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The Motorway Code/On

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On the Motorway


7 No upper or lower speed limits apply at present, except for a maximum speed of 40 m.p.h. on certain types of vehicles drawing trailers.

8 Drive at a steady cruising speed comfortably within your capacity and that of your vehicle.

9 The law relating to careless, reckless and dangerous driving still applies.

Lane Discipline

10 Always KEEP WELL TO THE LEFT except when overtaking.

11 After entering the left-hand traffic lane of a motorway, stay in it long enough to accustom yourself to the speed of vehicles in that lane before attempting to move out into a faster right-hand lane to overtake.

12 KEEP WITHIN THE CARRIAGEWAY LANE MARKINGS and cross them only when changing from one lane to another. Before changing lanes you must be sure that it is safe to do so particularly at high speeds. DO NOT WANDER FROM LANE TO LANE.

13 On a two-lane carriageway, keep to the left-hand lane except when overtaking.

14 One a three-lane carriageway, you may keep to the centre lane when the left-hand lane is occupied by slower moving vehicles. The outer (right-hand) lane is for overtaking only; do not stay in it longer than is necessary after overtaking vehicles in the centre lane.

15 DO NOT DRIVE TOO CLOSE TO THE VEHICLE AHEAD OF YOU IN YOUR LANE; allow at least one vehicle length between your vehicle and the one ahead of you for every ten miles per hour of your speed, and more at night or in rain or snow.


16 OVERTAKE ONLY ON THE RIGHT. Right-hand lanes will be

free from slow moving and right-turning vehicles, obviating the need for overtaking on the left. DO NOT OVERTAKE ON THE LEFT.

17 Before pulling out to your right into a traffic lane carrying faster moving traffic, watch out for and GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC IN LANES TO YOUR RIGHT. USE YOUR MIRROR to make sure that the lane you will be joining is clear for a long distance behind, and bear in mind that an overtaking vehicle may be travelling much faster than you are. Give a clear signal of your intention WELL BEFORE you change from one lane to another.

18 After overtaking, move over as soon as practicable from the overtaking lane to one on your left. DO NOT PULL IN SHARPLY IN FRONT OF THE VEHICLE WHICH YOU HAVE OVERTAKEN.

19 If you discover from route confirmation signs beyond the entrance to a motorway that you have joined the wrong carriageway, continue along it all the way to the next exit. IT IS AN OFFENCE TO REVERSE OR TURN IN THE CARRIAGEWAY OR CROSS THE CENTRAL RESERVATION.

Parking and Stopping

20 It is an offence to park on:

the carriageway

the slip roads

the central reservation

the verges adjacent to the carriageway or slip roads.

Use instead the parking or service areas with appropriate facilities which are provided at intervals along the motorway.

21 It is an offence to stop on the carriageway of a motorway except when this is unavoidable or to prevent an accident, or unless required to do so by the police or by an emergency traffic sign.

22 In the event of an emergency or breakdown, YOU MUST pull off the carriageway on to the hard shoulder ON THE LEFT, but only for so long as may be necessary (an 8 ft. width of the verge adjacent to the carriageway is constructed as a hard shoulder strong enough to carry vehicles leaving the carriageway in an emergency). Before you stop, signal for a left-hand turn as you decelerate and drive completely on to the verge.

23 You must not walk on to the carriageways or cross them on foot. Take special car to keep children off the carriageway when you stop in an emergency or at a service area.

Dogs and Animals

24 When you stop, whether on the verge or in a service area, or in the event of an accident, you must keep any animal in your vehicle under close control either in or on a vehicle or held on a lead.


25 In the event of a puncture do not brake suddenly, but keep control of your vehicle as far as possible by gripping the steering wheel. When the car is under control, brake and pull off on to the verge as soon as possible.

26 If you see a knot of vehicles in the distance, which may mean that there has been an accident, reduce speed at once and steadily.

27 Drive with adequate ventilation and take the opportunity of stretching your legs at the parking or service areas so as to avoid the drowsiness which may attack you after long spells of driving at an even speed.

Driving at Night

28 Do not drive on a motorway after dark on your side lights only.

29 Always keep to a speed that will enable you to stop well within the range of your headlights.

30 Dip your headlights when following behind another vehicle in your lane.

31 Where the central reservation has no adequate screen of trees or shrubs to prevent dazzle, dip your headlights when meeting vehicles from the opposite direction.