- Aarsens, Frans van
- Aasen, Ivar Andreas
- Aasvär
- Abbassides, The
- Abbot, Henry Larcom
- ...
- Abbot, Samuel
- Abbot, The
- Abbot, Willis John
- Abbot of Joy
- Abbot of Misrule
- Abbotsford
- Abbott, Austin
- Abbott, Benjamin
- Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan
- Abbott, Charles Conrad
- ...
- Abelin, Johann Philipp
- Abgar
- Abolitionists
- Academic Legion
- Achelous
- Achen, Johann
- Achenbach, Andreas
- Achenbach, Oswald
- Achene
- Achensee
- Achenwall, Gottfried
- Acorus
- Acosta, Gabriel
- Acts of the Apostles
- Adams
- Adams, Abigail Smith
- Adams, Alvin
- Adams, Brooks
- Adams, Charles Baker
- Adams, Charles Follen
- Adams, Charles Francis
- Adams, Charles Francis, Jr.
- Adams, Charles Kendall
- Adams, Charles R.
- Adams, Edwin
- Adams, Frederick W.
- Adams, Hannah
- Adams, Henry
- Adams, Henry Carter
- Adams, Herbert Baxter
- Adams, Isaac
- Adams, John
- Adams, John (mutineer)
- Adams, John (teacher)
- Adams, John Couch
- Adams, John Quincy
- Adams, John Quincy, 2d
- Adams, Julius Walker
- Adams, Maude Kiskadden
- Adams, Nehemiah
- Adams, Oscar Fay
- Adams, Parson Abraham
- Adams, Samuel
- Adams, Sarah Fuller Flower
- Adams, Suzanne
- Adams, Thomas
- Adams, William (pioneer)
- Adams, William (allegorist)
- Adams, William (clergyman)
- Adams, William Davenport
- Adams, William Grylls
- Adams, William Taylor
- Admirable Crichton
- Admirable Doctor
- Admiral
- Admiral (butterflies)
- Admiralty, The
- Admiralty Inlet
- Admiralty Island
- Admiralty Islands
- Æschines
- Æschylus
- Afinger, Bernhard
- Afiun-Kara-Hissar
- Afragola
- Afranius, Lucius
- Africa
- Africaine, L'
- Africander
- African Hair
- African International Association
- Afzelius, Arvid August
- Agades
- Agadir
- Agag
- Agagite
- Agalactia
- Agalmatolite
- Agama
- Agamedes
- Agamemnon
- Agamenticus, Mount
- Agamogenesis
- Agaña
- Aganippe
- Agao
- Agathon
- Agoult, Marie Catherine Sophie de Flayigny, Comtesse d'
- Agriculture
- Aguilera, Ventura Ruiz
- Aguinaldo, Emilio
- Aguirre, Lope de
- Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera
- Ailsa Craig
- Aimak
- Aimara
- Aimard, Gustave
- Aimé-Martin, Louis
- Aimon
- Aimwell
- Ain (river)
- Ain (department)
- Ainemolo, Vincenzo
- Ainger, Alfred
- Ainmiller, Max Emanuel
- Aino, or Ainu
- Ainslie, Hew
- Ainsworth, Frederick Crayton
- Ainsworth, Henry
- Ainsworth, Robert
- Ainsworth, William Francis
- Ainsworth, William Harrison
- Aintab
- Air, or Asben
- Air
- Air Bladder of Fishes
- Air Brake
- Akyab
- Al
- Alabama (river)
- Alabama (State)
- Alaska
- Alaska Sable
- Alassio
- Alastor
- Alatau
- Albany (Australia)
- Albany (New York)
- Albany (Oregon)
- Albany (Georgia)
- Albany (Missouri)
- Albany
- Albany, Duke of
- Albany, Duke of (Shakespeare)
- Albany, Louisa Maria Caroline
- Albany Convention of 1754
- Albany Regency, The
- Albategnius
- Albatross
- al-Battani, Mohammed ibn Jabir ibn Sinan
- Albuquerque (New Mexico)
- Albuquerque, Affonso de, The Great
- Alburnum
- Albury
- Alcæus
- Alcaics
- Alcott, Amos Bronson
- Alcott, Louisa May
- Alcott, May
- Alessandria
- Alessi, Galeazzo
- Ålesund
- Aleuromancy
- Aleurone
- Aleutian Islands
- Alewife
- Alexander I., Pavlovitch
- Alexander II., Nikolayevitch
- Alexander Ætolus
- Alexandrian Library
- Alexis (dramatist)
- Al-Gazali, Abu Hamid Mohammed
- Ali, ibn Abu Talib
- al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Ya‘ḳub ibn Isḥak
- Allen, David Oliver
- Allen, Ebenezer
- Allen, Edward Patrick
- Allen, Elisha Hunt
- Allen, Elizabeth Akers
- Alliance Israelite Universelle
- Alliance of the Reformed ...
- Alliaria
- Allibone, Samuel Austin
- Allice
- Almanac
- Amalia, Anna
- Amalie, Marie
- Amalie, Marie Friederike
- Amalie, Marie Friederike Auguste
- Amama, Sixtinus
- Amana
- Amanda
- Amazon
- Amazonas (Peru)
- Amazonas (Brazilian State)
- Amazonite
- Amazons
- Ambrosian Library
- Amercement
- Ameria
- America
- America (hymn)
- America (yacht)
- American Allspice
- American Aloe
- American Institute
- Americanisms
- American Knights, Order of
- American Literature
- American Museum of Natural History
- American Notes
- American Party
- American River
- American Sycamore
- American System
- American University
- American Wine
- Americus
- Amerind
- Amerling, Friedrich
- Amersfoort
- Ames
- Ames, Fisher
- Ames, James Barr
- Ames, Joseph (1689-1759)
- Ames, Joseph (1816-1872)
- Ames, Joseph Sweetman
- Ames, Mary Clemmer
- Ames, Nathax P.
- Ames, Oakes
- Ames, Oliver
- Ames, William
- Amesbury
- Amethyst
- Ametecpia
- Amega
- Amhaba
- Amharic
- Amherst (Massachusetts)
- Amherst (Nova Scotia)
- Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron
- Amherst, William Pitt, Earl
- Anabaptists
- Anarchist
- Andes
- Anna Comnena
- Anna Ivanovna
- Anna Karenina
- Anna Karlovna
- Annapolis (Maryland)
- Annapolis Convention, The
- Ann Arbor
- Annarr
- Annas
- Annates
- Anquetil, Louis Pierre
- Anquetil Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe
- Ansaries
- Ansbach
- Anschütz, Heinrich
- Anschütz, Karl
- Anschütz, Ottomar
- Ansgar
- Antelope
- Anthony, Henry Bowen
- Anthony, John Gould
- Anthony, Susan Brownell
- Anthony, William Arnold
- Anti-Federalists
- Anti-Masons
- Antiphanes
- Anti-Semitism
- Antiseptic
- Antislavery Society, The American
- Apocrypha
- Apocynaceæ
- Apocynum (genus)
- Apocynum (drug)
- Apodes
- Apodictic
- Apostle
- Appalachian Mountain Club
- Appalachians
- Appleton, Charles Edward
- Appleton, Daniel
- Appleton, George Swett
- Appleton, James
- Appleton, Jesse
- Appleton, John
- Appleton, John Howard
- Appleton, Nathan
- Appleton, Samuel
- Appleton, Thomas Gold
- Appleton, William Henry
- Apthorp, William Foster
- Aquila, Johann Kasper
- Aquila, Ponticus
- Arabian Nights
- Arabic Language and Literature
- Arakan
- Arboleda, Julio
- Arbor Day
- Arbor Dianæ
- Arboretum
- Arboriculture
- Arbor Vitæ
- Arbroath
- Arbués, Pedro
- Arbuthnot, John
- Arbuthnot, Marriot
- Arbutus
- Arbutus, Trailing
- Arc, Electric
- Arc, Joan of
- Arcachon
- Arcade
- Arcadelt, Jacob
- Arcades
- Arcadia (region)
- Arcadia (pastoral romance)
- Arcadius
- Arcani Disciplina
- Arcanum, The Great
- Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile
- Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
- Arce, Francisco
- Arcesilaus
- Arents, Albert
- Argall, Samuel