51.
Yldan, to delay, postpone.
Ætywian, i. q. ateowian, &c, to show.
UnÞanc, II. 2. harm, injury.
Þancful, thankful.
pearfende, needy, in misery; from Þearfan.
Þearfendlic, poor.
Þeaw, endowment, quality.
Þegn, i. q. Þegen, thane, minister, servant.
BeÞencan, pret. -Þohte, to bethink, consider, ponder over.
GeÞencan, to think of, remember.
Þenung, attendance.
Þeow, servant; but p. 12, line 20, used adjectively for servile.
MisÞincan, to seem wrong, to mistake.
Þing, thing, place: on Þisum Þingum, in this state.
II. 2. ball.
Þweal, III. 1? place for washing, lavacrum; from Þwean, to wash.