The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 61
601. The perennial light called Family will be extinguished if it is invaded by the foul vapour of sloth.
602. Let them call sloth by its real name and avoid it, those who desire to establish their family on a solid foundation.
603. Behold the fool who huggeth assassin sloth unto his heart: his family will fall even before his day is ended.
604. Behold the men who are sunk in sloth and who turn not their hand to any noble undertakings: their family will go to ruin and their vices will grow apace.
605. Procrastination, forgetfulness, sloth, and sleep, these four are the cosy pleasure boats of those that are fated to perish.
606. The slothful can never thrive in the world even though they have the favour of princes.
607. Behold the men who are slothful and who turn not their hand to any noble undertakings : they will listen to much reproof and contumely.
608. If sloth find a home in a family, the family will soon be in bondage to its foes.
609. The afflictions that may have befallen a man's family will cease to exist the moment he giveth up sloth.
610. Behold the prince that knoweth not sloth: he will bring within his sway all that hath been measured by the steps of Trivikrama.[1]

- ↑ The God Vishnu who in his incarnation as Trivikrama measured the whole universe in three strides.