The Jade Mountain/Acknowledgments
For carefully recording and helpfully shaping Dr. Kiang's dictation of the literal texts of one of the two Chinese volumes comprising this work—the volume containing the longer poems—I am indebted to a well-chosen pupil and friend of his and mine, Mr. Will Garrett. For pertinent and wise suggestions I am grateful to Mr. Arthur Davison Ficke, Mr. Porter Garnett, Mr. Haniel Long, Mrs. Julia Ellsworth Ford, Mr. Cliff McCarthy, Dr. Hu Suh, Mr. Nieh Shih-chang, and Princess Der Ling.
Two hundred and seventy-eight of the poems have been printed in the following magazines and journals:
The Freeman, Asia, The Nation, Poetry, Orient, The International Interpreter, Palms, The New York Evening Post, The New Republic, The Dial, The Bookman, The China Review, The Christian Century, Contemporary Verse, The Double Dealer, The Forum, The Fugitive, The Harvard Advocate, Hearst's, Holland's, The Independent, The Little Review, The Measure, The Lyric, The Midland, The Modern Review, The New Orient, The North-China Herald, The Outlook, Parnassus, Pegasus, Phantasmus, The Review, Rhythmus, Shadowland, The Smart Set, The Poetry Folio, The Southwest Review, Voices, The Wave, The World Tomorrow, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Tambofir, Beau, Caprice, The Santa Fe New Mexican, Pearson's Magazine and The London Mercury.
The preface, Poetry and Culture, appeared in the Dial, and an expanded form of it under the title, The Persistence of Poetry is being privately printed as a book by The Book Club of California.
W. B.