The Crowne of All Homers Workes/To the Sun
To the Sun.
he radiant Suns diuine renowne, diffuse(Ioues Daughter, great Calliope my Muse)Whom Ox-ey'd Euryphaessa gaue Birth,To the bright seede of starrie Heauen and Earth.For the farr-fam'd Hyperion tooke to WifeHis Sister Euryphaessa; that lifeOf his high Race gaue, to these louely Three;Aurora with the Rosie-wrists, and sheeThat ownes th'enamouring tresses (the bright Moone)Together, with the neuer-wearied Sunne.Who, (his Horse mounting) giues, both Mortalls lightAnd all Th'immortalls. Euen to horror, brightA blaze burns from his Golden BurgonetWhich to behold, exceeds the sharpest setOf any eues intention: Beames so cleareIt all waies powres abroade. The glorious cheareOf his farr-shining Face, up to his Crowne, Casts circular Radiance: that comes streaming downeAbout his Temples; his bright Cheekes, and allRetayning the refulgence of their Fall.About his bosome flowes so fine a WeedeAs doth the thynnesse of the winde exceedeIn rich context: beneath whose deepe folds flieHis Masculine Horses, round about the skie;Till in this Hemisphere, he renders staieT'his gold-yo'kt Coch, and Coursers: and his way(Let downe by Heauen) the heauenly Cocheman makesDowne to the Ocean, where his rest he takes. My Salutations then, faire King, receiuve, And, in propitious returnes Relieue My life with Minde-fit means; & then from Thee And all the race of compleate Deitie My song shall celebrate those halfe-God states, That yet, sad deaths condicion circulates. And whose braue Acts, the Gods shew men, that they As braue may ayme at; since they can but die.