- Taliaferro, William Booth
- Ta-lien-wan
- Taliesin
- Talipes
- Talipot Palm
- Talisay
- Talisman
- Talisman, The
- Talladega
- Tallahassee
- Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon
- Talmud
- Tanera, Karl
- Taney, Roger Brooke
- T’ang
- Targum
- Tariff
- Tattersall's
- Tattle
- Tattooing
- Taubert, Wilhelm
- Tauchnitz, Christian Bernhard, Baron
- Tauchnitz, Karl Christoph Traugott
- Tauern
- Tausig, Karl
- Taussig, Frank William
- Tautenhayn, Joseph
- Tautog
- Taylor, John (successor)
- Taylor, Zachary
- Telav
- Teledu
- Telegonus
- Telegony
- Telegraph
- Telegraphers' Cramp
- Telephone
- Tenasserim
- Tennessee
- Tennessee, The
- Tennessee, University of
- Tennessee Centennial Exposition
- Tennessee River
- Tenniel, John
- Terence
- Teschen
- Tesla, Nikola
- Tessin
- Test Acts
- Testament
- Testament of Love, The
- Testamentum Porcelli
- Testinomy
- Testing Machine
- Testry
- Testu Dinata
- Testudo
- Tetanus, or Lockjaw
- Tetanus, in Animals
- Tête de Pont
- Tethys
- Tetrachord
- Tetradymite
- Tetragrammaton
- Tetrahedron
- Tetralogy
- Tetrameter
- Tetrapolitan Confession
- Tetrarch
- Tetschen
- Tettenborn, Friedrich Karl
- Tetuan
- Tetzel, Johann
- Teubner, Benedictus Gotthelf
- Teucer
- Teufelsdröckh, Herr
- Teuffel, Wilhelm Sigmund
- Teutones
- Teutonic and Scandinavian Mythology
- Teutonic Knights
- Teutonic Languages
- Teutonic Race
- Tewfik (Mohammed) Pasha
- Tewkesbury
- Texarkana
- Texas
- Texas, University of
- Thausing, Moritz
- Thaxter, Celia
- Theodoric I.
- Theodoric the Great
- Theodoric, Tomb of
- Theodosia
- Theodosius
- Theodosius, Arch of
- Theognis
- Theogony
- Thespis
- Thielmann, Johann Adolf, Baron
- Thomas, Calvin
- Thorbecke, Heinrich
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Tieck, Christian Friedrich
- Tieck, Ludwig
- Tiedge, Christoph August
- Tieffenbrucker
- Tilden, Samuel Jones
- Timocreon
- Toadstool
- Toast
- Toba
- Tobacco
- Tobacco-Box Skate
- Tobacco-Heart
- Tobacco Pests
- Tobacco Pipe
- Tobago
- Toberentz, Robert
- Tobit, Book of
- Tobler, Adolf
- Tobler, Titus
- Toboggan
- Tobolsk (government)
- Tobolsk (capital)
- Toby
- Toby, Uncle
- Tocantins, Rio
- Toccata
- Tocher
- Tochigi
- Tocororo
- Tomlinson, Charles
- Tope (monument)
- Tope (shark)
- Topeka
- Topelius, Zachris
- Topete y Carballo, Juan Bautista
- Töpffer, Rodolphe
- Traill, Catherine Parr
- Traill, Henry Duff
- Train, George Francis
- Train Bands
- Training
- Trajan
- Trajan, Arch of
- Transcendentalism
- Trans-Mississippi Exposition
- Transpadane Republic
- Transpiration
- Transpiration of Gases
- Transportation (law)
- Transportation
- Treasure Island
- Treasurer, Lord High
- Treasure-trove
- Treasury, Department of the
- Treasury Note
- Treat, Robert
- Treitschke, Heinrich von
- Trelawny, Edward John
- Trent, William Peterfield
- Trent Affair, The
- Trenton (Ontario)
- Trenton (Missouri)
- Trenton (New Jersey)
- Trepang
- Treves
- Trevi, Fountain of
- Trivium
- True, Alfred Charles
- True, Charles Kittredge
- Troades
- Tschermak, Gustav
- Tschirnhausen, Ehrenfried Walter, Count
- Tuckerman, Henry Theodore
- Tuckerman, Joseph
- Tuckerman, Samuel Parkman
- Tuco-Tuco
- Tucson
- Tucumán (province)
- Tucumán (city)
- Tucumá Palm
- Tucuna
- Turkey (bird)
- Turkey Buzzard
- Turkey Gnat
- Turkey Red
- Turkey Stone
- Tweed, William Marcy
- Tyler, John
- Uhde, Fritz von
- Uhland, Ludwig
- Uhland, Wilhelm Heinrich
- Uhlich, Leberecht
- Ulema
- United States
- U. S., Extension of ...
- U. S., Literature of the
- U. S. Christian Commission
- U. S. Daughters of 1812
- U. S. Flag
- U. S. Military Academy
- U. S. National Museum
- U. S. Naval Academy
- U. S. Veteran Navy
- United Workmen, ...
- United Zion's Children
- Unities, Dramatic
- Uta
- Utah
- Utah, University of
- Utah Lake
- Vallgren, Villé
- Vallisneria
- Value (political economy)
- Value (music)