Rouse up Briton's! rouse! here's denger,Frenchmen dare invade our coasts;To fight and conquer—you're no strangers,soon we'll tame their haughty boasts.
Awaken, Britons! Frenchmen threaten,to subdue our peaceful Isle:To arms! to arms! let them be beaten,in front, in rear, each rank and file.Rouse up, Britons! rouse! here's, &c.
Our King is wise, and well supported,has men and money in his hand;His Generals are well escorted.———his fleets at sea bear sole command. &c.
Our Cavalry are stout and healthy,our Regulars, there's none so brave;Our Fencibles are young and wealthy,and like the Train, none can behave. &c.
Field Marshal York, Great Britain's glory,where's the man will fit his call?I'm sure he's neither Whig nor Tory,to's country he's but a Rascal. Rouse, &c.
Awake, millions! York will lead you,should Frenchmen dare to cross the main;And Briton's Daughters they will feed you,'till Frenchmen be by Britons slain. &c.
Lords & Lairds are on tiptoe standing,ready to repel the foe;And Volunteers, with those commanding,to deal to Frenchmen mighty woe! &c.
Farmers and Peasants—all are willingto support both King & Country's cause;He's nothing but a cowardly Villainthat will not defend brave Britain's laws.
Rouse up Britons! rouse! here's dangers,Frenchmen dare invade our coasts:To fight and conquer—you're no strangers,soon we'll tame these haughty boasts.