The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Quartus/Fable 18
(Redirected from The Man and the Sword)
¶ The xviij fable is of the pylgrym and ot the swerd
n euylle man maye be cause of the perdycion or losse of many folke / As reherceth to vs this present Fable / Of a pylgrym / whiche fond in his way a swerd ¶ And asked of the swerd / what is he that hath lost the / ¶ And the swerd answerd to the pylgrym / A man alone hath lost me / but many one I haue lost / And therfor an euyl man may wel be lost / but er he be lost he may wel lette many one / For by cause of an euylle man may come in a Countrey many euyls