The Gospel of Saint Mark in West-Saxon
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1 Heafodweard
[edit]- Iohannes se Fulwihtere gearwaþ þone weg
Her ys godspelles angyn Hælendes Cristes, godes suna. 2 Swa awriten is on ðæs witegan bec Isaiam,
“Nu! ic asende minne engel beforan ðinre ansyne,
se gegearwaþ ðinne weg beforan ðe.
3 Clypigende stefen on ðam westene, ‘gegearwiaþ Drihtnes weg, doþ rihte his siðas.’”
4 Iohannes wæs on westene fulligende, and bodiende dædbote fulwiht, on synna forgyfenesse. 5 And to him ferde eall Iudeisc rice, and ealle Hierosolimaware; and wæron fram him gefullode on Iordanes flode, hyra synna anddetende. 6 And Iohannes wæs gescryd mid oluendes hærum, and fellen gyrdel wæs ymbe his lendenu; and gærstapan, and wudu hunig he æt, 7 And he bodode, and cwæþ, Strengra cymþ æfter me, ðæs ne eom ic wyrðe ðæt ic his sceona þwanga bugende uncytte. 8 Ic fullige eow on wætere; he eow fullaþ on Halgum gaste.
- Þæt fullwiht Iesus
9 And on ðam dagum, come se Hælend fram Nazareth galilee, and wæs gefullod on Iordane fram Iohanne. 10 And sona of ðam wætere, he geseah opene heofonas, and Haligne gast swa culfran astigende, and on him wunigende. 11 And ðam wæs stefn of heofenum geworden, Ðu eart min gelufoda suna, on ðe ic gelicode.
- Seo costnung Iesus
12 And sona gast hine on westen genydde. 13 And he on westene wæs feowertig daga and feowertig nihta, and he wæs fram Satane gecostnod, and he mid wilddeorum wæs, and him englas þenodon. 14 Syððan Iohannes geseald wæs, com se Hælend on galileam, godes rices godspell bodigende, 15 And ðus cweðende, witodlice tid is gefylled, and heofena rice genelæcþ; doþ dædbote, and gelyfaþ ðam godspelle.
- Iesus hateþ his forman larmenn
16 And ða he ferde wið ða galileiscan sæ, he geseah Simonem, and Andream, his broðor, hyra nett on ða sæ lætende; soþlice hi wæron fisceras. 17 And ða cwæþ se Hælend, Cumaþ æfter me; and ic do inc ðæt gyt beoþ sawla onfonde. 18 And hi ða hrædlice him fyligdon, and forleton heora nett. 19 And ðanon hwon agan, he geseah Iacobun Zebedei, and Iohannes his broðor, and hi on heora scype heora nett logodon. 20 And he hi sona clypode; and hi heora fæder, Zebedeo, on scipe forleton, mid hyrligum, [and hi folgodon hine.]
- Mann mid unclænum gaste
21 And ferdon to Cafarnaum, and sona restedagum he lærde hi, on gesamnunge ingangende. 22 And hi wundredon be his lare; soþlice he wæs hi lærende, swa swa se ðe anweald hæfþ, næs swa boceras. 23 And on heora gesamnunge wæs sum man on unclænum gaste, and he hrymde, 24 And cwæþ, Eala Nazarenisca Hælend, hwæt is us and ðe? com ðu us to forspillanne? ic wat ðu eart godes halga. 25 Ða cidde se Hælend him, and cwæþ, Adumba, and ga of ðisum men. 26 And se unclæna gast hine slitende, and mycelre sefne clypigende, him of eode. 27 Ða wundredon hi ealle, swa ðæt hi betwux him cwædon, Hwæt ys ðis? hwæt is ðeos niwe lar? ðæt he on anwealde unclænum gastum bebyt, and hi hyrsumiaþ him. 28 And sona ferde his hlisa to galilea rice.
- Iesus hæleþ manige
29 Hrædlice of hyra gesamnunge hi comon on Simonis and Andreas hus, mid Iacobe and Iohanne. 30 Soþlice ða sæt Simonis sweger hriþigende; and hi him be hyre sædon. 31 And genealæcende, he hi upahof, hyre handa gegripenre, and hrædlice se fefer hi forlet, and heo þenode him. 32 Soþlice ða hit wæs æfen geworden, ða sunne to setle eode, hi brohton to him ealle ða unhalan, and ða ðe wode wæron. 33 And eall seo burhwaru wæs gegaderod to ðære duran. 34 And he manega gehælde ðe missenlicum adlum gedrehte wæron, and manega deofolseocnyssa he utadraf, and hi sprecan ne let, forðam hi wiston ðæt he Crist wæs.
- Iesus bodaþ in galileam
35 And swiðe ær arisende, he ferde on weste stowe, and hine ðar gebæd. 36 And him fylidge Simon, and ða ðe mid him wæron. 37 And ða hi hine gemetton, hi sædon him, Eall ðis folc ðe secþ. 38 Ða cwæþ he, Fare we on gehende tunas and ceastra, ðæt ic ðar bodige, witodice to ðam ic com. 39 And he wæs bodigende on heora gesamnungum, and ealre galilea, and deofolseocnessa utadrifende.
- Iesus clænsaþ hreoflan
Ðys godspel sceal on wodnesdæg on þære fifteoðan wucan ofer pentecosten.
40 And to him com sum hreofla, hine biddende, and gebigedum cneowum, him to cwæþ, Drihten, gif ðu wylt, ðu miht geclænsian me. 41 Soþlice se Hælend him miltsode, and his hand aþenode, and hine æhrinende, and ðus cwæþ, Ic wylle, beo ðu geclænsod. 42 And ða he ðus cwæþ, sona seo hreofnes him fram gewat, and he wæs geclænsod.
43 And sona he bead him, [and onsent hine]. 44 And cwæþ, warna, ðæt ðu hit nanum men ne secge; ac ga, and ætyw ðe ðara sacerda ealdre, and bring for ðinre clænsunga ðæt Moyses bebead, him on gewitnesse.
45 And he, ða utgangende, ongan bodian, and widmærsian ða spræce, swi ðæt he ne mihte openlice on ða ceastre gan, ac beon ute on westum stowum; and hi æghwanon to him comon.
2 Heafodweard
[edit]- Iesus hæleþ laman
And eft æfter dagum, he eode into Cafarnaum. And hit wæs gehyred, ðæt he wæs on huse, 2 And manega togædere comon, … And he to heom spræc. 3 And hi comon anne laman to him berende, ðone feower men bæron. 4 And ða hi ne mihton hine inbringan for ðære mænigeo, hi openodon ðone hrof, ðar se Hælend wæs; and … hi ða inasendon ðæt bed, ðe se lama onlæg. 5 Soþlice ða se Hælend geseah heora geleafan, he cwæþ to ðam laman, Sunu, ðe synt ðine synna forgifene. 6 Ðar wæron sume of ðam bocerum sittende, and on heora heortan þencende, 7 Hwi spycþ ðes ðus? He dysegaþ; hwa mæg synna forgyfan, buton god ana? 8 Ða se Hælend ðæt on his gaste oncneow, ðað hi swa betwux him þohton, he cweaþ to him, Hwi þence ge ðas þing on eowrum heortum? 9 Hwæðer is eðre to secgenne to ðam laman, Ðe synd ðine synna forgifene, hwæðer ðe cweðan, Aris, nim ðin bed, and ga? 10 Ðæt ge soþlice witon ðæt mannes sunu hæfþ anweald on eorþan synna to forgyfanne, he cwæþ to ðam laman, 11 Ðe ic secge, aris, nim ðin bed, and ga to ðinum huse. 12 And he sona aras, and, [underleat bere,] beforan him eallum eode, swa ðæt ealle wundredon, .… and ðus cwædon, Næfre we ær ðyllic ne gesawon.
- Iesus hateþ Leui
13 Eft he uteode to ðære sæ, and eall seo mænigeo him to com; and he hi lærde. 14 And ða he forþeode, he geseah Leuin Alphei sittende æt hys cepsetle, and he cwæþ to him. Folga me. Ðaaras he and folgode him. 15 And hit gewearþ, ða he sæt on his huse, ðæt manega manfulle … sæton mid ðam Hælende and his leorningcnihtum; soþlice manega, ða ðe him fyligdon, wæron. 16 Boceras and Farisei, and cwædon, witodlice he ytt mid manfullum and synfullum, and hi cwædon to his leorningcnihtum, Hwi ytt eower lareow and drincþ mid manfullum and synfullum? 17 Ða se Hælend ðis gehyrde, he sæde him, Ne beþurfon na ða halan læces, ac ða ðe untrume synt; ne com ic na ðæt ic clypode rihtwise, ac synfulle.
- Frignung ymb fæstunge
18 And ða wæron Iohannes leorningcnihtas and Pharisei fæstende; and ða comon hi, and sædon him, Hwi fæstaþ Iohannes leorningcnihtas and Phariseorum, and ðine ne fæstaþ? 19 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Cweðe ge scolon, ðæs brydguman cnihtas fæstan, swa lange swa se brydguma mid him is? Ne magon hi fæstan, swalange tide, swahi ðone brydguman mid him habbaþ. 20 Soþlice ða dagas cumaþ, ðonne se brydguma him biþ fram acyrred, and ðonne hi fæstaþ on ðam dagum. 21 Nan man ne siwaþ niwne scyp to ealdum reafe, elles he afyrþ ðone niwan scyp of ðam ealdan reafe, and biþ mare slite. 22 And nan man ne deþ niwe win on ealde bytta, elles ðæt win tobrycþ ða bytta, and ðæt win biþ agoten, and ða bytta forwurðaþ. Ac niwe win sceal beon gedon on niwe bytta, ðonne beoþ butu gehealden.
- Iesus is Dryhten restedæges
23 Eft wæs geworden, ða he restedagum þurh æceras eode, his leorningcnihtas ongunnon ða ear pluccigean. 24 Ða cwædon Pharisei to him, Loca nu! hwæt ðine leorningcnihtas doþ, ðæt him alyfed næs on restedagum. 25 Ða sæde he hym, Ne rædde ge næfre hwæt dyde Dauid, … ða hine himgrode, and ða ðe mid him wæron? 26 Hu he in godes huse eode, under Abiathar, ðara sacerda ealdre, and he æt ða offrunghlafas. ðe him ne alyfede næron to etanne, buton sacerdum anum, and he sealde ðam ðe mid him wæron. 27 And he sæde him, Restedæg wæs geworht for ðam men, næs se man for ðam restedæge; 28 witodlice drihten is mannes sunu eac swylce restedæges.
3 Heafodweard
[edit]- Mann hæbbende forscruncene hand
And eft he eode on gesomnunge, and ðar wæs an man forscruncene hand hæbbende. 2 And hi gymdon, hwæðer he on reste dagum gehælde, ðæt hi hine gewregdon. 3 Ða cwæþ he to ðam men ðe forscruncene hand hæfde, Aris gemang him. 4 Ða cwæþ he, Alyfþ restedagum wel to donne, hwæðer ðe yfele? sawla gehælan, hwæðer ðe forspillan? And hi su wodon. 5 And hi besceawigende mid yrre, ofer hyra heortan blindnesse geunret, cwæþ to ðam men, Aþene ðine hand. And he aþenede he, ða wearþ his hand gehæled sona. 6 Ða Pharisei mid Herodianiscum utgangende, þeahtedon ongen hine, hu hi hine fordon mihton.
- Manigo folgaþ Iesus
7 And ða ferde se Hælend to ðære sæ mid his leorningcnihtum; and mycel menigeo him fyligde fram galilea and Iudea, 8 And Hierusalem, and fram Idumea and begeondan Iordane, and to him com mycel menegeo, ymbe Tirum and Sidone, gehyrende ða þing ðe he worhte. 9 And he cwæþ to his cnihtum, ðæt hi him on scipe þenodon, for ðære menigum, ðæt hi hine ne ofþrungon; 10 Soþlice manega he gehælde, …. swa ðæt hi æthrinon his. And swa fela swa untrumnessa, 11 And unclæne gastas hæfdon, ða hi hine gesawon, hi toforan him astrehton, and ðus cweðende, cypedon, Ðu eart godes sunu. 12 And he him swyðe forbead, ðæt hi hine ne geswutelodon.
- Þa Twelfe
13 And on anne munt he ferde, and to him geclypode ða ðe he wolde; and hi to him comon. 14 And he dyde, ðæt hi twelfe mid him wæron, and he hi asende godspell to bodigenne. 15 And he him anweald sealde untrumnessa to hælanne, and deofolseocnessa ut to adrifanne. 16 And he nemde Simon Petrum, 17 And Iacobum Zebedei and Iohannem, his broðor, and him naman onsette Boanerges, ðæt is, þunres bearn; 18 And Andream and Philippum, and Bartholomeum and Matheum, and Thomam and Iacobum Alphei, and Taddeum and Simonem Chananeum, 19 And Iudam Scarioth, se hine sealde. 20 And eft him to com swa micel menigu, ðæt hi næfdon hlaf to etanne. 21 And ða hi hine gehyrdon, hi ferdon ðæt hi hyne namon; and ðus cwædon, Soþliice he is on hatheortnesse gewend.
- Seo bysmerung þæs Halgan gastes
22 And ða boceras ðe wendon fram Hierusalem, cwædon, Soþlice he hæfþ Beelzebub, and on deofla ealdre he deofolseocnessa utadrifþ. 23 And he hi togædere geclypode, and on bigspellum him to cwæþ, Hu mæg Satanas Satanan ut adrifan? 24 And gif his rice on him sylfum byþ todæled, hu mæg hit standan? 25 And gif dæt hus ofer hit sylfe ys todæled, hu mæg hit standan? 26 And gif Satanas winþ ongen hine sylfne, he biþ todæled, and he standan ne mæg, ac hæfþ ende. 27 Ne mæg man ðone strangan his æhta and his fatu bereafian, and on his hus gan, buton man ðone strangan ærest gebinde, and ðonne hys hus reafige. 28 Soþlice ic eow secge, ðæt ealle sinna synd manna bearnum forgyfene, and bysmerunga, ðam ðe hi bysmeriaþ. 29 Soþlice ic eow secge, se ðone Halgan gast bysmeraþ, se næfþ on ecnysse forgyfenesse, ac biþ eces gyltes scyldig. 30 Forðam ðe hi cwædon, He hæfþ unclænne gast.
- Iesus modor and gebroðru
31 Ða com to him his modor and his gebrodðra, and ðar ute stodon, and to him sendon, and to him clypedon. 32 And mycel menigu ymb hine sæt; and to him cwædon, Her is ðin modor, and ðine gebroðra ute and secaþ ðe. 33 He ða him andswarode and cwæþ, Hwylc is min modor and mine gebroðru? 34 And he cwæþ, ða behealdende, ðe him abuton sæton, Her is min modor and mine gebroðru. 35 Soþlice, se ðe deþ godes willan, se is min modor, and min broðor, and swustor.
4 Heafodweard
[edit]- Þæt bispell ymb þone sædere
And eft he ongan hi æt ðære sæ læran; and him wæs mycel menegu to gegaderod, swa ðæt he on scip eode, and on ðære sæ wæs, and eall seo menegu ymbe ða sæ wæs, on lande. 2 And he hi fela on bigspellum lærde. And him to cwæþ on hys lare,
3 gehyraþ.
(Ðys godspell sceal on þære wucan æfter þam þe man belycð alleluia.)
Ut eode se sædere his sæd to sawenne. 4 And ða he sew, sum feoll wið ðone weg, and fugelas comon, and hit fræton. 5 Sum feoll ofer stanscyligean, ðar hit næfde mycele eorþan; and sona upeode, forðam ðe hit næfde eorþan þiccnesse. 6 Ða hit upeode, seo sunne hit forswælde, and hit forscranc, forðam hit wyrtruman næfde. 7 And sum feoll on þornas, ða stigon ða þornas, and forþrysmodon ðæt, and hit wæstm ne bær. 8 And sum feoll on god land, and hit sealde, uppstigende, and wexende, wæstm; and an brohte þritigfealdne, sum syxtigfealdne, sum hundfealdne. 9 And he cwæþ, gehyre, se ðe earan hæbbe to gehyranne.
- Se ende þara bispella
10 And ða he ana wæs, hine axodon ðæt bigspell ða twelfe ðe mid him wæron. 11 And he sæde him, Eow is geseald to witanne godes rices gerynu. Ðam ðe uite synd, ealle þing on bigspellum gewurðaþ.
12 Ðæt hi geseonde geseon, and na ne geseon,
and gehyrende gehyron, and ne ongyton;
ðelæs hi hwænne syn gecyrede, and him sin hyra synna forgyfene.
13 Ða sæde he him, ge nyton ðis bigspell and hu mage ge ealle bigspell witan? 14 Se ðe sæwþ, word he sæwþ. 15 Soþlice ða synd wið ðone weg, ðar ðæt word is gesawen; and ðonne hi hit gehyraþ, sona cymþ Satanas, and afyrþ ðæt word ðe on heora heortan asawen ys. 16 And ða synd gelice ðe synd ofer ða stanscylian gesawen, sona ðænue hi ðæt word gehyraþ, and ðæt mid blisse onfoþ; 17 And hi nabbaþ wyrtruman on him, ac beoþ unsaðolfæste; and syððan upcymþ deofles costnung, and his ehtnys for ðam worde, …. 18 Hi synd on þornum gesawen ðæt synd; ða ðe þæt word gehyraþ, 19 And of yrmþe, and swicdome woroldwelena, and oðra gewilnunga, ðæt word ofþrysmiaþ, and synd buton wæstme gewordene. 20 And ða ðe gesawene synd ofer ðæt gode land, ða synda ðe ðæt word gehyraþ, and onfoþ, and wæstm bringaþ, sum þritigfealdne, sum syxtigfealdne, and sum hundfealdne.
- Leohtfæt under bydene
21 He sæde him, Cwyst ðu cymþ ðæt leohtfæt, ðæt hit beo under bydene aset, oððe under bedde? wite geare, ðæt hit sy ofer candelstæf aset? 22 Soþlice nis nan þing behydd, ðe nesy geswutelod; ne nis digle geworden, ac ðæt hit openlice cume. 23 gehyre, gif hwa earan hæbbe to gehyranne. 24 And he cwæþ to him, warniaþ hwæt ge gehyron. And on ðam gemete ðe ge metaþ, eow biþ gemeten, and eow biþ geict. 25 Ðam biþ geseald ðe hæfþ, and ðam ðe næfþ, eac ðæt he hæfþ, him biþ ætbroden.
- Þæt bispell ymb þæt weaxende sæd and þæt senepsæd
26 And he cwæþ, godes rice ys, swylce man wurpe god sæd on his land, and sawe, 27 And arise dæges and nihtes, and ðæt sæd growe, and wexe, ðonne he nat. 28 Soþlice sylfwilles seo eorþe wæstm beraþ, ærest gærs, syððan ear, syððan fulne hwæte on ðam eare. 29 And ðonne se wæstm hine forþbringþ, sona he sent his sicol, forðam ðæt rip æt is. 30 And eft he cwæþ, For hwam geanlicie we heofena rice? oððe hwylcum bigspelle wiðmete we hit? 31 Swa swa senepes sæd, ðonne hit biþ on eorþan gesawen, hit is ealra sæda læst ðe on eorþan synd; 32 And ðonne hyt asawen biþ, hit astihþ, and biþ ealra wyrta mæst; and hæfþ swa mycele bogas, ðæt heofenes fugelas eardian magon under his sceade. 33 And manegum swylcum bigspellum he spræc to him, ðæt hi mihton gehyran; 34 Ne spæc he na butan bigspelle. Eall he his leorningcnihtum asundron rehte.
- Seo gestillung þæs stormes
35 And sæde him, ðonne æfen biþ, Uton faran agen. 36 And ða menigu forlætende, hi onfengon hine, swa he on scipe wæs; and oðre scipu wæron mid him. 37 And ða wæs mycel yst windes geworden, and yþa he awearp on ðæt scyp, ðæt hit gefylled wæs. 38 And he wæs on scipe, ofer bolster slapende. And hi awehton hine, and cwædon, Ne belimpþ to ðe, ðæt we forweorðaþ? 39 And he aras, and ðam winde bebead, and cwæþ to ðære sæ, Suwa, and gestil. And se wind geswac ða, and wearþ mycel smyltnes. 40 And he sæde him, Hwi synd ge forhte? gyt ge babbaþ geleafan? 41 And hi micclum ege him ondredon, and cwædon ælc to oðrum, Hwæt wenst ðu, hwæt is ðes? ðæt him windas and sæ hyrsumiaþ.
5 Heafodweard
[edit]- Seo hælo menn hæbbende unclænne gast
(Þis godspel sceal on frigedæg on þære seofeðan wucan ofer pentecosten)
Ða comon hi ofer ðære sæs muþan on ðæt rice Hierasenorum. 2 And hym of scipe gangendum, him sona agen arn an aman of dam byrgenum on unclænum gaste. 3 Se hæfde on byrgenum scræf, and hine nan man mid racenteagum ne mihte gebindan. 4 Forðam he oft mid fotcopsum and racenteagum gebunden, toslat ða raceteaga, and ða fotcopsas tobræc, and hine nan man gewyldan ne mihte. 5 And symle, dæges and nihtes, he wæs on byrgenum and on muntum, hrymende, and hine sylfne mid stanum ceorfende. 6 Soþlice ða he ðone Hæland feorran geseah, he arn, and hine gebæd. 7 And mycelre stemne hrymende, and ðus cwæþ, Eala mæra Hælend, godes sunu, hwæt is me and ðe? Ic halsige ðe þurh god, ðæt ðu me ne þreage. 8 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Eala unclæna gast, ga of ðysum men. 9 Ða ahsode he hyne, Hwæt is ðin nama? Ða cwæþ he, Min nama is legio; forðam we manega synd. 10 And he hine swyðe bæd, ðæt he hine of ðam rice ne nydde. 11 Ðar wæs embe ðone munt mycel swyna heord læswigende. 12 And ða unclænan gastas hyne bædon, and cwædon, Send us on ðas swyn, ðæt we on hi gegan. 13 And ða lyfde se Hælend sona. And ða eodon ða unclænan gastas on ða swyn, and on myclum hryre seo heord wearþ on sæ bescofen, twa þusendo, and wurdon adruncene on ðære sæ.
14 Soþlice ða ðe hi heoldon, flugon, and cyðdon on ðære ceastre, and on lande; and hi uteodon, ðæt hi gesawon hwæt ðar gedon wære. 15 And hi comon to ðam Hælende, and hi gesawon ðone ðe mid deofle gedreht wæs, gescrydne sittan, and hales modes; and hi him ondredon. 16 And hi rehton him, ða ðe hit gesawon, hu hit gedon wæs be ðam ðe deofolseocnesse hæfde, and be ðam swynum. 17 And hi bædon, ðæt he of hyra gemærum fore. 18 Ða he on scip edoe, hine ongan biddan, se ðe ær mid deofle gedreht wæs, ðæt he mid him wære. 19 Him ða se Hælend ne getiðode, ac he sæde him, ga to ðinum huse to ðinum hiwum, and cyþ him, hu mycel Drihten gedyde, and he gemiltsode ðe. 20 And he ða ferde, and ongan bodigean on Decapolim, hu fela se Hælend him dyde; and hig ealle ðæs wundredon.
- Seo hælo wifes and Iairus seocre dohtor
21 And ða se Hælend eft on scype ferde ofer ðone muþan, him com to mycel menigu, and wæs ymbe ða sæ. 22 And ða com sum of heahgesamnungum, Iairus hatte, and ða he hyne geseah, he astrehte hine to his fotum, 23 And hine swyðe bæd, and he cwæþ, Min dohtor is on ytemestum sðe; cum, and sete ðine hand ofer hi, ðæt heo hal sy, and lybbe. 24 Ða ferde he mid him, and him fyligde mycel menigeo, and þrungon hine.
25 And ða ðæt wif ðe on blodes ryne twelf winter wæs, 26 And fram manegum læcum fela þinga þolode, and dælde eall ðæt heo ahte, and hit naht ne fremode, ac wæs ðe wyrse. 27 Ða heo be ðam Hælende gehyrde, eho com wiðæftan ða menigu, and his reaf æthran. 28 Soþlice heo cwæþ, gif ic furðon his reafes æthrin, ic beo hal. 29 And ða sona wearþ hyre blodes ryne adruwod, and heo on hire gefredde ðæt heo of ðam wite gehæled wæs. 30 And ða se Hælend oncneow on him silfum ðæt him mægen of eode, he cwæþ, bewend to ðære menigu, Hwa æthran mines reafes? 31 Ða cwædon his leorningcnihtas, Ðu gesyhst ðas menigu ðe þringende, and ðu cwyst, Hwa æthran me? 32 And ða beseah hine, ðæt he gesawe ðæne ðe ðæt dyde. 33 Ðat wif ða ondrædende and forhtigende, … com, and astrehte hi beforan him, and sæde him eall ðæt riht. 34 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Dohtor, ðin geleafa ðe hale gedyde; ga ðe on sibbe, and beo of ðisum hal.
35 Him ða gyt sprecendum, hi comon fram ðam heahgesamnungum, and cwædon, Ðin dohtor is dead; hwi drecst ðu leng ðone lareow? 36 Ða he gehyrde ðæt word, ða cwæþ se Hælend, Ne ondræd ðu ðe, gelyf for an. 37 And he ne let him ænig ne fyligean, buton Petrum, and Iacobum, and Iohannem, Iacobes broðor. 38 And hi comon on ðæs heahealdres hus. And he geseah mycel gehyd, wepende and geomriende. 39 And ða he ineode, he cwæþ, Hwi synd ge gedrefede, and wepaþ? Nis ðis mæden na dead, ac heo slæpþ. 40 Ða tældon hi hine. He ða, eallum utadrifenum, nam ðæs mædenes [fæder and] moder, and ða ðe mid him wæron, and inneodon suwiende, ðar ðæt mæden wæs. 41 And hire hand nam, and cwæþ, Thalimtha, cumi, ðæt is on ure geþeode gereht, Mæden, ðe ic secge, aris. 42 And heo sona aras, and eode; soþlice heo wæs twelf wintre. And ealle hi wundredon mycelre wundrunge. 43 And he him þearle behead, ðæt hi hyt nanum men ne sædon. And he het hire etan syllan.
6 Heafodweard
[edit]- Iesus wierþ wiþstanden be Nazareth
And ða he ðanum eode, he ferde on his eðel; and him folgodon his leorningcnihtas.
2 And gewordenum restedæge, he ongan on gesamnunge læran. And manege gehyrdon and wundredon on his lare, and cwædon, Hwanon synd ðyssum ealle ðas þing? And hwæt is se wisdom ðe him geseald is, and swylce mihta ðe þurh his handa gewordene synd? 3 Hu nys [ðys] se smiþ, Marian sunu, Iacobes broðor and Isoepes and Iude and Simonis? hu ne synd his swustra her mid us? And ða wurdon hi gedrefede. 4 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Soþlice nis nan witega buton wurþscipe, buton on his eðele, and on his mægþe, and on his huse. 5 And he ne mihte ðar ænig mægen wyrcan, buton feawa untrunie, onasettum his handum, he gehælde. 6 And he wundrode for heora ungeleafan, He ða lærende ða castel beferde.
- Iesus utsent þa leorningcnihtas
7 And him twelfe to geclypode, and agan hi sendan twam and twam; and him anweald sealde unclænra gasta, 8 And him bebead, ðæt hi naht on wege ne namon, buton gyrde ane, ne codd, ne hlaf, ne feoh on heora gyrdlum, 9 Ac gesceode mid calcum, and ðæt hi mid twam tunecum gescrydde næron. 10 And he cwæþ to him, Swa hwyle hus swa ge ingaþ, wunigaþ ðar, oððæt ge utgan. 11 And swa hwylce swa eow ne gehyraþ, ðonne ge ðanon utgaþ asceacaþ ðæt dust of eowrum fortum, him on gewitnesse. 12 And utgangende, hi bodedon, ðæt hi dædbote dydon. 13 And hi manega deofolseocnessa utadrifon, and manega untrume mid ele smyredon, and gehældon.
- Se deaþ Iohannes þæs Fullwihteres
14 And ða gehyrde Herodes se cyng, ðæt soþlice his nama wæs swutol geworden, and he[d] cwæþ, witodlice Iohannes se Fulluhtere of deaþe aras, and on him synd forðam mægenu geworht. 15 Sume cwædon, He is Elias; sume cwædon, He is witega, swylce an of ðam witegum. 16 Ða Herodes ðæt gehyrde, he cwæþ, Se Iohannes, ðe ic beheafdode, se aras of deaþe. 17 Soþlice Herodes sende, and het Iohannem, gebindan on cwerterne, for ðære Herodiadiscan, his broðor lafe, Philippus; forðam ðe he nam hi. 18 Ða sæde Iohannes Herode, Nys ðe alyfed, to hæbbenne ðines broðer wif. 19 Ða syrwde Herodias ymbe hine, and wolde hyne ofslean, and heo ne mihte. 20 Soðlice Herodes ondred Iohannem, and wiste ðæt he wæs rihtwis and halig, and he heold hine on cwerterne. And he gehyrde ðæt he fela wundra worhte, and he lufelice him hyrde.
21 Ða se dæg com Herodes gebyrdtide, he gegearwode mycele feorme his ealdormannum, and ðam fyrmestum on galilea. 22 And ða ða ðæra Herodiadiscan dohtor inneode, and trumbode, hit licode Herode, and eallum ðam ðe him mid sæton, se cing cwæþ ða to ðam mædene, Bide me swa hwæt swa ðu wylle, and ic ðe sylle. 23 And he swor hire, Soþes ic ðe sylle, swa hwæt swa ðu me bitst, ðeah ðu wylle healf min rice. 24 Ða heo uteode, heo cwæþ to hyre meder, Hwæs bidde ic? Ða cwæþ heo, Iohannes heafod ðæs Fulluhteres. 25 Sona ða heo mid ofeste in to ðam cyninge eode, heo bæd, and ðus cwæþ, Ic wylle ðæt ðu me hrædlice on anum disce sylle Iohannes heafod. 26 Ða wearþ se cyning geunret forðam aþe, and forðam ðe him mid sæton nolde ðeah hi geunretan; 27 Ac sende ænne cwellere, and bebead ðæt man his heafod on anum disce brohte. And he hine ða on cwerterne beheafdode, 28 And his heafod on disce brohte, and hit sealde ðam mædene, and ðæt mæden hit sealde hire meder. 29 Ða his cnihtas ðæt gehyrdon, hi comon, and his lic namon, and hine on byrgene ledon.
- Fife þusendu wordon gefed
30 Soþlice ða ða apostolas togædere comon, hi cyddon ðam Hælende eall, ðæt hi dydon, and hi lærdon. 31 And he sæde him, Cumaþ and uton gan onsundron on weste stowe; and us hwon restan. Soþlice manega wæron ðe comon, and agenhwyrfdon, and fyrst næfdon ðæt hi æton. 32 And on scryp stigende, hi foron onsundron on weste stowe. 33 And gesawon hi farende, and hi gecneowon manega, and gangende of ðam burgum, ðyder urnon, and him beforan comon. 34 And ða se Hælend ðanon eode he geseah mycele menegu, and he gemiltsode him, forðam ðe hi wæron swa swa scep ðe nanne hyrde nabbaþ. And he ongan hi fela læran. 35 And ða hit mycel ylding wæs, his leorningcnihtas him to comon, and cwædon, Deos stow is weste, and tima is forþagan; 36 Forlæt ðas manegu, ðæt hi faron on gehende tunas, and him mete bicgan ðæt hi eton. 37 Ða cwæþ he, Sylle ge him etan. Ða cwædon hi, Uton gan and mid twam hundred penegum hlafas biegan, and we him etan syllaþ. 38 Ða cwæþ he, Hu fela hlafa hæbba ge? gaþ and lociaþ. And ða hi wiston, hi cwædon, Fif hlafas, and twegen fixas. 39 And ða bebead se Hælend, ðæt ðæt fole sæte ofer ðæt grene hig. 40 And hi ða sæton, hundredum, and fiftigum. 41 And fif hlafum, and twam fixum onfangenum, he on heofon locode, and hi bletsode, and ða hlafas bræc, and sealde his leorningcnihtum, ðæt hi toforan him asetton. And twegen fixas him eallon dælde; 42 And hi æton ða ealle, and gefyllede wurdon. 43 And hi namon ðara hlafa, and fixa lafa, twelf wilian fulle. 44 Soþlice fif þusend manna, ðara etendra wæron.
- Iesus gangeþ ofer wætere
45 Ða sona he nydde his leorningcnihtas on scyp stigan, ðæt hig him beforan foron ofer ðæne muþan to Bethsaida, oð he ðæt folc forlete. 46 And ða he hi forlet, he ferde on ðone munt, and hine ana ðar gehæd. 47 And ða æfen wæs, ðæt scyp wæs on middre sæ, and he ana wæs on lande; 48 And he geseah hi on rewette swincende; him wæs wiðerweard wind. And on niht embe ða feorþan wæccan, he com to him ofer ða sæ gangende, and wolde hi forbugan. 49 Ða hi hine gesawon ofer ða sæ gangende, hi wendon ðæt hit unfæle gast wære, and hi clypedon; 50 Hi ealle hine gesawon, and wurdon gedrefede. And sona he spræc to him, and cwæþ, gelyfaþ, ic hit eom; ne þurfon ge eow ondrædan. 51 And he on scryp to him eode, and se wind geswac. And hi ðæs ðe ma betwux him wundredon; 52 Ne ongeton hi be ðam hlafum; soþlice heora heorte wæs ablend.
- Seo hælo seocra on genesaret
53 And ða hi ofersegledon, hi comon to genesaret, and ðar wicedon. 54 And ða hi of scipe eodon, sona hi hine gecneowon. 55 And eall ðæt rice befarende, hi on sæccingum bæron ða untruman, ðar hi hine gehyrdon. 56 And swa hwar swa he on wic oððe on tunas eode, on stræton hi ða untruman ledon, and hine bædon, ðæt hi huru his refes fnæd æthrinon; and swa fela swa hine æthrinon, hi wurdon hale.
7 Heafodweard
[edit]- Þeawas and bodu
Ða comon to him Pharisei and sume boceras cumende fram Hierusalem. 2 And ða hi gesawon sume of his leorningcnihtum besmitenum handum, ðæt is, unþwogenum handum, etan, hi tældon hi and cwædon, 3 Pharisei and ealle Iudeas ne etaþ, buton hi hyra handa gelomlice þwean, healdende hira yldrena gesetnessa. 4 And on stræte, hi ne etaþ, buton hi geþwegene beon; and manega oðre synd, ðe him gesette synd, ðæt is calicea fyrmþa, and ceaca, arfata, and mæstlinga. 5 And ða acsodon hine Pharisei and ða boceras, Hwi ne gaþ ðine leorningcnihtas æfter ure yldrena gesetnysse, ac besmitenum handum hyra hlaf þicgaþ? 6 Ða andswarode he him, wel witegode Isaias be eow, licceterum, swa hit awriten is,
Ðis folc me mid welerum weorþaþ, soþlice hyra heorte is feor fram me;
7 On idel hi me weorþiaþ, and manna lara and behodu læraþ.[e]
8 Soþlice ge forlætaþ godes bebod, and healdaþ manna laga, þweala ceaca, and calica; and manega oðre ðyllice þing ge doþ.
9 Ða sæde he him, wel ge on idel dydon godes bebod, ðæt ge eower laga healdon. 10 Moyses cwæþ, wurþa ðinne fæder and ðine modor; and se ðe wyrigþ his fæder and his modor, swelte se deaþe. 11 Soþlice ge cweðaþ, gif hwa segþ his fæder and meder, Corban, ðæt is on ure geþeode, gyfu gif hwylc is of me, ðe fremaþ; 12 And ofer ðæt ge ne lætaþ hine ænig þing don his fæder oððe meder, 13 Toslitende godes bebod for eower stuntan lage, ðe ge gesetton; and manega oðre þing ðyssum gelice ge doþ.
- Þæt fulaþ mann
14 And eft ða manegu he him to clypode, and cwæþ, gehyraþ me ealle, and ongytaþ. 15 Nys nan þing of ðam men on hine gangende, ðæt hine besmitan mæge; ac ða þing ðe of ðam men forþgaþ, ða hine besmitaþ. 16 gif hwa earan hæbbe, gehlyste me. 17 And ða se Hælend fram ðære menegu eode, his leorningcnihtas hine an bigspel acsodon. 18 Ða cwæþ he, And synd ge ðus ungleawe? Ne ongyte ge, ðæt eall ðæt utan cymþ on ðone man gangende, ne mæg hine besmitan? 19 Forðam hit ne gæþ on his heortan, ac on his innoþ, and on forþgang gewiteþ, ealle mettas clænsigende. 20 Ða sæde he him, Ðæt ða þing ðe of ðam men gaþ, ða hine besmitaþ. 21 Innan, of manna heortan yfele geþancas cumaþ, unrihthæmedu, and forligeru, manslihtas, 22 [Stala,] gitsung, man, facnu, sceamleast, yfel gesihþ, dysinessa, ofermodignessa, stuntscipe. 23 and ealle ðas yfelu of ðam innoðe cumaþ, and ðone man besmitaþ.
- Se geleafa þæs Sirofeniscan wifes
24 Ða ferde he ðanon on ða endas Tyri and Sidonis. And he inagan on ðæt hus, he nolde ðæt hit ænig wiste; and he ne mihte hit bemiþan. 25 Sona ða an wif, be him gehyrde, ðære dohtor hæfde unclænne gast, heo ineode, and to his fotum hi astrehte. 26 Soþlice ðæt wif wæs hæðen, Sirofenisces cynnes. And bæd hine, ðæt he ðone deofol of hyre dehter adrife. 27 Ða sæde he hire, Læt ærest ða bearn beon gefylled; nis na god ðæt man nime ðara bearna hlaf, and hundum werpe. 28 Ða andswarode heo, and cwæþ, Drihten, ðæt is soþ; witodlice ða hwelpas etaþ under ðære mysan, of ðara cilda cruman. 29 Ða sæde he hyre, For ðære spræce ga, nu se deofol of ðinre dehter gewit. 30 And ða heo on hyre hus eode, heo gemette ðæt mæden on hire bedde licgende, and ðone deofol utgan.
- Seo hælo deafes
31 And eft he eode of Tyra gemærum, and com þurh Sidonem to ðære galileiscan sæ, betwux middle endas Decapoleos. 32 And hi læddon him ænne deafne and dumbne, and hine bædon, dæt he his hand him on asette. 33 Ða nam he hine onsundran of ðære menigu, and his fingras on his earan dyde; and spætende his tungan onhran. 34 And on ðone heofon behealdende, geomrode, and cwæþ, Effeta, ðæt is on ure gþeode, Sy ðu ontyned, 35 And sona wurdon his earan geopenode, and his tungan bend wearþ unslyped, and he rihte spræc. 36 And he bead him, ðæt hi hit nanum men ne sædon; soþlice swa he him swiðor bebead, swa hi swiðor bodedon, 37 And ðæs ðe ma wundredon, and cwædon, Ealle þing he wel dyde, and he dyde ðæt deafe gehyrdon, and dumbe spræcon.
8 Heafodweard
[edit]- Feower þusendu wurdon gefed
Eft on ðam dagum, him wæs mid micel menigu, and næfdon hwæt hi æton, ða cwæþ he, to somne geclypedum his leorningcnihtum, 2 Ie gemiltsige ðysse menegu, forðam hi þry dagas me geanbidiaþ, and nabbaþ hwæt hi eton; 3 gif ic hi fæstende to hyra husum læte, be wege hi geteorigeaþ; sume hi comon feorran. 4 And ða andswarodon him his leorningcnihtas, Hwanon mæg ænig man ðas mid hlafum on ðisum westene gefyllan? 5 Ða axode he hi, Hu fela hlafa hæbbe ge? He cwædon, Seofon. 6 Ða het he sittan ða menegu ofer ða eorþan. And nam ða seofon hlafas, and gode þancode, and hi bræc, and sealde his leorningcnihtum, ðæt hi toforan him asetton. And he swa dydon. 7 And hi næfdon buton feawa fixa; and he ða bletsode, and het beforan him settan. 8 And hi æton, and wurdon gefyllede; and hi namon ðæt of ðam brytsenum belaf, seofon wilian fulle. 9 Soþlice ða ðe ðar æton, wæron fif[f] þusend; and he hi ða forlet. 10 And sona he on scyp, mid his leorningcnihtum, astah, and com on ða dælas Dalmanuþa.
- Þa Sundorhalgan
11 And ða ferdon ða Pharisei, and ongunnon mid him smeagean, and tacen of heofone sohton, and his fandedon. 12 Ða cwæþ he, geomriende on his gaste, Hwi secþ ðeos cneoris tacen? Soþlice ic eow secge, ne biþ ðisse cneorisse tacen geseald. 13 And hi ða forlætende, eft on scyp astah, and ferde ofer ðone muþan. 14 And hi ofergeton ðæt hi hlafas ne namon, and hi næfdon on scype mid him buton ænne hlaf. 15 And he him bead, and cwæþ, Lociaþ, and warniaþ fram Pharisea, and Herodes hæfe. 16 Ða þohton, hi betwux him, and cwædon, Næbbe we nane hlafas. 17 Ða se Hælend ðæt wiste, he cwæþ, Hwæt þence ge, forðam ge hlafas nabbaþ? gyt ge ne oncnawaþ, ne ne ongytaþ; gyt ge habbaþ eowre heortan geblende. 18 Eagan ge habbaþ, and ne geseoþ, and earan, and ne gehyraþ; ne ge ne þencaþ, 19 Hwænne ic bræc fif hlafas and twegen fixas, and hu fela wyligena ge namon fulle? Hi cwædon ða, Twelfe. 20 And hwænne seofon hlafas feower þusendum, and hu fela wyligena brytsena ge namon fulle? Hi sædon, Seofon. 21 Ða sæde he him, Hwi ne ongyte ge gyt?
- Seo hælo blindes
22 And hi comon ða to Bethzaida, and hi brohton him ða ænne blindne, and hine bædon, ðæt he hine æthrine. 23 And ða æthran he ðæs blindan hand, and lædde hine butan ða wic, and spætte on his eagan, and his hand onasette, and hine axode, hwæðer he aht gesawe. 24 Ða cwaað he ða, ða he hyne beseah, Ic geseo men swylce treow gangende. 25 Eft he asette his handa ofer his eagan, and he geseah ða, and wearþ geedniwod, swa ðæt he beorhtlice eall geseah. 26 Ða sende he hyne to his huse, and cwæþ, ga to ðinum huse; and ðeah ðu on tun ga, nænegum ðu hit ne sege.
- Petrus hateþ Crist
27 Ða eode he and his leorningcnihtas on ðæt castel Cesareæ Philippi. And he on wege his leorningcnihtas ahsode, Hwæt secgaþ men ðæt ic sy? 28 Ða andswarodon hi, Sume, Iohannem ðone Fulluhtere; sume, Heliam; sume, sumne of ðam witegum. 29 Ða cwæþ he, Hwæt secge ge ðæt ic sy? Ða andswarode Petrus him, and cwæþ, Ðu eart Crist. 30 And ða bead he him, ðæt hi nænegum be him ne sædon.
- Iesus forecweðeþ his deaþ
31 Ða ongan he hi læran, ðat mannes sunu gebyreþ fela þinga þolian, and beon aworpen fram ealdormannum, and heahsacerdum, and bocerum, and beon ofslegen, and æfter þrim dagum arisan. 32 And spræc ða openlice. And ða nam Petrus hine, and ongan hine þreagean. 33 Ða bewende he hine, and cidde Petre, and cwæþ, ga onbæc, Satanas; forðam ðu nast ða þing ðe synd godes, ac ða þing ðe synd manna. 34 Ða cwæþ he, togædere geclypedre menegu, mid his leorningcnihtum, gif hwa wyle me fyligean, wiðsace hine sylfne, and nime his cwylminge, and folgige me. 35 Se ðe wyle his sawle hale gedon, se hi forspilþ; se ðe forspilþ his sawle for me and for ðam godspelle se hig gehælþ. 36 Hwæt fremaþ men, ðeah he eallne middaneard gestryne, and do his sawle forwyrd? 37 Oððe hwylc gewryxl sylþ se man for his sawle? 38 Soþlice se ðe me forsyhþ, and mine word on ðisre unrihthæmedan and synfulran cneorisse, ðone mannes sunu forsyhþ, ðonne he cymþ on his fæder wuldre, mid halgum englum.
9 Heafodweard
[edit]Ða sæde he him, Soþlice ic secge eow, ðæt sume synd her wuniende, ðe deaþ ne onbyrigeaþ, ær hi geseon godes rice on mægne cuman.
- Seo oferhiwung
2 Ða æfter syx dagum nam se Hælend Petrum, and Iacobum, and Iohannem, and lædde hi sylfe on sundron on sumne heahne munt; and wearþ beforan him oferhiwod. 3 And his reaf wurdon glitiniende swa hwite swa snaw, swa nan fullere ofer eorþan ne mæg swa hwite gedon. 4 Ða ætywde him Helias mid Moyse, and to him spræcon. 5 Ða andswarode Petrus him and cwæþ. Lareow, god is ðæt we her beon; and uton wyrcan her þreo eardungstowa, ðe ane, and Moyse ane, and Helie ane. 6 Soþlice he nyste hweat he cwæþ; he wæs afæred mid ege. 7 And seo lyft hi ofersceadewode; and stefn com of ðære lyfte, and cwæþ, Ðes is min leofesta sunu, gehyraþ hine. 8 And sona ða hi besawon, hi nanne hi mid him ne gesawon, buton ðone Hælend sylfne mid him.
9 And ða hi of ðam munte astigon, he bead him, ðæt hi nanum ne sædon ða þing ðe hi gesawon, buton ðonne mannes sunu of deaþe arise. 10 Hi ða ðæt word geheoldon betwux him, and smeadon hwæt ðæt wære, ðonne he of deaþe arise. 11 And hi hine ahsodon ða, Hwæt secgaþ Pharisei and ða boceras, ðæt gebyraþ ærest Helias cume? 12 Ða sæde he him andswariende, Helias ealle þing geedniwaþ, ðonne he cymþ; swa be mannes suna awriten is, ðæt he fela þolige, and si oferhogod. 13 Ac ic secge eow, ðæt Helias com, and hi dydon him swa hwæt swa hi woldon, swa be him awriten is.
- Cniht unclænne gast hæbbende
14 And ða he com to his leorningcnihtum, he geseah mycele menegu abuton hi, and boceras mid him sprecende. 15 And sona eall foc ðæne Hælend geseonde, wearþ afæred, and forht; and hine gretende, him to urnon. 16 Ða ahsode he hi, Hwæt smeage ge betweox eow? 17 Him andswarode an of ðære menigu, Lareow, ic brohte minne sunu dumbne gast hæbbende; 18 Se swa hwær swa he hine gelæcþ, forgnit hine, and toþum gristbitaþ, and forscrincþ. And ic sæde ðinum leorningcnihtum, ðæt hi hine utadrifon, and hi ne mihton. 19 Ða andswarode he him Eala! ungeleaffulle cneorys, swa lange swa ic mid eow beo swa lange ic eow þolige? Bringaþ hine to me. 20 Ða brohton hi hine. And ða he hine geseah, sona se gast hine gedrefde; and on eorþan forgnyden, fæmende he tearflode. 21 And ða ahsode he hys fæder, Hu lang tid is, syððan him ðis gebyrede? Ða cwæþ he, Of cildhade; 22 He hine gelomlice on fyr and on wæter sende, ðæt he hine forspilde; ac gif ðu hwæt miht, gefylst us, ure gemiltsod. 23 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, gyf ðu gelyfan miht, ealle þing synd gelyfedum mihtlice. 24 Ða sona hyrmde ðæs cildes fæder and wepende cwæþ, Drihten, ic gelyfe; gefylst minre ungeleaffulnysse. 25 And ða se Hælend geseah ða toyrnendan menegu, he bebead ðam unclænan gaste, ðus cweðende, Eala deafa and dumba gast, ic beode ðe, ga of him, and ne ga ðu leng on hine. 26 He ða hrymende, and hine swyðe slitende, eode of him; and he wæs swylce he dead wære, swa ðæt manega cwædon, soþlice he is dead. 27 Ða nam se Hælend his hand, and hine upahof; and he aras ða. 28 And ða he into ðam huse code, his leorningcnihtas hine digollice ahsodon, Hwi ne mihton we hine utadrifan? 29 Ða sæde he, Ðis cyn ne mæg of nanum men utgan, buton þurh gebedu and on fæstene.
- Oðer forecwide Iesus deaðes and uppastigunge
30 Ða hi ðanon ferdon, hig forbugon galileam; he nolde ðæt hit ænig man wiste. 31 Soplice he lærde his leorningcnihtas, and sæde, Soþlice mannes sunu biþ geseald on synfulra handa, ðæt hi hine ofslean, and ofslagen, ðam þriddan dæge he arist. 32 Ða nyston hi ðæt word, and hi adredon hine ahsiende.
- gewinn ongemang þara folgera
33 Ða comon hi to Capharnaum. And ða hi æt ham wæron, he ahsode hi Hwæt smeade ge be wege? 34 And hi suwodon; witodlice hi on wege smeadon, hwylc hyra yldost wære. 35 Ða he sæt he clypode hi twelfe, and sæde him, gif eower hwylc wyle beon fyrmest, beo se eaðmodost, and eower ealra þen. 36 Ða nam he anne cnapan, and gesette on hyra middele; ða he hine beclypte, he sæde him, 37 Swa hwylc swa anne of dus geradum cnapum on minum naman onfehþ, se onfehþ me; and se ðe me onfehþ, he ne onfehþ me, ac ðone ðe me sende.
38 Ða andswarode Iohannes, and cwæþ, Lareow, sumne we gesawon on ðinum naman deofolseocnessa utadrifende, se ne fyligþ us, and we him forbudon. 39 Ða cwæþ he, Ne forbeode ge him; nis nan ðe on minum naman mægen wyrce, and mæge raðe be me yfele sprecan. 40 Se ðe nis agen eow, se is for eow. 41 Soþlice se ðe sylþ drinc eow calic fulne wæteres on minum naman, forðam ge Cristes synd, ic eow soþ secge, ne forlyst he his mede.
42 And swa hwa swa gedrefþ ænne of ðyssum lytlingum on me gelyfendum, betere him wære ðæt an cweornstan wære to his sweoran gecnyt, and wære on sæ beworpen. 43 And gif ðin hand ðe swicaþ, ceorf hi of; betere ðe is ðæt ðu wanhal to life ga, ðonne ðu twa handa hæbbe and fare on helle, and on unacwencedlic fyr, 44 Ðar hyra wyrm ne swylt, and fyr ne biþ acwenced. 45 And gif ðin fot swicaþ ðe, ceorf hine of; betere ðe is ðæt ðu healt ga on ece lif, ðonne ðu hæbbe twegen fet and si aworpen on helle, unacwencedlices fyres, 46 Ðar hyra wyrm ne swylt, ne fyr ne biþ adwæsced. 47 gif ðin eage ðe swicaþ, weorp hit ut; betere ðe is mid anum eagan gan on godes rice, ðonne twa eagan hæbbende sy aworpen on helle fyr, 48 Ðar hyra wyrm ne swylt, ne fyr ne biþ acwenced. 49 Soþlice æle man biþ mid fyre gesylt, and ælc offrung biþ mid sealte gesylt. 50 god is sealt; gif ðæt sealt unsealt biþ, on ðam ðe ge hit syltaþ? Habbaþ sealt on eow, and habbaþ sibbe betwux eow.
10 Heafodweard
[edit]- Forlætness
And ðanon, he com on Iudeisce endas of Iordane; ða comon eft menigu to him, and swa swa he gewunode, he hi lærde eftsona.
2 Ða genealæhton him Pharisei, and hine axodon, Hwæðer alyfþ ænegum men his wif forlætan? his ðus fandigende. 3 Ða andswarode he him, Hwæt bead Moyses eow? 4 Hi sædon, Moyses lyfde ðæt man write hiwgedales boc, and hi forlete. 5 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, For eowre heortan heardnesse he eow wrat ðis bebod. 6 Fram fruman gesceasfte god hi geworhte wæpnedman and wimman; 7 And cwæþ, Forðam se man forlæt his fæder and moder, and hine his wife gðeot, 8 And beoþ twegen on anum flæsce. witodlice ne synd na twegen, ac an flæsc. 9 Ðæt god gesamnode, ne syndrige ðæt nan man.
10 And eft innan huse his leorningcnihtas hine be ðam ylcan ahsodon. 11 Ða cwæþ he, Swa hwylc man swa his wif forlæt, and oðer nimþ, unrihthæmed he wyrcþ þurh hi. 12 And gif ðæt wif hire were forlæt, and oðerne nimþ, heo unrihthæmþ.
- Lætaþ þa cildru cuman to me
13 And hi brohton him hyra lytlingas, ðæt he hi æthrine; ða ciddon his leorningcnihtas ðam ðe hi brohton. 14 Ða se Hælend hi geseah, unwurðlice he hit forbead, and sæde him, Lætaþ ða lytlingas to me cuman, and ne forbeode ge him, soþlice swylcera is heofona rice. 15 Soþlice ic secge eow, swa hwylc swa godes rice ne onfehþ swa lytling, ne gaæþ he on ðæt. 16 Ða beclypte he hi, and his handa ofer hi settende, bletsode hi.
- Se welga geonga mann
17 And ða he on wege eode, sum him to arn, and gebigedum cneowe toforan him, cwæþ, and bæd hine, La goda lareow, hwæt do ic, ðæt ic ece lif age? 18 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Hwi segst ðu me godne? Nis nan man god, buton god ana. 19 Canst ðu ða bebodu, ne unrihthæm ðu, ne slyh ðu, ne stel ðu, ne sege ðu lease gewitnesse, facen ne do ðu, weorþa ðinne fæder and ðine moder. 20 Ða andswarode he, goda lareow, eall ðis ic geheold of minre geoguðe. 21 Se Hælend hine ða behealdende, lufode; and sæde him, An þing ðe is wana; gesyle eall ðæt ðu age, and syle hit þearfum, ðonne hæfst ðu goldhord on heofonum; and cum, and folga me. 22 And for ðam worde he wæs geunret, and ferde gnornigende, forðam he hæfde mycele æhta.
23 Ða cwæþ se Hælend to his leorningcnihtum, hine beseonde, Swyðe earfoþlice on godes rice gaþ ða ðe feoh habbaþ. 24 Ða forhtodon his leorningcnihtas be his wordum, Eft se Hælend him andswariende cwæþ, Eala cild, swyðe earfoþlice ða ðe on heora feo getruwigeaþ gaþ on godes rice. 25 Eaðere ys olfende to farenne þurh nædle þyrel, ðonne se rice and se welega on godes rica ga. 26 Hi ðæs ðe ma betwux him wundredon, and cwædon, And hwa mæg beon hal? 27 Ða beheold se Hælend hi, and cwæþ, Mid mannum hit is uneaðelic, ac na mid gode; ealle þing mid gode synd eaðelice. 28 Ða ongan Petrus cweðan, witodlice! we ealle þing forleton, and folgodon ðe. 29 Ða andswarode him se Hælend, Nis nan ðe his hus forlæt, oððe gebroðru, oððe geswustra, oððe fæder, oððe moder, ððe bearn, oððe æceras for me and for ðam godspelle, 30 Ðe hundfeald ne onfo nu on ðisse tide, hus, and broðru, and swustra, and fæder and moder, and bearn, and æceras, mid ehtnessum, and on toweardre worulde ece lif. 31 Manega fyrmesta beoþ ytemeste, and ytemeste fyrmeste.
- Se þridda forecwide Iesus deaðes
32 Soþlice hi ferdon on wege to Hierusalem; and se Hælend him beforan eode, and hi adredon him hine, and him fyligdon. And eft he nam hi twelfe, and ongan him secgan, ða þing ðe him towearde wæron. 33 Ðæt we nu astigaþ to Hierusalem, and mannes sunu biþ geseald sacerda ealdrum, and bocerum, and ealdrum; and hi hine deaþe genyðeriaþ, and hi hine þeodum syllaþ. 34 And hi hine bysmriaþ, and hi him on spætaþ, and hine swingaþ; and ofsleaþ hine, and he arist on ðam briddan dæge.
- Seo ascung fram Iacobus and Iohannes
35 Him ða genealæhton to Iacobus and Iohannes, Zebedeis suna, and cwædon, Lareow, we wyllaþ, ðæt ðu us do, swa hwæt swa we biddaþ. 36 Ða cwæþ he, Hwæt wylle gyt ðæt in inc do? 37 Ða cwædon hi, Syle unc, ðæt wyt sitton, on ðinum wuldre, an on ðine swyðran healfe, and oðer on ðine wynstran. 38 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, gyt nyton hwæt gyt biddaþ; mage gyt drincan ðone calic, ðe ic drince, and beon gefullod on ðam fulluhte, ðe ic beo gefullod? 39 Ða cwædon hi, wyt magon. Ða cwæþ se Hælend, gyt drincaþ ðone calic ðe ic drince, gyt beoþ gefullode ðam fulluhte, ðe ic beo gefullod; 40 Soþlice nis hit na min inc to syllenne ðæt gyt sitton on mine swyðram healfe oððe on ða wynstran, ac ðam ðe hit gegearwod ys. 41 Ða gebulgon ða tyne hi be Iacobe and Iohanne. 42 Ða clypode se Hælend hi, and cwæþ, wite ge, ðæt ða ðe on þeodum ealdorscype habbaþ, ðæt hyra ealdras anweald ofer hi habbaþ. 43 Soþlice on eow hit nis swa, ac swa hwylc swa wyle mid eow yldest beon, se byþ eower þen, 44 And se ðe wyle on eow fyrmest beon, se byþ ealra þeow. 45 Soþlice ne come mannes sunu, ðæt him man þenode, ac ðæt he þenode, and his sawle sealde for manegra alysednysse.
- Seo hælo blindes Bartimeus
46 Ða comon hi to gericho; and he ferde fram gericho, and his leorningcnihtas, and mycel menegu, Timeus sunu, Bartimeus, sæt blind, wið ðone weg wædla. 47 Ða he gehyrde, ðæt hit wæs se Nazarenisca Hælend, he ongan ða clypian, and cweðan, Hælend, Dauides sunu, gemiltsa me. 48 Ða budon him manega, ðæt he suwode; he clypode ða ðæs ðe ma, Miltsa me, Dauides sunu. 49 Ða ætstod se Hælend and het hine clypian; ða sædon hi ðam blindan, Beo geheortra, and aris, se Hælend ðe clypaþ. 50 He ða, awearp his reaf, and forþræsde, and to him com. 51 Ða cwæþ se Hæland, Hwæt wylt ðu ðæt ic ðe do? Ða cwæþ he, Lareow, ðæt ic geseo. 52 Ða cwæþ se Hælend to him, ga, ðin geleafa ðe halne gedyde. And he sona geseah, and him fyligde on wege.
11 Heafodweard
[edit]Se sigelica ingang
Ða he genealæhte Hierusalem and Bethania, to Oliuetes dune, he sende his twegen leorningcnihtas, 2 And cwæþ to him, Faraþ to ðam castele ðe [ongen] inc ys; and gyt ðar sona gemetaþ assan folan getigedne, ofer ðæne nan man gyt ne sæt; untigeaþ hine, and to me gelædaþ. 3 And gyf hwa to inc hwæt cwyþ, secgaþ, ðæt Drihten hæfþ his neode, and he hine sona hider læt. 4 And ða hi utferdon, hi gemetton ðone folan ute, on twycenan, beforan dura getigedne; ða untigdon hi hine. 5 And sume ðe ðar stodon ðus sædon him, Hwæt do gyt, ðone folan untigende? 6 Ða cwædon hi, swa se Hælend unc bead; and hi leton hi ða. 7 Ða læddon hi ðone folan to ðam Hælende, and hi hyra reaf onaledon, and he onsæt. 8 Manega hyra reaf on ðone weg strehton, sume ða [bogas] of ðam treowum heowon, and streowodon on ðone weg. 9 And ða ðe beforan eodon, and ða ðe æfterfolgodon, cwædon ðus, Osanna, sy gebletsod se ðe com on Drihtnes naman; 10 Si gebletsod ðæt rice ðe com ures fæder Dauides; Osanna on heahnessum.
11 And he eode ða on Hierosolima templ; and ealle þing he besceawode, ða æfen tima wæs, he ferde to Bethaniam, mid his twelf leorningcnihtum.
- Iesus awirgeþ þæt æppeltreow
12 And oðrum dæge, ða hi ferdon fram Bethania, hine hingrode. 13 Ða he feorran geseah an fictreow ðe leaf hæfde, he com, and sohte hwæðer he ðar on aht funde; ða he him to com, ne funde he ðar, buton leaf ane; soþlice hit wæs ðæs fictreowes tima. 14 Ða cwæþ he, Heononforþ on ecnesse ne ete ænig man wæstm of ðe. And his leorningcnihtas ðæt gehyrdon;
- Seo clænsung þæs temples
15 Ða comon hi eft to Hierusalem. And ða he on ðæt templ eode, he ongan drifan of ðam temple syllende and bicgende; and mynetera þrocu, and heahsetlu ðe ða culfran cypton he tobræc; 16 And he ne geþafode, ðæt ænig man ænig fæt þurh ðæt temple bære. 17 And he ða lærende, ðus cwæþ to him, Nis hit awriten, Ðæt min hus fram eallum þeodum biþ genemned gebedhus? soþlice ge dydon ðæt to sceaþena scræfe. 18 Ða ðæra sacerda ealdras and ða boceras ðis gehyrdon, hi þohton hu hi hine forspildon; ðeh hi him adredon hine, forðam eall seo menigu wundrode be his lare. 19 And ða hit æfen wæs, he eode of ðære ceastre.
- Þæt forscruncene ficctreow
20 On merigen ða hi ferdon, hi gesawon ðæt fictreow forscruncen of ðam wyrtruman. 21 Ða cwæþ Petrus, Lareow, loca! hu forscranc ðæt fictreow, ðe ðu wyrigdest. 22 Ða cwæþ se Hælend him andswarigende, Habbaþ godes truwan; 23 Ic secge eow to soþe, swa hwylc swa cwyþ to ðisum munte, Si ðu afyrred, and on sæ aworpen; and on his heortan ne twynaþ, ac gelyfþ, swa hwæt swa he cwyþ, gewurðe ðis, ðæt gewyrþ. 24 Forðam ic eow secge, swa hwæt swa ge gyrnende biddaþ, gelyfaþ ðæt ge hit onfoþ, and hit eow becymþ. 25 And ðonne ge standaþ eow to gebiddenne, forgifaþ, gif ge hwæt agen ænigne habbaþ, ðæt eow eower synna forgyfe, eower heofonlica fæder se ðe on heofonum ys. 26 gyf ge ne forgyfaþ, ne eow eower synna ne forgyfþ, eower fæder [se þe on heofonum ys ne sceall forgyfan eower synna.][g]
- Iesus anweald getweogeþ mannum
27 Ða com he eft to Hierusalem. And ða he on ðam temple eode, him to genealæhton ða heahsacerdas, and boceras, and ealdras, 28 And ðus cwædon, On hwylcum anwealde dest ðu ðas þing? And hwa sealde ðe ðisne anweald, ðæt ðu ðis do? 29 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, And ic ahsige eow anre spræce, andswariaþ me, and ic secge eow ðonne, hwylcum anwealde ic ðis do. 30 Hweðer wæs Iohannes fulluht ðe of heofone, ðe of mannum? andswariaþ me. 31 Ða þohton hi, and cwædon betweox him, gif we secgaþ of heofone, he segþ us, Hwi ne gelyde ge him; 32 gif we secgaþ of mannum, we ondrædaþ ðis folc; ealle hi hæfdon Iohannem, ðæt he wære soþlice witega. 33 Ða andswaredon hi ðam Hælende and cwædon, we nyton. Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Ne ic eow ne secge, on hwylcum anwealde ic ðas þing do.
12 Heafodweard
[edit]- Þæt bispell þara eorþtiligenda
Ða ongan he him bigspel reccan. Sum man him plantode wingeard, and betynde hine, and dealf anne seaþ, and getimbrode ænne stypel, and gesette hine mid eorþtilium, and ferde on elþeodignysse; 2 Ða sende he to ðam tilium his þeow on tide, ðæt he ðæs wingeardes wæstm onfenge. 3 Ða swungon hi ðæne, and forleton hine idelhende. 4 And eft he him sende oðerne þeow, and hi ðone on heafde gewundodon, and mid teonum geswencton. 5 And eft he him sume sende, and hi ðæne ofslogon, and manega oðre, sume hi beoton, sume hi ofslogon. 6 ?a hæfde he ða gyt ænne leofostne sunu, ða sende he æt nehstan him ðæne, and cwæþ, witodlice minne sunu hig forwandiaþ. 7 Ða cwædon ða tilian him betweonan, Her is se yrfenuma; uton ofslean hine, ðonne biþ ure seo yrfweardnes. 8 Hi ði ofslogon hine, and wurpon wiðutan ðone wingeard. 9 Hwæt deþ ðæs wingeardes hladord? He cymþ, and fordeþ ða tiligean, and sylþ oðron ðone wingeard. 10 Ne rædde he ðis gewrit,
Se stan ðe ða wyrhtan awurpon, ðes ys geworden on ðære hyrnan heafod?
11 Ðis ys fram Drihtne geworden, and hit is wundorlic on uron eagum.[h]
12 Ða smeadon hi ðæt hi gefengon hine, and hi ondredon ða menigu; hi oncneowon ða ðæt he ðis bigspel to him sæde; hi ferdon ða, and hine forleton.
- Seo agiefung geafola to Casere
13 Ða sendon hi to him sume of Phariseum and Herodianum, ðæt hi befengon hine on his worde. 14 Ða comon hi and ðus mid facne cwædon, Lareow, we witon ðæt ðu eart soþfæst, and ðu ne recst be ænegum men; ne besceawast ðu manna ansyne, ac ðu godes weg lærst on soþfæstnysse. Alyfþ gaful to syllanne ðam Casere? …. 15 Hwæðer ðe we ne syllaþ? Ða cwæþ he, and heora lotwrenceas wiste, Hwi fandige ge min? bringaþ me ðone pening, ðæt ic hine geseo. 16 Ða brohton hi him. Ða sæde he him, Hwæs is ðeos anlicnys, and ðis gewrit? Hi cwædon, Ðæs Caseres. 17 Ða cwæþ se Hælend to him, Agyfaþ ðam Casere ða þing ðe ðæs Caseres synd, and gode ða ðe godes synd. Ða wundrodon hi be ðam.
- Þa rihwisendas and seo ærist
18 Ða comon him to Saducei, ða secgaþ ðæt ærist ne sy, and hine ahsodon, and ðus cwædon, 19 Lareow, Moyses us wrat, gif hwæs broðor dead biþ, and læfþ his wif, and næfþ nan bearn, ðæt his broðor nime his wif, and his broðor sæd wecce. 20 Eornostlice seofon gebroðru wæron; and se æresta nam wif, and wearþ dead, na læfedum sæde. 21 And ða nam se oðer hi, and wearþ dead, ne se sæd ne læfde. gelice se þridda. 22 And ealle seofon hi hæfdon, and sæd ne læfdon. Ealra æftemest ða forþferde ðæt wif. 23 On ðam æriste, …. hwylces ðara seofona biþ ðæt wif? hi ealle hi hæfdon. 24 Ða andswarode him se Hælend, Hu ne dweligaþ ge, forðam ðe ge nyton ða halgan gewritu, ne godes mægen? 25 Soþlice ðonne hi of deaþe arisaþ, ne wifiaþ hi, ne ne giftiaþ, ac hi synd swylce godes englas on heofonum. 26 Be ðam deadum, ðæt hi arison, ne rædde ge on Moyses bec, hu god to him cwæþ, ofer ðone gorstbeam, Ic eom Abrahames god, and Isaaces god, and Iacobes god? 27 Nys god deadra, ac he ys lybbendra; soþlice swyðe ge dweligeaþ.
- Þæt greate bod
28 Ða genealæhte him an of ðam bocerum, ðe gehyrde hi smeagende, and geseah ðæt he him wel andswarode, and ahsode hine, hwæt wære ealra beboda mæst. 29 Ða andswarode he him, Ðæt is ðæt mæste behod ealra, Israhel, gehyr, urne Drihten god he is an god; 30 And lufa ðinne Drihten god of ealre ðinre heortan, and of ealre ðinre sawle, eallum ðinum mode, and of eallum ðinum mægene. Ðæt is ðæt fyrmeste bebod. 31 Soþlice is oðer ðissum gelic, Lufa ðinne nehstan swa ðe sylfne. Nys oðer mare bebod. 32 Ða cwæþ se bocere, Lareow, well ðu on soþe cwæde; ðæt an god is, and nys oðer, butan him; 33 And ðæt he si gelufod of ealre heortan, and of eallum andgyte, and of ealre sawle, and of ealre strengþe, and lufigean his nehstan swa hine sylfne, ðæt is mare eallum onsægdnyssum and offrungum. 34 Ða se Hælend geseah ðæt he him wislice andwyrde, he sæde him, Ne eart ðu feor fram godes rice. And hine ne dorste nan man acsian.
35 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, on ðam temple lærende, Hu secgaþ ða boceras, ðæt Crist sy Dauides sunu? 36 Dauid sylf cwæþ to ðam Halgan gaste,
Drihten cwæþ to minum drihtne,
“Site on mine swyðran healfe, oð ic ðine fynd asette to fotsceamole ðinra fota.”
37 Dauid sylf nemde hine drihten, and hwanon is he his sunu? And mycel menegu hine luflice gehyrde. 38 Ða sæde he him on his lare, warniaþ fram bocerum, ða wyllaþ on gegyrlum gan, and beon on strætum grete, 39 And on fyrmestum lareowsetlum sittan on gesamnungum, and ða fyrmestan setl on gebeorscipum; 40 Ða ðe wudewena hus forswelgaþ, mid heora langsuman gebede; ða onfoþ lengestne dom.
- Þære widuwan offrung
41 Ða sæt se Hælend ongen ðone tollsceamol, and geseah hu ðæt folc hyra feoh torfode on ðone tollsceamul; and manega welige torfodon fela. 42 Ða com an earm wuduwe, and wearp twegen feorðlingas. 43 Ða clypode he his leorningcnihtas, and sæde him, Soþlice ic eow secge, ðæt ðeos earme wuduwe eallinga mæst sealde, ðara ðe on tollsceamul sealdon. 44 Ealle sendon of ðam ðe hi genoh hæfdon; soþlice ðeos of hyre yrmþe eall ðæt heo hæfde sealde, ealle hyre andlyfene.
13 Heafodweard
[edit]- Þæs temples forcwellung wierþ gewitgod
Ða he of ðam temple eode, ða cweaþ an of his leorningcnihtum to him, Lareow, loca, hwylce stanas her synd, and hwylce getimbrunga ðisses temples. 2 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Ne geseo ge ealle ðas mycelan getimbrunga? ne biþ her læfed stan ofer stan, ðe ne beo toworpen.
- Tacn þæs endes þære ielde
3 Ða hi sæton on Oliuetes dune ongen ðæt tempel, synderlice hine Petrus, and Iacobus, and Iohannes, and Andreas acsodon, 4 Sege us, hwænne ðas þing gewurdon, and hwyle tacen biþ, ðænne ealle dis þing onginnaþ beon geendod. 5 Ða ongan se Hælend him andswarigende to ccweðan, warniaþ, ðæt eow nan man ne beswice; 6 Soþlice manega cumaþ on minum naman, and cweðaþ, Ic eom Crist; and beswicaþ manega. 7 And ðonne ge gehyraþ gefeohtu and gefeohta hlisan, ne ondræde ge eow; hit gebyraþ ðæt hit gebelimpe, ac ðonne gyt nis ende. 8 Soþlice þeod arist agen þeode, and rice ongen rice, and beoþ eorþan styrunga geond stowa and hungor; ðis synd sara angin.
9 warniaþ eow sylfe, hi syllaþ eow on geþeahte, and swingaþ on gesamnungum; and ge standaþ beforan demum and cyningum for minum naman, him on gewitnesse. 10 And on ealle þeoda ærest gebyraþ beon ðæt godspel gebodod. 11 And ðonne hi syllende eow lædaþ, ne foresmeage ge hwæt ge specon, ac specaþ ðæt eow on ðære tide geseald biþ; ne synd ge na specende, ac se Halga gast. 12 Soþlice se broðor ðone broðor to deaþe sylþ, and se fæder his sunu, and ða bearn arisaþ agen hyra magas, and mid deaþe hi gewæceaþ. 13 And ge beoþ eallum on hatunge for minum naman; soþlice se biþ hal, se ðe oð ende þurhwunaþ.
- Seo toworpenness asceonung
14 Ðonne ge geseoþ ðære toworpennysse asceonunge, [s]tandan ðar heo ne sceal; ðonne ongyte se ðe ræt; fieon ðonne on muntas, ða ðe synd on Iudea. 15 And se ðe is ofer þecene, ne stige he on his hus, ne he in ne ga, ðæt he aht on his huse nime; 16 And se ðe biþ on æcere, ne cyrre he ongean ðæt he his reaf nime. 17 wa cennedum on ðam dagum, …. 18 Biddaþ, ðæt ðis on wintra ne geweorðe. 19 Soþlice on ðam dagum beoþ swylce gedrefednessa, swylce ne gewurdon of frymþe ðære gesceafte, ðe god gesceop, oð nu, ne na ne geweorðeþ. 20 And gif Drihten ðas dagas ne gescyrte, nan flæse ne wurde hal; ac for ðam gecorenum ðe he geceas, he gescyrte ða dagas. 21 And gif eow hwyle segþ, witodlice! her is Crist, witodlice! ðær he is, ne gelyfe ge. 22 Soþlice lease Cristas and lease witegan arisaþ, and wyrcaþ forebeacnu, to beswicanne, eac, gif hit beon mæg, ða gecorenan. 23 warniaþ eow; nu! ealle þing ðe ic eow foresæde.
- Se tocyme þæs Suna menn
24 Ac on ðam dagum, æfter ðære geswencednysse, byþ sunne aþeostrod, and se mona his beorhtnesse ne sylþ, 25 And heofones steorran beoþ feallende, and beoþ astyrode, ða megenu ðe on heofonum synd. 26 Ðonne geseoþ hi mannes sunu cumendne on genipum, mid mycelum mægene and wuldre. 27 Ðonne set he his englas, and hi gaderiaþ his gecorenan of feower windum, of eorþam heahnesse oð heofones heahnesse.
28 Leorniaþ an bigspel be ðam fictreowe. Ðonne his twi biþ mearu, and leaf beoþ acennede, ge witon ðæt sumor is gehende. 29 And wite ge, ðonne ge ðas þing geseoþ, ðæt he is dura gehende. 30 Soþlice ic eow secge, ðæt ðeos cneores ne gewit, ærðam ealle ðas þing geweorðon. 31 Heofon and eorþe gewitaþ, witodlice mine word ne gewitaþ.
32 Be ðam dæge and ðære tide nan man nat, ne englas on heofone, ne mannes sunu, buton fæder ana. 33 warniaþ, and waciaþ, and gebiddaþ eow; ge nyton, hwænne seo tid ys. 34 Swa se man ðe ælþeodilice ferde, forlet his hus, and sealde his þeowum ðæne anwald gehwylces weorces, and beode ðam durewearde, ðæt he wacige. 35 Eornostlice wacigeaþ, ge nyton, hwænne ðæs huses hlaford cymþ, ðe on æfen, ðe on midre nihte, ðe on hancrede, ðe on mergen; 36 Ðelæs he eow slapende gemete, ðonne he færinga cymþ. 37 Soþlice ðæt ic dow secge, eallum ic hit secge, waciaþ.
14 Heafodweard
[edit]- Seo sierwung to cwellenne Iesus
Soþlice ða æfter twam dagum wæron eastron [….] And ða solhton ða heahsacerdas and ða boceras, hu hi hine mid facne namon, and ofslogon. 2 Ða cwædon hi, Næs na on freolsdæge, ðelæs ðæs folces gehlyd weorðe.
- Iesus wierþ smirwod
3 And ða se Hælend wæs on Bethania, on Simones huse anes hreoflan, and ðar sæt, ða com an wif, and hæfde hyre sealfbox deorwyrþes nardes; and tobrocenum sealfboxe, ofer his heafod aget. 4 Sume hit unweorðlice forbæron, and betwux him sylfum cwæðon, Forhwi wæs ðisse sealfe forspillednes geworden? 5 Ðeos sealf mihte beon geseald to þrim hund penegum, and beon þearfum geseald. And yrsodon agen hi. 6 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Lætaþ hi; hwi synd ge hyre grame? god weore heo on me worhte. 7 Soþlice symble ge habbaþ þearfan mid eow, and ðonne ge wyllaþ, ge magon him teala don; me ge symble nabbaþ. 8 Ðeos sealde ðæt heo hæfde; heo com to smyrianne minne lichaman on byrgene. 9 Soþlice ic eow secge, swa hwar swa ðis godspell gebodod biþ on eallum middanearde, biþ gebodod, ðæt heo ðis on his gemynde dyde.
- Iudas geþafaþ to sellenne Iesus
10 Ða Iudas Scarioth, ðæt is wiðersaca, an of ðam twelfum, ferde to ðam heahsacerdum, ðæt he hine belæwde. 11 Ða hi ðis gehyrdon hi fahnodon, and beheton him feoh to syllanne. And he smeade hu he hine digellice sealde.
- Þæt æftermeste eostor
12 And ðam forman dæge azimorum, ða hi eastron offrodon, his leorningcnihtas him sædon, Hwyder wylt ðu ðæt we faron, and gegearwian ðe; ðæt ðu eastron ete? 13 Ða sende he twegen of his leorningcnihtum, and sæde him, gaþ on ða ceastre, and inc agenyrnþ sum man berende sume wæterflaxan; folgiaþ him. 14 And swa hwyder swa he ingæþ, secgaþ ðæs huses hlaforde, U’re lareow segþ, Hwar is min gysthus and min gereord, hwar ete ic eastron mid minum leorningcnihtum? 15 And he inc geswutelaþ mycele healle gedæfte, and gegearwiaþ us ðara.
16 Ða ferdon his leorningcnihtas, and comon on ða ceastre, and fundon hit eall swa he sædle; and gegearwodon ða eastron, 17 Soþlice ða æfen com, him twelfum mid him. 18 Sittendum, and etendum, sæde se Hælend, Soþlice ic eow secge; ðæt eower an ðe mid me yt, gesylþ me. 19 Ða ongunnon hi beon dreorige, and betwux him cweðan, Cwyst ðu eom ic hit? …. 20 Ða sæde he him, An of eow twelfum me sylþ, se ðe his hand on disce mid me dypþ. 21 And witodlice mannes sunu gæþ, swa be him awriten is; wa ðam men, þurh ðone ðe mannes sunu geseald biþ. Betere him wære, ðæt se man acenned nære.
- Seo setness þæs Hælendes Husles
22 Him ða etendum, afeng se Hælend hlaf, and hine bletsiende bræc, and sealde him, and ðus cwæþ. Nimaþ; ðis ys min lichama. 23 And onfeng calice, and gode þancas dyde and sealde him, and ealle him of druncon. 24 Ða sæde he him, Ðis ys min blod ðære niwan cyðnesse, ðæt biþ for manegum egoten. 25 Soþlice ic eow secge, ðæt ic heononforþ ne drince of ðyses wingeardes cynne, oð ðone dæg ðonne ic hine niwne drince on godes rice.
- Petrus wiðersæc wierþ forewitgod
26 And gecwedenum lofe, hi ferdon on Elebergena munt. 27 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Ealle ge beoþ geuntreowsode on ðisse nihte; forðam ðe hit awriten is, Ic slea ðæne hyrde, and beoþ ða scep todræfede. 28 Ac æfter ðam ðe ic arise, ic cume beforan eow on galileam. 29 Ða sæde Petrus him, Ðæh ðe ealle swicion, ne swicige ic ðe na. 30 Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Soþlice ic ðe secge, ðæt ðu on ðisse nihte ær hana tuwa crawe, þriwa wiðsæcst min. 31 And he ðæs ðe mare spræc, And ðeah me gebyrige mid ðe to sweltanne, ne ætsace ic ðin. And swa hi cwædon ealle.
- Iesus bideþ in gezemanie
32 Ða comon hi to anum tune, ðæs nam wæs gezemani. And he cwæþ to his leorningcnihtum, Sittaþ her, oð ðæt ic me gebidde. 33 And he nam ða mid him Petrum and Iacobum and Iohannem, ða ongan he forhtian, and sargian. 34 And sæde him, Unrot is min sawl oð deaþ; gebidaþ her, and waciaþ. 35 Ða he lythwon forþstop, he astrebte hine ofer ða eorþan, and he bæd, gif hit beon mihte, ðæt he on ðære tide fram him gewite. 36 And ða cwæþ he, Abba, ðæt is, Fæder, on ure geþeode, ealle þing ðe synd mihtiglice, afyr ðysne calic fram me; ac na ðæt ic wylle, ac ðæt ðu. 37 Ða com he, and funde hi slæpende. And cwæþ to Petre, Simon, slæpst ðu? ne mihtest ðu ane tide wacian? 38 waciaþ, and gebiddaþ, ðæt ge on costnunge ne gan; witodlice se gast is gearu, ac ðæt flæsc is untrum. 39 And eft he gebæd ða ylcan spræce. 40 And ða he hine eft agenbewende, he funde hi slæpende; hyra eagan wæron gehefegode. And hi nyston, hwæt hi him andswaredon. 41 Ða com he þriddan siðe, and sæde him, Slapaþ nu, and restaþ; genoh nit ys. Tima ys cumen; nu! is mannes sunu geseald on synfulra handa. 42 Arisaþ, uton gan; nu! is gehende se ðe me sylþ.
- Iesus wierþ geseald and gehæft
43 Him ða ða gyt sprecendum, com Iudas Scarioth, ðæt ys wiðersaca, an of ðam twelfum, and mid him mycel menegeo mid swurdum and mid sahlum, fram heahsacerdum, bocerum, and ealdrum. 44 Soþlice his læwa him tacen sealde, and ðus cwæþ, Swa hwylcne swa ic cysse, he hit ys; nimaþ, and lædaþ hine wærlice. 45 And sona swa he com, he genealæhte him to, an cwæþ, Lareow; and cyste hine. 46 And hi hyra handa on hine wurpon, and namon hine. 47 Soþlice an of ðam ðe ðar embe uton stodon, his swurde abræd, and sloh ðæs sacerdes þeow, and his eare ofacearf. 48 Ða cwæþ se Hælend him andswariende, Swa swa to anum sceaþan ge ferdon mid swurdum and treowum, me gefon? 49 Ðonne ic dæghwamlice mid eow wæs, on temple lærende, and ge me ne namon; ac ðæt ða gewritu syn gefyllede. 50 Ða forleton his leorningcnihtas ealle hyne, and flugon.
51 Sum iungling him fyligde, mid anre scytan bewæfed nacod; and hi namon hine. 52 Ða aworpenre ðære scytan, nacod he him fram fleah.
- Iesus stent ætforan þæm witenagemote
53 And hi læddon ðæn Hælend to ðam heahsacerde. And comon ealle sacerdas and boceras and ealdras togædere. 54 Petrus him fyligde feorran oð ðæs heahsacerdes cafertun. And he sæt mid ðam þenum, and wyrmde hine æt ðam fyre. 55 Ða heahsacerdas sohton, and eall geþeaht, tale agen ðone Hælend, ðæt hi hine to deaþe sealdon; and hi ne fundon. 56 Manega sædon lease gecyðnysse agen hine, and ða cyðnessa næron ðæslice. 57 Ða arison sume and sædon lease cyðnesse agen hine, and ðus cwædon, 58 Soþes we gehyrdon hine secgan, Ic towurpe ðis handworhte tempel, and æfter þrim dagum ic oðer unhandworht getimbrie. 59 And hyra cyðnys næs ðæslic. 60 Ða aras sum heahsacerd on hyra midlene, and ahsode ðæne Hælend, Ne andswarast ðu nan þing agen ðæt ðas ðe onwurpaþ? 61 He suwode, and naht ne andswarode. Eft hine acsode se heahsacerd, Eart ðu Crist, ðæs gebletsodan godes sunu? 62 Ða sæde se Hælend, Ic eom; and ge geseoþ mannes sunu on swyðran healfe sittan his mægenes, and cumende mid heofones genipum. 63 Ða cwæþ se heahsacerd, his reaf slitende, Hwi gewilnige we gyt cyðera? 64 ge gehyrdon his bysmer. Hwæt þincþ eow? Ða hyrwdon hi ealle hine and cwædon ðæt he wære deaþes scyldig. 65 And sume agunnon him on spætan, and oferwreon his ansyne, and mid fystum hine beoton, and him to cwædon, Aræd. And ða þenas hine mid handum beoton.
- Petrus ætsacþ Crist
66 And ða Petrus wæs on cafertune, ða com to him an þinen ðæs heahsacerdes. 67 And Ða heo geseah Petrum wyrmende, ða cwæþ heo, Ðu wære mid ðam Nazareniscan Hælende. 68 Ða ætsoc he, and cwæþ, Ic nat, ne ne can, hwæt ðu segst. And he eode ða of ðam cafertune; and se hana creow. 69 Eft ða hine gecneow oðer þinen, heo ongan cweðan to ðam ðe ðar abutan stodon, Soþlice ðes ys of ðam. 70 And he eft ætsoc. And eft ða ymbe lytel, ða ðe ætstodon cwædon to Petre, Soþlice ðu eart of ðam, galileise ðu eart. …. 71 Ða ongan he ætsacan and swerian, Soþes ne can ic ðæne man, ðe ge secgaþ. 72 And ða eftsona creow se hana. Ða gemunde Petrus ðæs Hælendes worde ðe he him sæde, Ær se hana crawe tuwa, þriwa ðu me ætsæcst. Ða ongan he wepan.
15 Heafodweard
[edit]- Iesus wierþ geseald to Pilatus
Ða sona on mergen, worhton ða heahsacerdas hyra gemot mid ealdrum, and bocerum, and eallum werodum, and læddon ðæne Hælend, gebundenne, and sealdon hine Pilato. 2 Ða acsode Pilatus hine, Eart ðu Iudea cyning? Ða andswarode he him, Ðu hit segst. 3 Ða wregdon hine ða heahsacerdas on manegum þingum. 4 Eft Pilatus hine acsode, Ne andswarast ðu nan þing? Loca, hu micelum hi ðe wregeaþ? 5 Ða ne andswarode se Hælend him na mare, swa ðæt Pilatus wundrode.
- geseald to rodfæstnunge
6 On symbeldæge wæs his gewuna ðæt he him forgeafe ænne gebundenne, swa hwylcne swa hi bædon. 7 Ða bædon hi Barraban, se wæs gebunden mid ðam ræplingum, se þurh swiccræft manslyht geworhte. 8 And ða he ferde, ða ongan seo menegeu hine biddan, swa heo symle dyde. 9 Ða cwæþ Pilatus, wylle ge ðæt ic eow forgyfe Iudea cyning? 10 He wiste, ðæt þurh andan hine sealdon ða heahsacerdas. 11 Ða astyredon ða bisceopas ða menegu, ðæt he him Barraban forgefe. 12 Eft Pilatus him andswarode, Hwæt do ic be Iudea cyninge? 13 Hi eft hrymdon and cwædon, Hoh hine. 14 Ða sæde Pilatus, Hwæt yfeles dyde he? Hi ðæs ðe ma clypedon, Ahoh hine. 15 Pilatus wolde ða ðam folce gecweman, and forgef him Barraban, and sealde him ðone Hælend, beswungenne, ðæt he ahangen wære.
16 Ða læddon ða cempan hine on ðæs domernes cafertun, and hi tosomne eall werod clypedon, 17 And scryddon hine mid purpuran. And him onsetton þyrnenne helm, awundenne; 18 And ongunnon hine ðus gretan, Hal wes, ðu Iudea cyning. 19 And beoton hine on ðæt heafod mid hreode, and spætton him on; and heora cneow bigdon and hine geeaðmeddon. 20 And syððan hi hine bysmrydon, unscryddon hine ðam purpuran, and scryddon hine mid his reafum, and læddon hine, ðæt hi hine ahengon.
- Seo rodfæstnung
21 And genyddon sumne wegferendne, Simonem Cyreneum, cumende of ðam tune, Alexandres fæder and Rufi, ðæt he his rode bære. 22 And hi læddon hine on ða stowe golgotha, ðæt is on ure geþeode gereht, Heafodpannena stow. 23 And sealdon him gebiterod win, and he hit ne onfeng. 24 And ða hi hine ahengon hi dældon his reaf, and hlotu warpon, hwæt gehwa name. 25 Ða wæs underntid, hi ahengon hine. 26 And ofergewrit his gyltes wes awriten, JUDEA CYNINg. 27 And hi ahengon mid him twegen sceaþan, anne on his swyðran healfe, and oðerne on his wynstran. 28 Ða wæs ðæt gewrit gefylled ðæt cwyþ, And he wæs mid unrihtwisum geteald. 29 And ða ðe forþstopon hine gremedon, and hyra heafod cwehton, and ðus cwædon, wala! se towyrpþ ðæt tempel and on þrim dagum eft getimbraþ; 30 gehæl ðe sylfne, of ðære rode stigende. 31 Eallswa ða heahsacerdas bysmriende, betwux ðam bocerum, cwædon, Oðre he hale gedyde, hine sylfne he ne mæg halne gedon. 32 Crist, Israhela cyning, astige nu of rode, ðæt, we gescon, and gelyfon. And ða ðe him mid hangodon, wæron him mid gebundene.
- Iesus deaþ
33 And ðære syxtan tide, wurdon þystru gewordene geond ealle eorþan oð nontide. 34 And to nontide se Hælend clypode mycelre stemne, Heloi, Heloi, lema sabattani, ðæt is on ure geþeode, Min god, min god, hwi forlete ðu me? 35 And sume ðe ðar abuton stodon and ðis gehyrdon, hi cwædon, Nu! ðes clypaþ Heliam. 36 Ða arn hyra an, and fylde ane spingan mid ecede, and on hreod sette, and him drincan sealde, and cwæþ, Læetaþ, ðæt we geseon, hwæðer Helias cune hine nyðer to settanne. 37 Se Hælend, ða asende his stefne, and forþferde. 38 And ðæs temples wahrift wæs tosliten on twa of ufeweardum oð neoðeweard. 39 Ða se hundredman, ðe ðar stod agen, geseah ðæt se Hælend swa clypiende forþferde, he cwæþ, Soþlice, ðes man wæs godes sunu. 40 And ða wif wæron feorran behealdende, and betwux ðam wæs seo Magdalenisce Maria, and Maria Iacobes moðor [ðæs gingran, and Iosepes moder,] and Salomeæ. 41 And ða he wæs on galilea, hi fyligdon him, and him þenedon, and manega oðre, ðe him mid ferdon on Ierusalem.
- Iesus byrigness
42 And ða æfen wæs geworden, ðæt wæs parasceue ðæt is ær sæterdæge, 43 Ða com Iosep, se æðela gerefa, of Arimathia, se sylfa godes rices geanbidode; and he dyrstiglice in to Pilate eode, and bæd ðæs Hælendes lichaman. 44 Ða wundrode Pilatus, gif he ða gyt forþferde. Ða clypode he ðæne hundredman, and hine ahsode, hwæðer he dead wære; 45 Ða he wiste ðæt, ða agef he ðone lichaman Iosepe. 46 Ða bohte Isoep ane scytan, ... and hine ðaron befeold, and on byrgene lede seo wæs of stane aheawen, and wylte anne stan to ðære byrgene dura. 47 Ða com Maria Magdalene, and Iosepes Maria and beheodlon, hwar he geled wære.
16 Heafodweard
[edit]- Seo ærist
And ða sæternes dæg wæs agan, seo Magdalenisce Maria, and Iacobes Maria, and Salomeæ bohton wyrt gemang, ðæt hi comon and hine smyredon. 2 And swyðe ær anum restedæge, comon to ðære byrgene, upasprungenre sunnan. 3 And cwædon him betwynan, Hwa awylt us ðysne stan of ðære byrgene dura? 4 Ða hi hi besawon hi gesawon ðæne stan aweg awyltne, soþlice he wæs swyðe mycel. 5 And ða hi eodon on ða byrgene hi gesawon anne geongne, on ða swyðran healfe sittende, hwitum gegyrlan oferwrogenne; and hi ða forhtodon. 6 Ða cwæþ he to him, Ne forhtige ge na; ge secaþ ðæne Nazareniscan Hælend ahangenne; he aras, nis he her; her is seo stow ðær hi hine ledon. 7 Ac faraþ, and secgaþ his leorningcnihtum, and Petre, ðæt he gæþ toforan eow on galileam; ðar ge hine geseoþ, swa he eow sæde. 8 And hi uteodon and flugon fram ðære byrgene; and wæron afærede for ðære gesyhþe ðe hi gesawon, and hig nanum men naht ne sædon, soþlice hi him adredon.
- Iesus cymþ to Marie Magdalene
9 Ða he aras on ærne morgen on restedæge, æryst he ætywde ðære Magdaleniscan Marian, of ðære he utadraf seofon deofolseocnyssa. 10 And heo ða uteode and hit ðam cydde ðe mid him wæron, heofendum and wependum. 11 Ða hi gehyrdon ðæt he leofode, and hi hine gesawon, ða ne gelyfdon hi him.
- Iesus cymþ to twæm leornungcnihtum
12 Æfter ðam him twam he wæs ætywed on oðrum hiwe, him on ðone tun farendum. 13 And hi ða foron and ðæt oðrum cyddon, and hi him ne gelyfdon.
- Þæt greate ærend
14 Ða æt nehstan, he ætywde him ændlefene, ðar hi ætgædere sæton, and tælde hyra ungeleaffulnesse, and hyra heortan heardnesse, forðam ðe hi ne gelyfdon ðam, ðe hine gesawon of deaþe arisan. 15 And he sæde him, Faraþ into ealne middaneard, and bodiaþ godspell ealre gesceafte. 16 Se ðe gelyfþ, and gefullod biþ, se biþ hal; soþlice se ðe ne gelyfþ, se biþ genyðerod. 17 Ðas tacnu fyliaþ ðam, ðe gelyfaþ. On minum naman hi deofolseocnessa utdrifaþ; hi sprecaþ niwum tungum; 18 Næddran hi afyrraþ; and him ne deraþ, ðeah hi hwæt deadbærlices drincon. Ofer seoce hi hyra handa settaþ, and hi beoþ hale.
19 And witodlice Drihten Hælend, syððan he to him spræc, he wæs on heofonum afangen, and he sit on godes swiðran healfe. 20 Soþlice hi ða farende æghwar bodedon, Drihtne midwyrcendum, and trymmendre spræce æfterfyligendum tacnum.