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The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 55

From Wikisource

Chap. LV.

The Ministers in Cuttenburgh removed.

I. VVIllliam Vrzesowetz entring into Cuttenburgh with some troops of horse, the the 22 day of December in the year 1622 being famous for these many years for maintaining the Orthodox faith, and also for his peculiar place of being Deacon there, besides that of the chief Treasurers place, he bestowed the Churches on the Jesuites, and not onely the Ministers thre, but also he calls unto him the neighbouring Ministers there, upbraiding them of Heresie, and rebellion, and I know not what; demands of them, whither they would be received into the lap of the Church, if they refused, he resolved to debar them the Communion, and if they did not abstain from receiving thereof, he did threaten to punish them severely.

2. In the yeare following on the 27 of July the Iesuites urging it very hard, they are commanded to depart out of the gates of the City, before the break of day, and to depart the Kingdome within eight days. Upon thiscomma nd one and twenty went away, by name Georgius Paul, Cyprian Pelchinus, Vitrs Iakessius, Wenceslaus Kerion, Gregorius Viti, lohannes Kubinius, Nicholas Debastus, Johannes Claudianus, Sigismundus Tassicius, lohannes loramus, Iohannes Neustupius, Thomas Dentulinus, lohannes Pristracus, lohannes Martis, lohannes Podaski, Sigismundus Piscis, Iohannes Luxinus, Nicholaus Nowokolinus, Georgius Siskarz, these being accompanied with some hundreds of Citizens, to whom Iohannes Matthiades expounded those words of Christ. They shall cast you out of the Sinagogues. This farewell Sermon did exhort to constancy, the whole Congregation much bewailing their losse; at the lenghth, the Heavens ringing againe with their songs, and their lamentations, with mutuall imbracings, and kissing each other, they did recommend themselves to the divine protection and favour.

3. It was no where else permitted; but that either the Ministers are cast out oftheir livings, or cast into prisons, some whereof after some few dayes or moneths are dismissed, and commanded to depart the Kingdome under pain of death: others, as it then happened to Bohuslaus Bolvinus, are stifled with th stench of the prison.