The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 56
551. Behold the prince who oppresseth his subjects and doth iniquity: he is worse than an assassin.
552. A request from him who holdeth the sceptre is like the stand and deliver of the highway robber.
553. Behold the prince who doth not oversee his administration every day and remove the irregularities therein : his sovereignty will wear away day by day.
554. Behold the thoughtless prince whose rule swerveth from the ways of justice : he will lose his kingdom and his substance also.
555. Verily it is the tears of those groaning under oppression that wear away the prosperity of the prince.
556. It is just rule that bringeth renown unto princes : and an unjust government darkeneth their glory.
557. How fareth the earth under a rainless sky ? even so fare the people under the rule of a cruel prince.
558. The condition of the rich man is more galling than that of the poor under the rule of the tyrant prince.
559. The heavens will not send showers in their season if the prince swerveth from justice and right.
560. The udders of the cow will be dried up and the Brâhman will forget his science if the prince ruleth not with justice.