The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 30
291. What is truthfulness? It is the speaking of that which is free from even the slightest taint of evil.
292. Even falsehood is of the nature of truth if it bringeth forth unmixed good.5
293. Bear not false witness against thy neighbour : for thy own conscience will burn thee when thou hast lied.
294. Behold the man whose heart is free from falsehood: he reigneth in the hearts of all.
295. Behold the man whose heart is fixed in truthfulness: he is greater than the austere and greater than he that distributeth alms.
296. There is no greater renown for a man than the renown that he is a stranger unto falsehood : such a man obtaineth every blessing without mortifying the body.
297. If a map can live without ever uttering a falsehood, all other virtue is superfluous unto him.
298. The cleanliness of the body belongeth unto water : but the purity of the heart is proved by truthfulness.
299. The worthy regard not all other light as light : it is only the light of truth that they look upon as a veritable illumination.
300. Many things have I seen in this world: but of all the things that I have seen, there is nothing that is higher than truth.