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The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina/Bibliography

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Grayson, William J. Memoirs. One volume in manuscript form, possessed by South Carolina College and held under the personal guardianship of Professor Yates Snowden.

Hammond Papers. Personal correspondence and papers of James H. Hammond. The first eight volumes cover the period in hand. Preserved in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Jackson Papers. Personal correspondence and papers of Andrew Jackson. Preserved in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Poinsett Papers. Personal correspondence of Joel R. Poinsett. Volumes IV to XVI inclusive. Held by the Pennsylvania Library Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Van Buren Papers. Personal correspondence and papers of Martin Van Buren. Preserved in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Camden Journal. Its predecessor was the Southern Chronicle and Camden Gazette in 1822 and 1823, which became the Southern Chronicle and Camden Aegis in 1824, and then the Southern Chronicle and Camden

Literary and Political Register in 1825. Vol. I, No. 1, of the Camden Journal was issued on January 21, 1826, by Charles A. Bullard. Weekly. It was taken over by G. W. Addison on April 22, 1826. C. F. Daniels, formerly editor of the Cheraw Spectator, became the editor of the Journal in 1826 and became sole owner and editor on January 8, 1831. On January 5, 1833, Pegues and Norment took charge, the former as editor. On May 3, 1834, the name was changed to the Camden Journal and Southern Whig. On January 3, 1835, John C. West became the editor and publisher. With Vol. X, No. 52, December 25, 1835, it was discontinued, but was started again on January 23, 1836, by J. C. West, as the Camden Journal. Mr. David R. Williams, of Camden, South Carolina, has a nearly complete file of these Camden papers from 1822 to 1841. South Carolina College Library, Columbia, South Carolina, has the files from January 12, 1833, to December 25, 1834. The paper was a weekly, of four pages and five columns.

Camden and Lancaster Beacon. Moved from Lancaster to Camden and new series was started, Vol. I, No. 1, Whole No. 21, March 15, 1831. The file owned by David R. Williams, of Camden, South Carolina, ends with Vol. I, No. 43, Whole No. 62, December 27, 1831. Weekly; edited by J. D. Cooke.

Charleston Carolina Gazette. Weekly edition of the Charleston City Gazette, published for country circulation. Charleston Library Society, Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston City Gazette and Commercial Daily Advertiser. From Vol. VI, No. 1,044, September 8, 1788, to April 12, 1833. Daily, six columns, 21 by 15 inches. Published by James Haig in 1828. On August 4, 1828, T. L. Smith took charge; he resigned on January 5, 1829. On December 31, 1829, William Gilmore Simms, Jr., and E. S. Duryea took over the paper. On April 9, 1832, W. G. Simms appeared as sole editor and publisher, and was succeeded by William L. Poole, June 7, 1832. Charleston Library Society, Charleston, South Carolina.

Charleston Courier, From Vol. I, No. 1, January 10, 1803, to January, 1841. Daily, six columns, 21 by 15 inches. Edited by A. S. Willington in 1828. On January 1, 1833, Richard Yeadon, Jr., and William S. King became partners of Willington. On January 2, 1837, enlarged to seven columns, 24 by 17 inches. Charleston Library Society, Charleston, South Carolina.

Charleston Mercury, From Vol. II, No. 314, January 8, 1823, to Vol. VIII, No. 2,069, December 31, 1828. From Vol. IX, No. 2,208, July 1, 1829, to January, 1841. Daily, six columns, 21 by 15 inches. Published by Henry L. Pinckney in 1828. On October 31, 1832, John A. Stuart became editor. On March 20, 1837, enlarged to seven columns, 25 by 19 inches, and J. Milton Clapp became associate editor. In 1845 Clapp became sole editor. Charleston Library Society, Charleston, South Carolina.

Charleston Southern Patriot. From Vol. IX, No. 2,123, January 2, 1819, to Vol. XXIII, No. ?, June 30, 1829. From Vol. XXIII, No. 3,359, January 2, 1830, to Vol. XXXVIII, No. 6,134, June 30, 1838. From Vol. XLI, No. 6, 281, January 1, 1839, to Vol. XLIII, No. 6,748, June 30, 1840. Daily, six columns, 21½ by 17 inches. Published by J. N. Cardozo. On October 2, 1837, enlarged to 24 by 17 inches. Charleston Library Society, Charleston, South Carolina.

Charleston State Rights and Free Trade Evening Post. From Vol. I, No. 1, October 1, 1831, to Vol. II. No. 376, December 31, 1832. From Vol. II, No. 531, July 3, 1833, to Vol. III. No. 683, December 30, 1833. Daily, six columns, 22 by 15 inches. Printed for J. A. Stuart by William Gray. On November 1, 1832, Norris and Gitsinger became proprietors. A country edition was issued three times a week. Charleston Library Society, Charleston, South Carolina.

Columbia Free Press and Hive. From Vol. I, No. 1, February 5, 1831, to Vol. I, No. 52, January 28, 1832. Weekly, five columns. Edited by A. Landrum. File owned by Col. E. H. Aull, Newberry, South Carolina.

(Columbia) South Carolina State Gazette and Columbia Advertiser. From Vol. XXXVI, No. 2,006, June 27, 1829, to Vol. XXXVI, No. 2,019, September 26, 1829. Weekly, five columns. Published by D. & J. M. Faust. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Columbia Southern Times. From Vol. I, No. 1, January 29, 1830, to Vol. I, No. 45, July 5, 1830. Semi-weekly, issued on Monday and Thursday, five columns. Edited at first by McMorris and Wilson; after April 29 by S. J. McMorris. South Carolina College Library, Columbia, South Carolina.

Columbia Southern Times and State Gazette. From Vol. I, No. 46, July 8, 1830, to Vol. I, No. 108, December 30, 1830. Successor to the Southern Times. South Carolina College Library, Columbia, South Carolina.

Columbia Southern Times and State Gazette. From Vol. VI, No. 27, July 10, 1835, to Vol. VIII, No. 55, December 29, 1837. Weekly, six columns. Published by S. Weir and edited by S. Donelly. Newberry College Library, Newberry, South Carolina.

Columbia Southern Times and State Gazette for 1831, Columbia Southern Times and South Carolina State Gazette for 1832, Columbia Telescope for 1832. Scattered copies of these papers for the years indicated, in a bound volume of miscellaneous papers, loaned to South Carolina College Library by Mr. A. S. Salley, Jr., of the State Historical Commission.

Columbia Telescope. From Vol. XV, No. 11, March 13, 1829, to Vol. XVII, No. 48, December 20, 1831. From Vol. XIX, No. 1, January 1, 1833, to Vol. XIX, No. 57, December 31, 1833. A few issues missing. Weekly, six columns. Published in 1829 by D. W. Sims. On August 9, 1831, A. S. Johnston took charge. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Greenville Mountaineer. From Vol. I, No. 2, January 17, 1829, to Vol. XXII, No. 36, Whole No. 1,076, January 11, 1850. Weekly, five columns, 19½ by 13 inches. O. H. Wells editor and publisher in 1829. B. F. Perry became editor on January 16, 1830. Discontinued from January 14 to May 14, 1831. On March 30, 1833, Perry resigned and O. H. Wells conducted the paper until November 15, 1834, when W. L. Yancey became editor and continued as such until May 16, 1835, when Wells again took charge. File owned by Mr, A. H. Wells, of Greenville, South Carolina.

Greenville Republican. From Vol. I, No. 1, July 12, 1826, to Vol. II, No. 53, August 30, 1828. Weekly, five columns. File owned by Mr. A. H. Wells, of Greenville, South Carolina.

Niles' Weekly Register. From Vol. XXV, or Vol. I, Third Series, September, 1823, to Vol. LIX, or Vol. IX, Fifth Series, March, 1841. Changed the name to Niles' National Register in September, 1837.

Pendleton Messenger. From 1826 to 1848. Edited by Frederick W. Symmes. Weekly, five columns. South Carolina College Library, Columbia, South Carolina.

Southern Christian Herald, Columbia, South Carolina. From Vol. I, No. 1, March 18, 1834, to Vol. III, No. 52, March 24, 1837. Weekly, six columns. Edited by R. S. Gladney. Published by Samuel Weir. Moved to Cheraw, April 8, 1836, when M. MacLean became editor and proprietor. Newberry College Library, Newberry, South Carolina.

Washington Daily National Intelligencer. From Vol. XV, No. 4,348, January 1, 1827, to January, 1841. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Yorkville Pioneer and South Carolina Whig, Successor to the Pioneer and Commercial Register, From Vol. I, No. I, July 4, 1829, to Vol. I, No. 26, January 9, 1830. Published by Cooke and Foulkes. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Charleston Library Society Collection of Pamphlets. Five series, totaling 79 bound volumes and several hundred unbound. All well indexed and catalogued as to titles, subjects, and authors.

Curry (J. L. M.) Collection of Pamphlets, in the State Department of History and Archives, Montgomery, Alabama. 113 bound volumes of pamphlets relating mostly to a later period, but with a few on this period.

Kennedy Free Library of Spartanburg, South Carolina, Collection of Pamphlets. 6 bound volumes of pamphlets and a number of pamphlets unbound.

Kohn Collection of Pamphlets, owned by August Kohn of Columbia, South Carolina. About 50 bound volumes of miscellaneous ante-bellum pamphlets. Perry (B. F.) Collection of Pamphlets, in the State Department of History and Archives, Montgomery, Alabama. 44 bound volumes, with from one to sixty pamphlets to the volume. They contain a great variety of material on the economic, political, financial, industrial, social, religious, and educational phases of South Carolina and southern history from 1800 to 1860. Several relate to the subject in hand.

Phillips Collection of Pamphlets, owned by Professor U. B. Phillips of Ann Arbor, Michigan. About 500 pamphlets on a wide range of subjects concerning the South in the ante-bellum period, about 25 of which relate to this subject.

Snowden Collection of Pamphlets, owned by Professor Yates Snowden of Columbia, South Carolina. About 200 ante-bellum pamphlets, bound and unbound, of which 25 or 30 relate to this subject.

South Carolina College Collection of Pamphlets, Columbia, South Carolina. Several hundred ante-bellum pamphlets, many of which deal with this subject. The College Library has the S. D. Langtree Collection of American Pamphlets, on miscellaneous subjects and various states; 92 volumes of 1,128 pamphlets.

[To give the complete title, author, date, and place of publication of all the pamphlets which relate to the subject and period would be to extend the bibliography to unreasonable length. Those found especially helpful have been referred to by complete title in the footnotes.]


Adams, J. Q. Memoirs. Edited by C. F. Adams. Philadelphia, 1874-76.

Ames, H. V. State Documents on Federal Relations; the States and the United States. Philadelphia, 1906.

Annals of the Congress of the United States. 18th Cong., 1st Sess., 1823-24.

Beers' Carolinas and Georgia Almanack for 1827.

Calhoun, John C. Works. 6 volumes. Edited by Richard K. Crallé. New York, 1859-64.

---. Correspondence. Edited by J. Franklin Jameson. American Historical Association Report for 1899, Vol. II.

Clay, Henry. Works. Edited by C. Colton. New York, 1904.

Congressional Documents. 18th Cong, to the 24th Cong.

Congressional Globe. Vol. I, 23d Cong., 1st Sess., 1833-34; Vol. II, 23d Cong., 2d Sess., 1834-35.

Farrand, Max. Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. New Haven, 1911.

Federalist, The. Edited by H. C. Lodge. New York, 1888.

General Court of Massachusetts. State Papers on Nullification.

Hamilton, Alexander. Writings. Edited by H. C. Lodge. New York, 1885-86.

Jefferson, Thomas. Writings. Edited by P. L. Ford. New York, 1893-99.

Johnston, Alexander. American Orations. New York, 1898.

Legaré, Hugh Swinton. Writings. Edited by his sister. Published in Charleston, 1846.

Madison, James. Letters on Nullification. American Historical Review, Vols. VI and VII.

---. Papers; Correspondence and Reports of Debates. Edited by H. D. Gilpin. Washington, 1840.

---. Writings. Edited by G. Hunt New York, 1900-1910.

Marshall, John. Constitutional Decisions. Edited by J. P. Cotton. New York, 1905.

---. Writings upon the Federal Constitution. Boston, 1839.

Miller's Agricultural Almanac for 1828 for the States of Carolina and Georgia. Published by A. E. Miller, 4 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina.

Miller's Planters' and Merchants' Almanac for the years 1829 to 1831 inclusive, 1834 to 1840 inclusive.

Perry, Benjamin F. Biographical Sketches of American Statesmen, Speeches, Addresses and Letters. Introduction by Senator Wade Hampton. Philadelphia, 1887.

---. Reminiscences and Speeches. 1889.

---. Letters to His Wife. Arranged by H. McC. Perry. 1889.

Phillips, U. B. Correspondence of Robert Toombs, A. H. Stephens, and Howell Cobb. American Historical Association Report, 1911, Vol. II.

Poore, B. P. Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters and Other Organic Laws of the United States. Washington, 1877.

Register of Debates in Congress. Vol. I, 18th Cong., 3d Sess., 1824-25, to Vol. XII, 24th Cong., 1st. Sess., 1835-36.

Richardson, James D. Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vols. II and III. Washington, 1896.

South Carolina Assembly Acts. 1827 to 1838 inclusive, except for 1834.

South Carolina Assembly Journals. 1831 to 1838 inclusive, except for 1834.

South Carolina Legislature Reports and Resolutions, 1827 to 1838 inclusive, with the exception of 1834, bound with the Acts of the Legislature. 1840 bound with the Journals.

State Rights and Free Trade Almanac for 1831 and 1832. Published by the State Rights and Free Trade Association. Printed by A. E. Miller, 4 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina.

Webster, Daniel. Private Correspondence. Edited by C. H. Van Tyne. New York, 1902.

---. Writings and Speeches. Boston, 1903.


Ambler, Charles H. Sectionalism in Virginia from 1776 to 1861. Chicago, 1910.

---. Thomas Ritchie. Richmond, 1913.

Bassett, J. S. Andrew Jackson. New York, 1911.

Benton, Thomas Hart. Thirty Years' View (1820-1850). New York, 1854-56.

Bernheim, G. D. History of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina. Philadelphia, 1872.

Burgess, J. W. The Middle Period, 1817-1858. New York, 1897.

---. Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law. Boston, 1890.

Capers, H. D. Life and Times of C. G. Memminger. Richmond, 1893.

Carwile, J. B. Reminiscences of Newberry. 1890.

Chapman, John A. History of Edgefield County. Newberry, 1897.

Chreitzberg, Rev. A. M. Early Methodism in the Carolinas. 1897.

Cooley, Thomas M. Constitutional Law. Edited by A. C. Angell. Boston, 1891.

---. Constitutional Limitations. Edited by A. C. Angell. Boston, 1890.

Curtis, G. T. Daniel Webster. New York, 1870.

---. Constitutional History of the United States. New York, 1899.

Dewey, D. R. Financial History of the United States. New York, 1903.

Dodd, William E. Statesmen of the Old South. New York, 1911.

---. Expansion and Conflict. Boston, 1915.

DuBose, John W. Life and Times of William Lowndes Yancey. Birmingham, 1892.

Elliott, Hon. William. Carolina Sports. Charleston, 1846.

Gamer, J. W. Introduction to Political Science. New York, 1910.

Goss, J. D. History of Tariff Administration in the United States. New York, 1891.

Grayson, William J. Biographical Sketch of James Louis Petigru. New York, 1866.

Griffith, H. P. Life and Times of Rev. John G. Landrum. 1885.

Harris, C W. The Sectional Struggle. Philadelphia, 1902.

Hoist, Hermann Eduard von. John C. Calhoun. Boston, 1892.

---. Constitutional and Political History of the United States. Chicago, 1877-89.

Houston, D. F. A Critical Study of Nullification in South Carolina. New York, 1896.

Howe, George, D.D. History of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina. Columbia, 1883.

Hunt, Gaillard. John C. Calhoun. Philadelphia, 1908.

In Memoriam. B. F. Perry. 1887.

Jenkins, John Stillwell. The Life of John C. Calhoun. Buffalo, 1857.

Jervey, Theodore D. Robert Y. Hayne and His Times. New York, 1909.

Johnston, Alexander, and Woodbum, J. A. American Political History. New York, 1905.

Kirkland, T. J., and Kennedy, R. M. Historic Camden. Columbia, 1905.

Laborde, Maximilian. History of South Carolina College, 1801-1857. Columbia, 1859.

Lalor, John J. Cyclopedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and Political History of the United States. Chicago, 1883-84.

Landrum, Dr. J. B. O. History of Spartanburg County. Atlanta, 1900.

Lodge, H. C. Daniel Webster. Boston, 1883.

Loring, C. W. Nullification, and Secession. New York, 1893.

McCall, S. W. Daniel Webster. Boston, 1903.

McCrady, Edward. History of South Carolina under the Proprietary Government, 1670-1719. History of South Carolina under the Royal Government, 1719- 1776. History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1775-1780. History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1780-1783. New York, 1897-1902.

MacDonald, William. Jacksonian Democracy. New York, 1906.

McGill, Samuel D. Narrative of Reminiscences, in Williamsbuig County. 1897.

McLaughlin, A. C. The Courts, the Constitution, and Parties. Chicago, 1913.

McMaster, J. B. History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. New York, 1883-1913.

---. Daniel Webster. New York, 1902.

Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. Boston, 1895.

Merriam, C. E. "The Political Theory of Calhoun," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. VII.

---. American Political Theories. New York, 1903.

Mills, Robert. Atlas of the State of South Carolina, Made under the Authority of the Legislature. About 1830.

---. Statistics of South Carolina, Including a View of Its Natural, Civil, and Military History. Charleston, 1826.

Morse, J. T. Thomas Jefferson. Boston, 1891.

O'Neall, J. B. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. Charleston, 1859.

O'Neall, J. B., and Chapman, J. A. Annals of Newberry. Newberry, 1892.

Parton, James. Andrew Jackson. New York, 1893.

Peck, C. H. The Jacksonian Epoch. New York, 1899.

Pinckney, Gustavus M. Life of John C. Calhoun. Charleston, 1903.

Phillips, U. B. Georgia and State Rights. Washington, 1902.

---. History of Transportation in the Eastern Cotton Belt to 1860. New York, 1908.

---. "The South Carolina Federalists," American Historical Review, Vol. XIV.

Ramsay, David. History of South Carolina from Its First Settlement in 1670 to the Year 1808. Charleston, 1809.

Roosevelt, Theodore. Thomas H. Benton. Boston, 1886.

Salley, A. S. Calhoun Family of South Carolina. Columbia, 1906.

Schaper, William A. Sectionalism and Representation in South Carolina, American Historical Association Report, 1900, Vol. I.

Schouler, James. History of the United States under the Constitution. New York, 1894-1914.

---. Constitutional Studies, State and Federal. New York, 1897.

Schurz, Carl. Henry Clay. Boston, 1892.

Sellers, W. W. History of Marion County. Columbia, 1902.

Simms, William Gilmore. History of South Carolina. Charleston, 1840.

---. Geography of South Carolina. Charleston, 1843.

Southern Historical Association Publications. Articles in Vols. II and VII.

Stanwoody Edward. A History of the Presidency. Boston, 1912.

---. American Tariff Controversies in the 19th Century. Boston, 1903-4.

Stillé, C. J. Life and Services of Joel R. Poinsett. Philadelphia, 1888.

Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson. Boston, 1897.

Taussig, F. W. The Tariff History of the United States. New York, 1914.

Thomas, Rev. J. A. W. A History of Marlboro County. 1897.

Trent, William P. Southern Statesmen of the Old Régime. New York, 1897.

Turner, F. J. Rise of the New West. New York, 1906.

Warfield, E. D. The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. New York, 1887.

Wightman, William M. Life of William Capers, D.D. Nashville, 1858.

Willoughby, W. W. The Nature of the State. New York, 1896.

---. Constitutional Law of the United States. New York, 1910.

Wilson, Woodrow. The State. Boston, 1898.

Wise, Barton H. Life of Henry A. Wise. New York, 1899.