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The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/When Morning Gilds the Skies

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For other versions of this work, see When Morning Gilds the Skies.
The Army and Navy Hymnal (1920)
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
When Morning Gilds the Skies
lyrics by Anonymous, composed by Joseph Barnby, translated by Edward Caswall
Edward CaswallHenry Augustine SmithAnonymousThe Army and Navy Hymnal — When Morning Gilds the Skies1737450Joseph Barnby
\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "2" "   " "When Morning Gilds the Skies" } subsubtitle = "(LAUDES DOMINI. 6,6,6,6,6,6)" composer = "Joseph Barnby, 1868" poet = "German, 19th Century" meter = "Translated by Edward Caswall, 1853" }
\score { <<  \time 4/4  \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"oboe"} { \numericTimeSignature \partial 4 \relative e'
  { <e c>4 | <f c> <g c,> <a c,> <c f,> | << { b2( a4) g | } \\ { f2. f4 } >> 
    <a e> <b g> <c g> <e g,> | << { d2. } \\ { fis,2( g4) } >> \bar "||" \break
    <c d,> | <b d,> <c e,> <a c,>4. <g b,>8 | <g b,>2. <g d>4 |
    <g c,> <c c,> <b f> <c f,> | << { g2. } \\ { f2( e4) } >> \bar "||" \break
    <g d> | <g c,> <c e,> <b fis> <c fis,> | << { g2. g4 g2 } \\ { g4( d e) f e( f) } >>
    <c' g>2 <c f,> <d f,> \cadenzaOn <c e,>2. \bar "|." <c f,>1 \bar "|" <c e,> \bar ".." } }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"1."    
When4 morn -- ing gilds the skies,2.
My4 heart a -- wak -- ing cries,2.
May4 Je -- sus Christ4. be8 praised!2.
A4 -- like at work and prayer,2.
To4 Je -- sus I re -- pair;2.
May4 Je2 -- sus Christ be praised!2.
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"2."    
When4 -- e'er the sweet church bell,2.
peals4 o -- ver  hill and dale,2.
May4 Je -- sus Christ4. be8 praised!2.
O4  hark to what it sings,2.
As4 Joy -- sus -- ly it -- rings,2.
May4 Je2 -- sus Christ be praised!2.
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"3."    
The4 night be comes as day,2.
When4 from the heart we say,2.
May4 Je -- sus Christ4. be8 praised!2.
The4  Powers of dark -- ness fear,2.
When4 this sweet chant they hear;2.
May4 Je2 -- sus Christ be praised!2.
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"4."    
In4 hevan's e -- tern -- al bliss,2.
The4 love -- liest strain is this,2.
May4 Je -- sus Christ4. be8 praised!2.
Let4  earth, and sea, and sky,2.
From4 depth to height re -- ply;2.
May4 Je2 -- sus Christ be praised!2.
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"5."
Be4 this, while life is mine,2.
My4 can -- ti -- cle di -- vine,2.
May4 Je -- sus Christ4. be8 praised!2.
Be4 this th'e -- ter -- nal song2.
Through4 all the a -- ges long,2.
May4 Je2 -- sus Christ be praised!2.
\markup\smallCaps {A}1 -- \markup\smallCaps {men.}
  \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"oboe"} { \clef bass \relative g { \numericTimeSignature <g c,>4 | <g d> <g e> << { f } \\ { f } >> <a d,> |
    \set doubleSlurs = ##t <b g>2( <c a>4) <d b> | << { c } \\ { c } >> <d b> <c a> <c a> | <c d,>2( <b e,>4)
    <a fis> << { g } \\ { g } >> <g c,> <g d> <fis d> | <g g,>2. <b f!>4 |
    <c e,> <g e> <b d,> <a c,> | <d b,>( <c a,> <b g,>)
    <b f> | <c e,> <g c,> <d' d,> <c d,> |
    << { b2. s4 | c( d) s2 c2. b!4 } \\ { g4( f e) <b' d,>4 | c,2 <e' bes> | a, g } >>
    <c c,>2. | <a f>1 <g c,> | } }
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 120 }
1 When morning gilds the skies,My heart awaking cries,May Jesus Christ be praised!Alike at work and prayer,To Jesus I repair;May Jesus Christ be praised!
2 Whene'er the sweet church bellPeals over hill and dellMay Jesus Christ be praised!O hark to what it sings,As joyously it rings,May Jesus Christ be praised!
3 The night becomes as day,When from the heart we say,May Jesus Christ be praised!The powers of darkness fear,When this sweet chant they hear,May Jesus Christ be praised.
4 In heaven's eternal blissThe loveliest strain is this,May Jesus Christ be praised!Let earth, and sea, and sky,From depth to height reply,May Jesus Christ be praised.
5 Be this, while life is mine,My canticle divine,May Jesus Christ be praised!Be this th' eternal song.Through all the ages long,May Jesus Christ be praised!Amen.