The Linnet (1819, Falkirk)/The Tailor came to Clout the Claise
The Tailor came to clout the claise,Sic a braw fellow!He fill'd the house a' fu' o' flaes,Daffin down, and daffin down,He fill'd the house a' fu' o' flaes,Daffin down and dilly.
The lassie slept avont the fire, Sic a braw hissey!Oh! she was a' his heart's desire,Daffin down, and daffin down,Oh! she was, &c.
The lassie she fell fast asleep,Sic a braw hissey!The Tailor close to her did creep,Daffin down, and daffin down,The Tailor, &c.
The lassie waken'd in a fright!Sic a braw hissey!Her maiden-head had ta'en the flight,Daffin down, and daffin down,Her maidenhead &c.
She sought it butt, she sought it ben,Sic a braw hissey!And in beneath the clocking hen,Daffin down, and daffin down,And in beneath, &c.
She sought it in the owsen-staw,Sic a braw hissey!Na faith, quo' she. it's quite awa';Daffin down, and daffin down,Na, faith, &c.
She sought it 'yont the knocking-stane,Sic a braw hissey!One day quo' she, 'twill gang its lane,Diffin down, and daffin down,Some day, quo' she, &c.
She ca'd the Tailor to the court,Sic a braw hissey!And a' the young men round about,Daffin down, and daffin down,And a' the young men, &c.
She gar'd the Tailor pay a fine,Sic a braw hissey!Gi'e me my maidenhead again,Daffin down, and daffin down,Gi'e me my maidenhead, &c.
O what way wad ye hav't again?Sic braw hissey!Oh! just the way that it was ta'en,Daffin down, and daffin down,Oh! just the way that it was ta'en,Daffin down and dilly.