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The Czechoslovak Review/Volume 2/What the Bohemian National Alliance is doing

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The Bohemian Review, volume 2, no. 8 (1918)
What the Bohemian National Alliance is doing
3611405The Bohemian Review, volume 2, no. 8 — What the Bohemian National Alliance is doing1918


The war which has made great gaps in every business organization and almost every family has also reached into the ranks of the active workers of the Alliance. Dr. L. J. Fisher, who has been president of the organization since its foundation, is in France doing medical work for the Czechoslovak army. His place is taken by the first vice-president of the Alliance, Dr. Joseph P. Pecival. The best known worker in the East, Mr. Emanual V. Voska, is now an officer in the American army.

After the Fourth of July which was celebrated with extreme enthusiasm in every town in this broad land in which there is a branch of the Alliance or the Slovak League came the French National holiday. There is no other land for which the Bohemians and Slovaks feel so much affection as for the brave France, which gave its hospitality to the Czechoslovak National Council, organized the Czechoslovak Army| and was the first of the Allied Powers to recognize the Czechoslovak National Council as the supreme representative of its people. And so on the Fourteenth of July hundreds of telegrams rached the French Embassy in Washington from all parts of this counntry congratulating France on her holiday and assuring her of the gratitude of all the sons of Bohemia.

The Bohemian National Alliance still sustains the chief burden of supporting financially the Czechoslovak National Council. The figures of the Secretary of the Alliance showing the state of affairs for this year have considerable interest. The amount expeected to be raised in 1918 was apportioned last year among the various districts of the Alliance. After six months it appears that the New England district has paid up 94% of its apportionment, next comes Oklahoma with 55%, San Francisco 51%, Omaha 50.50%, Canada 47%, Chicago 47%, St. Louis 40.50%, Cleveland 34.50%, Detroit 32%, Milwaukee 27.50%, Texas 26%, Pittsburgh 23.43%, Cedar Rapids 12.55%. The total for the six months lacks somewhat of one-half of the assessment, but there is no doubt that the full amount will be raised before the end of the year.