The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 62
611. Shrink not from any work saying, It is impossible : for labour will give thee the strength to achieve everything.
612. Beware of leaving any work unfinished : for the world careth not for those that do not complete the work that they have once begun.
613. The proud pleasure of being able to serve all men belongeth only to the greatness that shrinketh not from any exertion.
614. Like unto a sword in the hands of a eunuch is the liberality of the indolent man: it will not endure.
615. The man who loveth not pleasure but loveth work is a pillar of strength unto his friends and will wipe away their tears of grief.
616. Industry is the mother of Prosperity: but Indolence only bringeth forth Misery.
617. In sloth hath the Genius of Wretchedness her home : but the Lotus-born One[1] resideth in the labour of him who yieldeth not to sloth.
618. It is no shame if fortune faileth a man but it is a disgrace if he abstain deliberately from exertion.
619. Even though the Gods be against, Industry is bound to pay the wages of labour.
620. They will snap their fingers even at Destiny who succumb not to it but labour unremittingly in despite of it.

- ↑ Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune.