The Linnet (1819, Falkirk)/Mind Hussey what you do
Mind Hussy what you do
When I was of a tender age,and in my youthful prime,My mother oft wou'd, in a rage,cry, Girl, take care in time;For you are now so forward grown,the men will you pursue:And all the day this was her tone,Mind, hussy, what you do!
Regardless of her fond advice,I hasten'd o'er the plain,Where I was courted in a trice,by each young Sylvan swain Yet, by the bye I must declare,I virtue had in viewAltho' my mother cry'd, Beware,Mind hussy what you do!
To Damon, gayest of the green,I gave my youthful hand,His blooming face and comely mien,I cou'd not well withstandBut straight to church we tript away,with hearts both firm and true,Ah then my mother ceac'd to say,Mind, hussy what you do!
Ye lasses all attend to me,and hence this lesson learn.When in your mind a man you see,ne'er look morose or stern.But take him with a free god will,should he have love for you,Altho your mother's crying still,Mind, hussy, what you do!