The New International Encyclopædia/Beaurepaire-Rohan, Henriques de
BEAUREPAIRE-ROHAN, bō̇′r’-pâr′ rō̇′äN′, Henriques de (c.1818-94). A Brazilian traveler and geographer, born in the Province of Piauhy of French extraction. In 1845 he began the exploration of territory south of Rio de Janeiro. He penetrated into Paraguay, subsequently publishing the results of his exploration in the work entitled Descripção de uma viagem de Cuyabá ao Rio de Janeiro (1846). Afterwards he was appointed by the Brazilian Government to collect statistical information on the interior provinces of the country. He later became lieutenant-general in the Brazilian Army, and in 1877 published the important geographical work entitled Etudios acerca da organização da carta geographica e da historia physica e politica do Brazil (1877).