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The Conservative (Lovecraft)/April 1915/For President - Leo Fritter

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The Conservative, April 1915
edited by H. P. Lovecraft
For President - Leo Fritter by H. P. Lovecraft
4741640The Conservative, April 1915 — For President - Leo FritterH. P. LovecraftH. P. Lovecraft

For President - Leo Fritter

In the United Official Quarterly for February occurs a sentence which may be construed as the launching of a presidential "boom" for Mr. Leo Fritter of Columbus, Ohio. The Conservative, in the best interests of the United Amateur Press Association, desires to be first in seconding such a just and eminently sensible motion. Leo Fritter is of true presidential timber, possessing every qualification which should exist in an executive. He is an attorney of trained legal mind, he is a man of highest culture and real literary taste, he is sincerely devoted to the cause of amateur journalism, he is a despiser of petty politics and factional jealousies, he has a keen feeling of fraternity and good-will, he stands as a champion of the United against the schemers who seek to destroy its identity, and he is not affiliated with any other amateur press association.

The Conservative feels that a rising organization like the United should have a strong man at its head, and he can think of none stronger or better than Leo Fritter. Mr. Fritter is not an "old-timer" in amateur journalism, which should count much in his favor, since he cannot have absorbed the ancient prejudices which make it so difficult for a veteran amateur to conduct an absolutely impartial administration. No person living is better fitted to aid in a reunion with the disaffected amateurs of the Morris Faction. Wherefore The Conservative again cries, and with redoubled enthusiasm: For President - Leo Fritter!