The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 31
301. He alone can be said to forbear who hath the power to strike: as to him that hath not the power, what mattereth it whether he forbeareth or forbeareth not?
302. It is wrong to get angry even when thou art helpless to strike : and when thou hast the power, there is nothing that is worse than anger.
303. Whoever thy offender may be, forget thy anger : for from anger springeth a multitude of ills.
304. Anger killeth the smile and it destroyeth cheer : hath man a crueller foe than anger ?
305. If thou want to look after thyself, keep off from choler: for if thou keep not off, it will come upon thee and destroy thy own self.
306. Choler destroyeth every man whom it approacheth: and it burneth also the family of him who nurseth it.
307. He who nurseth his rage as if it were a precious thing is like unto the man who dasheth his hand against the ground: the hand of this man escapeth not from injury, and the destruction of the first is as certain.
308. Even when thy wrongs burn as the flaming of many fires, it is good if thou canst abstain from anger.
309. All the desires of a man will be fulfilled on the instant if from his heart he banish anger.
310. Whoso is overwhelmed with anger is like one dead: but whoso hath forsworn wrathfulness is like unto the saints.