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The British Grenadiers (1802)/A New Sea Song

From Wikisource


Ye hearts of oak, who wish to tryyour fortunes on the sea,And Briton's enemies defy,come enter here with me:Here's fifty pounds bounty, two month's pay,and leave to go on shore,With pretty girls to kiss and play,can British Tars ask more?
Our ship is stout and sails like wind,to chase a hostile foe,To fight like Britons we're inclin'd,we'll let the Monsieurs know;Our Captain's gen'rous, brave, and good,of grog we'll have great store, Of prizes rich we'll sweep the flood,can British Tars wish more?
And when from driving Bourbon's fleet,victorious we arrive,With music, dance, and jovial treat,to please our girls we'll strive;Both Spanish silver and French gold,We'll count in plenty o'er,Which we have won, my shipmates bold,can British Tars wish more?