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The Daughter of Sláva

From Wikisource
English-language translations of
Slávy dcera (The Daughter of Sláva)
by Ján Kollár

The cycle of sonnets Slávy dcera (originally Sláwy dcera) was first published in 1824 and contained the prelude and 150 numbered sonnets organized in three cantos. After that other editions of the cycle were published with increasing number of cantos and sonnets. Most sonnets from older editions are numbered differently in later editions.

2620852Slávy dcera (The Daughter of Sláva) — Ján Kollár

English-language translations of Slávy dcera include:

Translations of sonnets appearing in the original 1824 edition

Canto 1

Canto 2

Canto 3

Translations of sonnets added in the 1832 edition

Canto 1

Canto 2

Canto 3

Translations of sonnets added in the 1852 edition

Canto 3