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The Family Kitchen Gardener (1856)/Lambs' Lettuce

From Wikisource


Fédia olitória.—Mache, Fr.—Ackersalat, Ger.

Fetticus or Lambs’ Lettuce is a native of Europe, and cultivated extensively as a Spring salad, but in France they frequently dress it like Spinach. It is called Lambs’ Lettuce, from its having been in repute as an early feed for lambs. Every garden should have a patch of this very palatable vegetable, as it comes early in Spring, when even the sight of green is refreshing.

Culture.—Sow the seed from the 8th to the 20th of September, in shallow drills, one-fourth inch deep and six inches apart: cover lightly, and if dry weather, tread or roll the ground to press the seed and soil together. It is an annual, and requires to be sown every year. Hoe and keep clear of weeds; in November cover slightly with straw; when wanted, the leaves should be picked and not cut. If the Winter proves mild, it will be in use the whole season. If the seed is not fresh every year, it will frequently lie six months in the ground before it vegetates. It requires good rich soil; on such the flavor is greatly improved.