The Czechoslovak Review/Volume 2/Professor Masaryk in Baltimore
Baltimore is one of the cities which contain a considerable number of the Czechoslovak people, who were naturally eager to see and hear the great leader of the race. Although Professor Masaryk is unable to accept the many invitations to speak, coming from various cities and societies, he did not wish to disappoint his countrymen in Baltimore.
The Baltimore meeting was held under the auspices of the War Saving Stamps Committee in the Lyric, the largest theatre in Baltimore. The Bohemians and Slovaks of the city turned out in full numbers, marching from Northeastern Baltimore to the Union Station to receive the guest as he descended from the Washington train. The meeting was presided over by Ex-Governor Goldsborough. Professor Masaryk spoke both in English and Bohemian, discussing the problems of small nations and the situation of the Czechoslovak soldiers in Russia. After his speech an effort was made to have everyone of the audience pledge a certain amount for the War Saving Stamps; the total pledge of the meeting was $67,000.00, and the leaders promised to bring it up to $100,000.00.
After the mass meeting a dinner was given by the Baltimore colony to Professor Masaryk and the Washington guests in the Belvedere. Masaryk spoke again briefly and short addresses were also made by a number of the guests and leading Baltimoreans.
While in size the Baltimore reception would not equal the wonderful reception extended to Professor Masaryk in Chicago, New York and Cleveland, there was the same high enthusiasm and the same unanimity in Baltimore, as in the other cities.