The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 57
561. The prince shall measure the guilt of the offender and punish him so that he offend not again : but the punishment shall not be excessive.
562. Those that desire that their power shall last, let them brandish the rod smartly but lay it on soft.
563. Behold the prince who ruleth with a rod of iron and causeth anguish unto his people: he shall stand without a friend and perish forthwith.
564. Behold the prince whose cruelty is a by-word among his people : his days will be shortened and he will perish forthwith.
565. Behold the dour-faced prince who is inaccessible to his people : the wealth in his hands is like treasure guarded by a demon.
566. If the prince is harsh of word and unforgiving, his prosperity, be it ever so great, will come to an end quickly.
567. Words that are harsh and punishments that are excessive are the files that file away the iron of power.
568. Behold the prince who will not take counsel with his councillors but who falleth into a passion when his projects fail : his prosperity will wane away.
569. Behold the prince who looketh not to his defences while yet there is time : when he is surprised by a war be will be seized with trembling and perish quickly.
570. The tyranny that yoketh to itself charlatans is the only burden under which the earth groaneth : there is none other beside.