The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Quartus
Fables (not listed in original)
- The Foxe and the Raysyns
- The auncyent Wesel and the Rat
- The Wulf, the Sheepherd and the Hunter
- Juno the goddesse, the Pecok and the Nyghtyngale
- The Panthire and the Vylayns
- The Bochers and the Whethers
- The Fawkoner and the Byrdes
- The lyar Man and the Man of trouthe
- The Hors, the Hunter and the Hert
- The Asse and the Lyon
- The Hawk and other Byrdes
- The Foxe and the Lyon
- The Asse and the Wulf
- The Hedgehogge and the lytyl Kyddes
- The Man and the Lyon
- The Camel and the Flee
- The Ant and the Sygale
- The Pylgrym and the Swerd
- The Sheep and the Crowe
- The Tree and the Reed