The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 70
691. Whoever desireth to move with princes, let him be like unto the men that warm themselves at a fire : let him not approach too near nor stand too far away.
692. Not to itch for those things that the prince desireth : that is the secret of acquiring his lasting favour and thereby growing in affluence.
693. If thou desire not to fall into disgrace steer clear of all graver failings: for once suspicion is roused, it is impossible for any one to remove it.
694. Speak not in whispers in the presence of the great ones : nor smile to another's face when they are near.
695. Do not try to overhear any conversation nor to fish out that which is withheld from thee: and then only receive the secret when it is imparted to thee.
696. Take into thy consideration the humour of the prince and the season that is, and then speak the words that will please him.
697. Speak those things before the prince that are pleasant to him; but things that are unprofitable, speak not ever even if he demandeth.
698. Trifle not with the prince because he is young or because he is thy kinsman or connexion : but walk with awe before the light that is within him.
699. Behold the men whose vision is unconfused and clear: they never do things that displease the prince, saying, we are favoured of him.
700. The men that rely on their intimacy with the prince and do unworthy deeds will perish.