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The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 54

From Wikisource

Chap. LIIII.

Ungodly men are put into the places of the Ministers of the Gospell.

I Am sorry to tell you, who, or what sort of men they bee that are placed in the roomes of the Preachers of the Gospell, to wit, uncleane men, wicked blasphemers, foolish men, in a word men of no account. It was impossible, that so many hirelings could be had for the present as there were churches in Bohemia, they did therefore appoint one Parish Priest, for two, three, foure, nay ten or twelve Parishes, who knew how so well to play his game, that hee abounded in covetuousnesse, and luxury. Some Churches being deprived of their Ministers the flock did wander without a shepheard for the space of two or three years, but it was more tollerable to want wholesome food, (as they did ) than to be droven to the Pastures aad there become a prey to the Wolves.

2. They therefore brought Monkes out of Polonia for neerenesse and affinity, of their language, flow bellies, and unprofitable members of the earth, although they were brought unto it as the scourges of God, very fit without all doubt to punish the ingratitude of the Gospellers (socommonly called.)

3. Concerning the lewd life of very many of them, I am ashamed to speak. We see the Whore of Babylon, who was formerly wont to be half ashamed, hath how at the last flung of all modesty and discovered her nakednesse. It was usuall sometime for a man to have his Concubine, Adulteries, Incests, Sodomies (sins never heard of by our Nation) are now almost publikely practised. David Sissius Chaplaine of Hadrianus Hradicensis of Cælestine (but more truly Scelestine) that is ungratious, a most unsatiable reveller, an impudent Sodomite, a most obscene scoffer; in one word I shall term him an Atheist, comming unto his lodging upon a time drunk, exposed himself to the view of al men naked at his window falling from thence he wallowed in the dirt of the street, although Scelestinus with whom he had continuall War, said, that the rascall was thrown out of the window by the Devill and carried away.

4. Bohemo Brodensis a Deacon and a Polonian by nation, after the committing of many horrid acts; carried away with him the wife of a certain Citizen, being a beautifull woman in mans apparell, her husbands name was lohn Paupessek, and fled with her into Polonia.

5. The Parish Priest of Pakovia, being reprehended by a worthy and eminent Gospeller, by name me Knauponus, for his lewd and dissolute life, with his Comrades as good as himself, broke in upon him and beat him shrewdly, and in the night time breaking the windows of the Citizens left the Town.

6. I recount not many things more abhominable, being willing not to offend chast eares; let their memory. perish, whose names the Apostle thinks not worthy to be reckoned amon the Christians. I return to the Ministers that are Martyrs of Christ.