The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 72
711. O ye that know how to weigh your words! study well your audience and suit your speech to it.
712. O ye that have the gift of eloquence ! ascertain the mood of your audience first and then speak after careful deliberation.
713. Behold the men that take upon themselves to address an assembly without studying its nature: they know not the art of speaking nor are they good for anything else.
714. Discuss wisdom in the congregation of the wise : but answer fools according to the measure of their folly.
715. Behold the self-control that denieth itself the lead in an assembly of ancients: it is a virtue that outshineth even other virtues.
716. A failure before men of understanding is like falling off from the way of righteousness.
717. The learning of the scholar shineth forth in all its brilliance only in an assembly of accomplished critics.
718. Delivering an address of good counsel to men of understanding is like watering the roots of living plants.
719. O ye that desire to delight the wise by your discourses! beware of addressing even by mistake an audience of fools.
720. A discourse spoken before the unworthy is like unto ambrosia spilled on filthy ground.