The Daily Argus/1940/Wartburg Head Succumbs To Heart Attack
Wartburg Head Succumbs To Heart Attack
William H. Steinkamp Former Resident Here Dies in New York at 76.
William Steinkamp president of the board of trustees of the Wartburg Farm School for 27 years and a former resident of Claremont Avenue here for ten years died yesterday at his home 277 Park Avenue, New York City the result of a heart attack suffered Sunday He was head of the law firm of Salter and Steinkamp of 342 Madison Avenue and was seventy-six years old A native of New York Mr. Steinkamp attended the College of the City of New York and was graduated with honors from New York Law School. He was admitted to the bar in 1895 forming a law firm that same year with A. Oldrin Salter who died in 1921. Mr. Steinkamp was active in the Lutheran Church and was a founder and first president of the Lutheran Society of New York He led the Wartburg board when the school experienced its greatest expansion and he was responsible for a large part of the growth He also was a founder and former president of the Fordham Savings Bank and when it was absorbed by the Dollar Savings Bank he became a trustee of the latter institution. Surviving are his widow the former Dorothea Clausen two daughters Mrs. Reginald Pierce and Mrs. Edward Murray three sons Christopher Willard and Alfred Steinkamp two brothers Christopher and Herman; and three sisters, Mrs. Henry Michaels, Miss Marie Steinkamp, and Mrs. Henry Bardenhagen. The body is at the University Chapel Lexington Avenue and 52nd Street funeral services will be conducted at St Lutheran Church Lexington Avenue and 54th Street tomorrow at 8 P.M.. Burial will be private.