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The Crowne of All Homers Workes/To Earth the Mother of All

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4438248The Crowne of All Homers Workes — To Earth the Mother of AllGeorge ChapmanHomer

To Earth
Mother of all.

Mother of all things, the well-founded Earth,My Muse shall memorise; who al the birthGiues foode, that al her upper regions breede;All that in her diuine diffusions feedeIn under Continents: All those that liueIn all the Seas; and All the ayre doth giueWing'd expeditions; Of thy bounties eateFaire Children, and faire fruites, thy labors sweate;(O great in reuerence:) and referd to theeFor life, and death, is all the PedigreeOf Mortall humanes. Happie then is HeWhom the innate Propensions of thy MindeStand bent to honor. He shall all things finde In all abundance: All his Pastures yieldHerds in all plenties: All his roofes are fill'dWith rich possessions: He, in all the swaieOf Lawes best orderd, cuts out his owne wayIn Citties shining with delicious Dames;And takes his choice of all those striuing Flames.High happinesse, and riches, (like his Traine)Follow his Fortunes; with delights that raigneIn all their Princes. Glorie inuests his Sonnes;His Daughters, with their croun'd selectionsOf all the Cittie, frolick through the Meades;And euery one, her calld-for Dances treadsAlong the soft-flowre of the clauer Grasse.All this, with all those, euer comes to passe,That thy loue blesses, Goddesse full of grace,And treasurous Angell t'all the humane Race.Haile then, Great Mother of the Desired kinde;Wife to the Cope of Starrs? sustaine a MindePropitious to me, for my Praise; and giue(Answering my minde) my vows fit Meanes to liue.