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The Cadet Hand Book and Section Roll/Duties of Sergeant &c.

From Wikisource

Sergeants and other N.C.O.’s.

They should have in their possession a Roll Book containing a roll of their section entered and up to date, and be thoruoghly conversant with its contents, as also any orders from their company or half­-company commanders bearing on their duties; they will enforce obedience from those under their com­mand, performing their own duties with firmness, tact and discretion, and at once report to higher authority when anything occurs which renders it necessary.

If section leaders when the “fall in” sounds they must see that the cadets of their section fall in quietly and smartly, call the roll, inspect the cadets and see that all are correctly dressed, reporting any who are not to their half-company commander or the colour-sergeant, number off the section, divide it into two squads when necessary, each under a non-commissioned officer if possible, prove the section smartly and have it ready to take its place in the company on parade without undue delay.

They must also make themselves specially acquainted with the cadets of their section, know­ing their addresses and at once making a note of any change, learn their temperament, habits and ability.

They must do their utmost to encourage the habit of obedience to orders, punctuality on parade, and attention to duty amongst the cadets, by setting the example themselves, and being sure when they give any orders that they are distinctly heard and can be understood.

They must on no account permit or enter into any argument in regard to any order that may have been given by them in the performance of their duty.