The Cadet Hand Book and Section Roll/Duties of Colour-Sergeant
He is responsible to the officer commanding the company for discipline, and that none of the cadets appear on parade unless correctly dressed, until he has first reported the matter to his company commander.
He must report to him any neglect or disobedience of orders on the part of the non-commissioned officers and cadets.
He must perform any clerical duties that are allotted to him in connection with his company, such as keeping an attendance roll correctly entered up.
He must see that the section leaders are in possession of a roll having the name of everey cadet in it who belongs to their section, and that the attendances are correctly marked therein.
He must himself have a roll of the company kept up to date and make a note of every change of address in it.
He must have markers fallen in and placed at the correct distances apart, ready for the company to fall in on at least five minutes before “fall in” sounds.
He must see that, unless otherwise ordered, the company falls in in four sections, and that each section is under a senior non-commissioned officer other than himself.
He should give any orders it may be necessary for him to give clearly and in such a way that they may at once be understood, and on no account allow or enter into any argument in connection therewith, but at once report any such matter to superior authority.