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By Mrs. Ewing — Continued. MRS. OVERTHEWAY'S REMEMBRANCES. Illustrated with 10 fine Full-page Engravings on Wood, after Drawings by Pasquier and Wolf, and Design on the Cover by Miss Pym. 4th Edition. - Cheap Edition, with all the Illustrations. Fcap. 4to. 1s ' We think we shall not be accused of extravagance when we say that, without exception, "Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances" is the most delightful work avowedly written for children that we have ever read. There are passages in this book which the genius of George Eliot would be proud to own.... It is full of a peculiar, heart-stirring pathos of its own, which culminates in the last pages, when Ida finds that her father is not dead.' — 'Leader'. A GREAT EMERGENCY, and other Tales. With 4 Illustra- tions and Design on the Cover by Miss Pym. 2nd Edition. - Cheap Edition, with all the Illustrations. Fcap. 4to. 1s. • Never has Mrs. Ewing published a more charming volume of stories, and that is saying a very great deal. From the first to the last the book overflows with the strange knowledge of child-nature which so rarely survives childhood ; and, moreover, with inexhaustible quiet humour, which is never anything but innocent and well-bred, never priggish, and never clumsy.' — Academy. MELCHIOR'S DREAM, and other Tales. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. 6th Edition. - Cheap Edition, with Gordon Browne's Illustrations. Fcap. 4to. 1s. ' " Melchior's Dream " is an exquisite little storj', charming by original humour, buoyant spirits, and tender pathos.' — Athetueum, THE BROWNIES, and other Tales. Illustrated by GEORGE Cruikshank. 5th Edition. Imp. i6mo. 35. 6d. Cheap Edition, with all the Illustrations. Fcap. 4to. s. ' Mrs. Ewing gives us some really charming writing. While her first story most prettily teaches children how much they can do to help their parents, the immediate result will be, we fear, anything but good. For if a child once begins " The Brownies," it will get so deeply interested in it, that when bed-time comes it will altogether forget the moral, and will weary its parents with importunities for just a few minutes more to see how everything ends. The frontispiece, by the old friend of our childhood, George Cruikshank, is no less pretty than the story'.' — Saturday Review. LOB-LIE-BY-THE-FIRE ; or, the Luck of Lingborough. And other Tales. Illustrated by GEORGE Cruikshank. 3rd Edition. Imp. 16mo. 3s. 6d. ' A charming tale by another of those clever writers, thanks to whom the children are now really better served than their neighbours.' — Spectator. ' Mrs. Ewing has written as good a story as her " Brownies," and that is saying a great deal. " Lob-lie-by-the-fire " has humour and pathos, and teaches what is right without making children think they are reading a sermon." — Saturday Review. Page:The Art of Bookbinding, Zaehnsdorf, 1890.djvu/265 Page:The Art of Bookbinding, Zaehnsdorf, 1890.djvu/266 Page:The Art of Bookbinding, Zaehnsdorf, 1890.djvu/267 Page:The Art of Bookbinding, Zaehnsdorf, 1890.djvu/268