The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 71
701. Behold the man who divineth what is in the mind before the voice uttereth it: he is an ornament unto all the world.
702. Look upon that man as a God who divineth with certitude that which is in the heart.
703. Behold the men that can judge a man's intentions from his looks : take them into thy council at whatever cost.
704. The men that understand without words may have the same features with the men that do not so understand: but they form a class apart.
705. What is the place of the eve among the organs of sense, if it divineth not by a look that which is in the heart?
706. Even as the crystal changeth and assumeth the colour of that which is near, even so doth the face alter and show that which overfloweth the heart.
707. What is there that is subtler than the face ? for whether the heart is angry or glad it is the face that expresseth it first.
708. If thou canst find a man that is able to read the inside of thy heart without words, it is enough that thou merely lookest towards him and thy wishes will be fulfilled.
709. If there are men who understand its moods and tricks, the eye alone will declare whether there is hatred in the heart or friendship.
710. The measuring rod of those that call themselves subtle is, when thou search for it, nought else but their eye.