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The History of Japan (Kaempfer)/Volume 1

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The History of Japan (1727)
by Engelbert Kaempfer, translated by Johann Caspar Scheuchzer
Engelbert Kaempfer4653804The History of Japan1727Johann Caspar Scheuchzer


History of Japan,


An Account of the ancient and preſent State and
Government of that Empire;


Its Temples, Palaces, Caſtles and other Buildings;


Its Metals, Minerals, Trees, Plants, Animals, Birds and Fiſhes;


The Chronology and Succeſſion of the Emperors,
Eccleſiaſtical and Secular;


The Original Deſcent, Religions, Cuſtoms, and Manufactures of the Natives, and of their Trade and Commerce with the Dutch and Chineſe.

Together with a Deſcription of the Kingdom of Siam.

Written in High-Dutch by Engelbertus Kæmpfer, M.D. Phyſician to the Dutch Embaſſy to the Emperor’s Court; and tranſlated from his Original Manuſcript, never before printed, by

J. G. Scheuchzer, F. R. S. and a Member of the
College of Phyſicians, London.

With the Life of the Author, and an Introduction.

Illustrated with many Copper Plates.

Volume I.


Printed for the Translator, MDCCXXVII.

April 27. 1727.


Hans Sloane, Præs. Soc. Reg.

To the King.

May it pleaſe Your Majesty,

Your Majesties gracious Condeſcenſion to approve of my Deſign of publiſhing this Hiſtory of Japan emboldens me, with the moſt profound Reſpect and Humility to lay it at Your Majesties Feet.

It gives an Account of a mighty and powerful Empire, which owes its Greatneſs to itſelf, and the flouriſhing Condition it is in, to its being debarr’d all Communication with other Nations: It unfolds the Rules and Maxims of a Government, where the mutual checks, jealouſies and miſtruſts of Perſsons inveſted with Power are thought the moſt effectual Means to oblige them to a faithful diſcharge of their reſpective Duties: It ſhews a long Series of Eccleſiaſtical Emperors, all deſcended of one Family, who ſway’d the Scepter of Japan for upwards of two thouſand Years, and ſtill keep up their Titles, Rank and Grandeur, tho’ diſpoſſeſs’d of the ſupreme Power by the Secular Monarchs: It deſcribes a valiant and invincible Nation, a polite, induſtrious and virtuous People, enrich’d by a mutual Commerce among themſelves, and poſſeſs’d of a Country, on which Nature hath laviſh’d her moſt valuable Treaſures.

Theſe, and many other remarkable particulars, relating to the Religions, Sects, and Natural Hiſtory of a County, of which we had hitherto but an imperfect Knowledge, give me ſome hope, that this Work will not prove unworthy of Your Majesties gracious Protection.

That Your Majesties Reign may be long and proſperous, and that there may never be wanted a Succeſſion of Princes of Your Royal Line to Grace the Britiſh Throne, are the hearty and ſincere Wiſhes of

May it pleaſe Your Majesty,

Your Majesties

Moſt Obedient,

Moſt Devoted


Moſt humble Servant

J. G. Scheuchzer.


Names of the Subſcribers.

Thoſe, who have this Mark * prefix’d to their Names, ſubſcrib’d for the
Large Paper.


His Grace Hugh, Lord Archbiſhop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland.
Joſeph Andrews, Eſq; F. R. S.
Mr. Henry l’ Apoſtre.
Col. Archer.
—— Archer, Eſq;


  • The Right Honourable Charles Lord Bruce.
  • Montague Bacon, Eſq;
  • George Baily, Eſq;
  • Robert Baylis, Eſq; Alderman.
  • Mr. Sylvanus Bevan, F. R. S. Two Sets.
  • ——— Billerbeck, Eſq;
  • * The Honourable Pattee Bing, Eſq;
  • John Birkhead of Lincoln’s-Inn, Eſq;
  • Col. Martin Bladen.
  • * ——— Bonnel, Eſq;
  • Ralph Boutchier, M. D.
  • Sir Brook Bridges, Bart. F. R. S.
  • * John Brown, Eſq.
  • Mr. John Brown, F. R. S.
  • John Burrard, Eſq;
  • Mr. Paul Buſſiere.


  • His Grace William, Lord Archbiſhop of Canterbury.
  • * The Right Honourable John Lord Carteret.
  • The Right Honourable Charles Lord Cadogan.
  • Thomas Cartwright of Aynhoe, Eſq;
  • The Rev. Dr. George Carter.
  • W. Cheſelden, Surgeon, F. R. S.
  • Richard Chiſwell, Eſq;
  • George Clifford, Jun. Eſq;
  • Francis Clifton, M. D.
  • Anthony Collins, Eſq; Two Copies.
  • Sir Thomas Coke, Knight of the Bath.
  • Mr. Daniel Crellius.
  • Thomas Crowe, M. D.


  • His Grace William Duke of Devonshire.
  • The Right Reverend Richard, Lord Biſhop of St. David’s.
  • Gebhard Danteny Eſq; F. R. S. Two Copies,
  • John Jacob Dillenius, M. D. F. R. S.
  • John Diodate, M. D. F. R. S.
  • James Douglas, M. D. F. R. S.
  • Gerard Drake, Eſq;


  • Richard Ellis, Eſq;
  • Nathaniel Ellwick, Eſq;
  • ——— Eyles, Eſq;
  • Kingſmill Eyre, Eſq; F. R. S.


  • The Right Honourable the Lady Mary Fielding.
  • Everard Fawkener, Eſq;
  • Charles de la Faye, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Martin Folkes, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Thomas Fothergill, Eſq;
  • Sir Richard Fowler, Bart.
  • John Freeman, Eſq.
  • * John Friend, M. D. F. R. S.
  • John Fuller, Eſq; F. R. S.


  • The Right Honourable the Earl Grandisson.
  • Roger Gale, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Patrick Garden of Lincoln’s-Inn, Eſq;
  • Mr. Ambroſe Godfrey, Chymiſt.
  • Mr. Edmund Godfrey.
  • The Rev. Dr. Gooch, Maſter of Gonvil and Cajus College in Cambridge.
  • Mr. George Graham, F. R. S.
  • Mr. Stephen Grainger, Merchant at Stockholm.
  • * Thomas Green, Eſq;
  • George Grey, Eſq;
  • Richard Griffith, Surgeon.
  • John Frederick Gronovices, M. D.


  • John Hadley, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Richard Hale, M. D. F. R. S.
  • Sir James Hallet.
  • Mr. Denham Hammond.
  • Henry Heathcote, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • William Heathcote, Eſq;
  • Charles Hedges, Eſq;
  • John James Heidegger, Eſq;
  • The Hon. Mrs. Herbert.
  • ——— Horſeman, M. D.
  • Hugh Howard, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Robert Hucks, Eſq; F.R.S.
  • * Maurice Hunt, Eſq;


  • Theodore Jacobſon, Eſq;
  • Mr. Benjamin James.
  • The Rev. Dr. Richard Ibbetſon, D.D.
  • William Jones, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • * Thomas Iſted, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • James Jurin, M. D. Sec. Reg. Soc.


  • The Right Reverend the Lord Biſhop of Kilmore.
  • Sir John Kaye, Bart.


  • Smart Lethieuiller, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Col. George Liddel.
  • The Rev. Dr. Samuel Liſle, D. D.
  • Henry Lloyd, Eſq;
  • The Rev. Mr. Richard Lucas, F. R. S.


  • * His Grace John Duke of Montagu.
  • Mr. John Martin, F. R. S.
  • John Maubray, M. D.
  • * Richard Mead, M. D. F.R. S.
  • —— Mead, Eſq;
  • Mr. Montagu.
  • Francis Moſe, Eſq;


  • James Naſh, Eſq.
  • Sir Michael Newton, Knight of the Bath.
  • Col. Francis Nicholſon, F. R. S.
  • Mr. Richard Nicholſon jun.


  • The Right Honourable Charles Earl of Orrery.
  • Robert Ord, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • The Rev. Mr. Henry Ort, M. A.
  • Sir Adolphus Oughton, Bart.


  • The Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Pembroke.
  • Mr. John Padmore.
  • Sir Gregory Page, Bart.
  • Thomas Pellet, M. D. F. R. S.
  • Henry Plumtre, M. D. F. R. S.
  • —— Plumtre, Eſq.
  • * His Excellency Mr. Stephen Poyntz, His Majeſty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of Sweden.


  • His Grace Charles Duke of Richmond.
  • Edward Ratcliff, Eſq;
  • Richard Richardſon, M. D.
  • John Roberts, Eſq;
  • Tancred Robinſon, M. D. F. R. S.
  • * Edward Rudge, Eſq; F. R. S.


  • The Right Honourable Talbot Earl of Sussex.
  • Jeremy Sambrooke, Eſq;
  • Iſaac de Sequeyra Samuda, M. L. F. R. S.
  • William Sherard, L. L. D: F. R. S.
  • Mr. Shipton, Surgeon.
  • Mr. Samuel Skinner, jun.
  • Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. P. S. R. & C. M.
  • William Sloane, ſen. Eſq;
  • William Sloane, jun. Eſg; F. R. S.
  • The Rev. Mr. Soley.
  • Thomas Spicer, Eſq; Secretary to the Preſentations.
  • * Sir Conrad Sprengell, Knt. F, R. S.
  • Ferdinand Sprinall, of the Inner Temple, Eſq;
  • Oliver St. John, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • John Stanhope of Eccle’s-hill, Eſq;
  • George Stanley, Eſq; F.R. S.
  • ——— Stanley, Eſq;
  • Temple Stanyan, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • John George Steigerthal, M. D. F. R. S.
  • Mr. John Stevans, Surgeon.
  • Sir Robert Sutton, Knight of the Bath.


  • George Lewis Teiſſier, M. D. F. R. S.
  • James Theobald, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Peter Theobald, Eſq;
  • Joas Tillard, Eſq;
  • Mr. Nathaniel Torriano.
  • Mr. John Torriano.
  • Sigiſmond Trafford, Eſq;
  • The Honourable John Trevor, Eſq; F. R. S.
  • Abraham Tucker, Eſq;


  • Stephen Wadſworth, M. D.
  • John Wainewright of Lincoln’s-Inn, Eſq;
  • William Ward, L. L. D.
  • Mr. Thomas Watſon of Lothbury.
  • Mr. Thomas Watſon.
  • Sir Anthony Weſtcomb, Bart.
  • Mr. Thomas Weſton, Maſter of the Academy of Greenwich.
  • Mr. Samuel Windor, jun.
  • John Woodward, M. D. P. Greſh. F.R.S.
  • Francis Woolaſton, Eſq; F. R. S.


  • Mr. Zinck.
  • Philip Henry Zolmann, Eſq;



Of the firſt Volume.

The History of Japan,

Book I.

Chap. I. Journal of the author’s voyage from Batavia to Siam, with an account of what happen’d during his ſtay there
pag. 1
Chap. II. The preſent ſtate of the Court of Siam, with a Deſcription of Juthja, the Capital City and Place of the King’s Reſidence
Chap. III. The Author’s departure from Juthja, down the River Meinam to the harbour, and from thence to Japan.
Chap. IV. Of the Empire of Japan in general, as to its function and the largeneſs if its ſeveral Iſlands
Chap. V. The diviſion and ſub-diviſion of the Empire of Japan into its ſeveral Provinces; as alſo of its revenue and government
Chap. VI. The author’s opinion of the true origin and deſcent of the Japaneſe
Chap. VII. Of the origin of the Japaneſe, according to their own fabulous opinion
Chap. VIII. Of the Climate of Japan, and its produce as to minerals and metals
Chap. IX. Of the fertility of the country as to Plants
Chap. X. Of the plenty of the country as to Beaſts, Birds, Reptiles and Inſects
Chap. XI. Of Fiſh and Shells

Book II.

Of the Political State of Japan.

Chap. I. Names of the Gods, Demi-Gods and Emperors, who are mention’d in Japaneſe Hiſtories, as the firſt Monarchs and Governors of that Empire
Chap. II. Of the Eccleſiaſtical Hereditary Emperors of Japan in general, of their Succeſſion, Reſidence and Court; as alſo of the Chronology of the Japaneſe
Chap. III. Of the Eccleſiaſtical Emperors in particular, and firſt of thoſe, who govern’d from the beginning of the Japaneſe Monarchy, till our Saviour’s nativity
Chap. IV. Of the Eccleſiaſtical Hereditary Emperors, who liv’d and govern’d with an unlimited authority, from the birth of our Saviour to Joritomo the firſt Secular Monarch
Chap. V. Of the Eccleſiaſtical Hereditary Emperors, who liv’d after Joritomo to the preſent time
Chap. VI. Of the Crown-Generals and Secular Monarchs of Japan, from Joritomo to the Emperor Tſinajos now reigning

Book III.

Of the ſtate of Religion in Japan.

Chap. I. Of the religions of this Empire in general, and of the Sintos-Religion in particular
Chap. II. Of the Sintos Temples, belief and worſhip
Chap. III. Of the Sintos Rebi, that is, their fortunate and holidays, and the celebration thereof
Chap. IV. Of the Sanga, or Pilgrimage to Isje
Chap. V. Of the Jammabos, or Mountain-prieſts, and other religious orders
Chap. VI. Of the Budſdo, or foreign Pagan Worſhip, and its founder
Chap. VII. Of the Siuto, that is, the doctrine and way of life of their Moraliſts and Philoſophers.

Book IV.

Of Nagaſaki, the Place of Reſidence for Foreigners; of their
Trade Accommodation, &c.

Chap. I. Of the ſituation of the city of Nagaſaki, and its harbour; as alſo of its publick and private buildings
Chap. II. Of the government of Nagaſaki
Chap. III. Of the policy, or regulation of the ſtreets of Nagaſaki; as alſo of the government of the adjacent country
Chap. IV. Of the temples and clergy of this city
Chap. V. Of the arrival and reception of the Portugueſe and Caſtilians in Japan, of their trade, and how they were baniſh’d the Empire
Chap. VI. Of the Dutch trade in Japan in general
Chap. VII. Of the Dutch trade in Japan in particular, and firſt of the ſeveral corporations erected for this purpoſe
Chap. VIII. Some more particulars concerning the Dutch trade in Japan
Chap. IX. Of the way of life, trade, and privileges of the Chineſe in Japan
Chap. X. Some proclamations, paſſports, orders, &c. mention’d in the foregoing Chapters
An explanation of the plates belonging to this firſt Volume, after page: