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The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina/Index

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2866615The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina — IndexChauncey Samuel Boucher


Abbeville district: anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11, 11 n.; and disunion, 17; test oath opposed by, 327, 342.

Adams, John Quincy, President, 99, 117 n.; anti-tariffites censured by administration organs, 12; opposed by Mercury31; supported by Courier and Gazette, 31; tariff bill, 168, 170.

Administration, the. See Adams, John Quincy; Jackson, Andrew.

Agriculture: tariff, effects of. on, 12 n., 2p: improvements of, 22.

Aiken, William, 157.

Alabama, 202, 203 n.; and nullification, 226.

Alien and Sedition laws, constitutionality of, 135, 305.

Allegiance: to state, 178, 183, 211, 293, 307, 316, 320–22, 324, 346, 359, 361; to nation, 178, 183, 212, 229, 316, 318, 319, 321, 330, 3SO, 357–62; paramount, 295–300, 321, 340, 340 n., 360.

American Colonization Society, 4 n.

American System, 85, 113, 125, 158, 168.

Anderson district, opposition of, to test oath, 327.

Anti-Conventionists: campaign of, 94, 95; inclusion of pro-tariff men by, 95; fears of, 95–97; accused of tariff leanings, 111; power felt, 90 n.; anti-tariff men among, 96; in legislature of 1830, 103–10. Anti-nationalism in South Carolina in 1825, 1.

"Anti-Nullification," views of, on the advocates of nullification, 84.

Anti-tariff arguments. See Tariff.

Articles of Confederation, 69, 70, 73.

Baltimore Democratic convention, 16o, 228.

Bank, United States, 303; resolutions against, in 1825, 1; legislature of 1824 on, 35; constitutionality of, 135.

Barnwell district: anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.; military preparations, 269, 276; mediation by Virginia, opposed by, 274.

Barnwell, R. W., Congressman, 170 n.

Bay, Judge E. H., on test oath, 333.

Beacon, The Camden, attacks of, upon Submissionists, 149.

Beaufort, South Carolina, collector of, warned, 231.

Bennett, Governor, Union leader, 134

Blair, James, Congressman; advocate of moderation, 60; on a convention, 110; on the tariff, 166, 169, 172; co-operation favored by, 197; denounced by Nullifiers, 310; elected in 1833, 314; removed from militia office by test oath, 323.

Breathitt, George, military spy for Jackson, 230, 231.

"Brutus." See Tumbull, Robert J.

Butler, A. P., convention favored by, 104 n.

Butler, S. H., State Rights leader, 277.

Bynum, Alfred, speech of, against disunion, 16.

Calhoun, John C., 171, 303, 304; on danger of tariff legislation, 4, 5; disunion leader, 23, 174; author of the Exposition of 1828, 36: not an early leader, 85; and Jackson, 118, 151, 152; action of South Carolina, desired by, 119, 165; public letter of, in July, 1831, 122; authority of, questioned, 128; State Rights leader, 133, 225, 270, 309; answered, 136, 181, 182, 312; his "Exposé" of July, 1831, 138; public letter of, in August, 1832, 170; and secession, 233; and politics, 118, 260; on tariff of 1833, 263; on test oath, 338.

Cambreleng, C. C, of New York, on Jackson's proclamation, 242.

"Carolina doctrines," 61, 65; 111, 123. See also Nullification.

Carolinian, The Edgefield, 313; too nationalistic, 38; "Hampden" articles in, 54.

Castle Pinckney, military importance of, 234, 257.

Charleston, South Carolina, 98; Jackson supported by, in 1828, 32; business conditions in, 84; city elections in, in 1830, 98, 99; State Rights association in, 124; city elections in, in 1831, 155, 156; and the tariff, 96, 99; city election in, in 1833, 203; sectional objection, to a convention, 88; and a convention, 93, 99, 210; United States army, preparations in, 230, 231, 234, 284; military headquarters of State Rights men in, 251, 280, 284, 306; State Rights meeting in, of January, 1833, 272; city elections in, in 1833, 314; and the test oath, 318, 331; Union center in, 282 n.

Chesnut, Colonel James, and manufacturing, 132 n.

Chester district: Union organization in, 282 n.; anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.; test oath opposed by, 327.

Cheves, Langdon: southern co-operation advocated by, 63, 64, 92, 93, 199, 200; on a state convention, 96.

Cincinnati Society of Charleston, 147, 196.

Clay, Henry, 86, 99, 153, 159, 174, 303; and the tariff, 164, 165, 197, 287, 291; and politics, 260, 261.

Colleton district: and disunion, 17; meeting in, of June, 1828, 19; asked to pause, 20; Jackson opposed by. 150. See also Walterborough.

Columbia, South Carolina, 97, 100, 293: State Rights meeting in, September, 1830, 93; States Rights convention in, December, 1831, 124, 125; and the proclamation, 243.

Commerce: effects of tariff on, 12 n.; development of, 84, 191 n.; nullification controversy, effects of, on, 191.

Congress: and tariff of 1828, 6, 9; and the Constitution, 3, 33, 135; and the Supreme Court, 71; and nullification 62, 235, 249. 258, 259, 262-66, 273; hope in, in 1828, 37, and in 1829, 40, 41, 45, 46; and tariff of 1830, 48, 49, 50, 53; and a state convention, 94; and tariff in 1831, 109-11, 119, 127, 158; hope in, in 1831-32, 158, 159, 164, 213; and tariff of 1832, 165-69, 170, 208; and tariff of 1833, 210, 240, 261-66, 271, 272, 286, 287.

Congressmen of South Carolina: tariff of 1828, opposed by, 6; on internal improvements, 30, 50 n.; governor and correspondence between, 45; tariff reduction favored by, 46, 109, 110, 166, 170; election of, 101, 102 n.; lose hope in Congress, 170; answered by Unionists, 17l.

Connecticut, and nullification, 176 n.

Consolidation, extremely centralized general government. See Federal government.

Constitution, state: and nullification, 244, 247; and the test oath, 317-19, 326, 328, 335, 338, 339, 345, 346, 353-57.

Constitution, United States: and nullification, 55, 57, 58, 63, 65, 72, 172, 179, 185, 237; and a southern convention, 198, 199; broad-constructionists, 3, 4, 7, 33; violations of, 32, 49, 135; amendment to, suggested, 58; Unionist view of, 68-80, 95, 117, 128-49, 113 n., 179-81, 184, 211, 243, 296, 297, 321, 340 n., 346, 347, 350, 357-59; State Rights view of, 104-6, 214; 216, 346, 347; Jackson's view of, 257, 258.

Convention, federal, as part of nullification process, 73, 75, 77.

Convention party. See State Rights party.

Convention, southern: advocated, 197-202; opposed, 198. Convention, state: proposed, 88, 90, 195, 158, 197, 208; powers of, 88, 89, 184, 325, 335; fears of, 90, 91; and nullification, 93, 195; an issue in 1830, 98-104, 127; in 1832, 195, 206; called in 1832, 209, 210, 212-18; reassembled in 1833, 287-93, 295, 312. See also Anti-Conventionists; Conventionists.

Conventionists: program of, feared, 90, 91; campaign of education of, 91, 91 n.; meeting of, in September, 1830, 92; not agreed on program, 93, 94; in legislature of 1830, 103-10, and in 1831, 158. See also Nullifiers; State Rights party.

Cooper, Dr. Thomas: president of South Carolina College, 171; nullification leader, 83, 107; calculation of "value of the union" recommended by, 3, 39.

Cooperation, of whole South, advocated, 7, 48, 92-94, 197-203, 304.

Correspondence committees, appointed in Edgefield in 1828, 23.

Courier, The Charleston: disunion talk in 1828 denounced by, 14, 17; pro-tariff articles in, 30; Adams, supported by, 31; accused of tariff support, 50; nullification opposed by, 83, 146; on Jackson's toast, 87; on a convention, 100: Calhoun's position, accounted for, by, 181, 182.

Courts, state: court of appeals, Union majority in, 208, 334, 335; and nullification, 214, 215, 219-34, 245; on the test oath, 333-39, 344.

Creswell, Mr., Union leader, 303 n.

Crisis, The, Pickens' opinion of, 61 n. See also Turnbull, Robert J.

Cunningham, Richard: State Rights candidate, 101; Union leader, 246, 295, 342, 344.

Daniels, C. F., editor of Camden Journal, fight of, with J. H. Hammond, 132.

Darlington district: anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.; South Carolina Manufacturing Company of, 21; test oath, opposed by, 327.

Davis, Warren R., 170 n., 176; candidate for Congress, 90 n.; public letter of, 109; Philadelphia anti-tariff meeting, promoted by, 113; death of, 364.

Desaussure, Chancellor, Union leader, 134.

Dew, Professor Thomas R., memorial of, on tariff, 165.

Disunion: hints at, 3, 13, 14, 25, 33; an issue, 15; D. R. Williams on, 18, 19; Mercury accused of, 23, 24, 25; Telescope on, 38; and nullification, 58, 59, 237, 286; denounced, 14, 16, 17, 19, 27, 80; a last resort, 55; and a convention (see Convention); less agitation concerning, in 1829, 39, 40; fear of, in 1830, 56, 100; advocates of, 83, 84, 85; renounced by State Rights men, 99; more openly discussed, 173; party in the North, 264. See also Secession.

Disunion party: Disunionists not orgsinized in 1828, 13; denounced, 26; campaign of education by, 64. See also State Rights party.

Drayton, Colonel William: public dinner for, 62; Union leader, 98, 127, 134, 231, 281, 310; on internal improvements, 50 n.; on nullification, 62, 96, 262; candidate for Congress, 101; on the tariff, 6, 117, 166, 169, 173; Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, interpreted by, 139; Exposition answered by, 140; and tariff reduction in 1833, 262, 266.

Dunkin, B. F., convention favored by, 104 n.

Edgefield district, meeting in, in July, 1828, 23.

Elections: Charleston city, 1830, 98-100; state, 1830, 100-103; Charleston city, in 1831, 155, 156; Charleston city, in 1832, 203-5; election abuses, 205, 351, 352 n.; Charleston city, in 1833, 314; congressional, 1833, 314; state, 1834, 346-48, 352; Charleston city, in 1834, 351. See also Anti-Conventionists; Conventionists; State Rights party: Union party.

England, 121 n., 188; supposed to favor Nullifiers, 280.

English, Thomas, convention, favored by, 104. n.

Enquirer, The Richmond: Colleton asked to go slower by, 20; and nullification, 225.

"Exposé" by Calhoun, July, 1831, 138. See also Calhoun.

Exposition, the South Carolina, of 1828, by Calhoun, 5, 53, 71; answered, 42, 140; printed by legislature in 1828, 36; restated by Calhoun in 1831, 122.

Federal government: prospect of clash with, 2, 6, 9, 18, 96, 122, 166, 173, 324; Union view of, 68-80; State Rights view of, 104-6; a consolidated government, 69, 238, 267, 304, 346-48; military preparations for coercion by, 215, 217, 223, 226, 229, 233, 234, 237, 241, 259, 270, 271. See also Constitution.

Federal party, 149; principles of, 305.

Felder, J. M., Congressman, 170 n., 171.

Florida, Jackson in, 152.

Floyd, of Virginia, supported for President, 229.

Force bill: Wilkins' bill, introduced, 276; opposed in South Carolina, 277, 287, 288, 304; nullified, 289, 292; wisdom of, doubted, 306; defended, 312.

Franklin, Benjamin, 128.

Free Press and Hive, The Columbia, nullification opposed by, 131; Calhoun answered by, 138.

Free Trade and State Rights associations. See State Rights party.

Gazette, The Charleston City: disunion opposed by, in 1828, 15, 16, 26, 81; Mercury, accused by, 24; Adams, supported by, 31; nullification, opposed by, 83, 129, 146; on the tariff, 167, 171.

Georgetown, South Carolina, collector of, warned, 231.

Georgia: and nullification, 120, 130, 176 n., 227, 262, 202, 203 n.; tariff, position of congressmen of, on, 166, 286.

Germans, on nullification, 120 n.

Giles, William B., anti-nationalist, 1.

Governor, the, of South Carolina: asked to call legislature or convention in 1828, 19; asked to agree with congressmen on plan of action, 45; message of, of 1831, 159; of 1832, 218, 219. See also Hamilton, James, Jr.; Hayne, Robert Y.

Greenville, district and city: anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.; withdrawal of convention advocates in, 89; test oath, opposition of, to, 326-31, 333, 363, 364; a strong Union center, 282 n.

Griffin, J. K., Congressman, 170 n.

"Hamilton," The Crisis, answered by, 14.

Hamilton, James, Jr., Governor, 179; nullification proposed by, 33; on the tariff, 52; advocate of nullification, 63, 173; party ball for, 123; disunion leader, 23; authonly of, questioned, 128; State Rights leader, 133, 225, 270, 272; legislature in extra session, called by, 1832, 208; convention, recalled by, 287, 289; on test oath, 338.

Hammond, James H., editor of Columbia Southern Times: fight of, with Daniels, 132; speech of, on July 4, 1829, 37 n.; on disunion, 55; mediation by Virginia, opposed by, 274; military organizer, 249, 269, 276, 277, 279.

"Hampden" (Francis W. Pickens), articles on nullification by, 53.

Hanlon, James O., Umon supporter, 246.

Harper, Chancellor William: speech at Columbia, 1828, 17; state convention, advocated by, 93-96; in legislature of 1828, 35; messenger to Congress, 162; memorial of, on tariff, 164; nullification ordinance, author of, 214; State Rights leader, 311; on test oath, 335, 340.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, tariff meeting of manufacturers in, 5.

Hartford Convention, 74, 129.

Hayne, Robert Y.: debate of, with Webster, 49, 64, 65; on internal improvements, 52 n.; congressman, 170 n.; public dinner for, 62; authority of questioned, 128; State Rights leader, 133, 270, 309, 311, 302; convention report, written by, 213; counter-proclamation of, as governor, 243, 244, 248; commander-in-chief of State Rights forces, 240-54, 279; convention, presided over by, in March, 1833, 289-93; on test oath, 337, 338, 345.

Hayne, William E., assistant adjutant inspector-general, 268.

Henry, Professor, on the union, 17, 18.

Hill, W. R., a convention, supported by, 104 n.

Hive, The Edgefield, boycotted by Disunionists, 26.

Holmes. I. E., 123.

Holy Alliance, 121 n.

"Homespun," manufacturing, recommended by, 21.

Horry district: a Union center, 282; test oath opposed by, 327.

House of Representatives of South Carolina Assembly. See Legislature of South Carolina and maps in the text.

Huger, Alfred, a convention advocated by 104 n.

Huger, Judge Daniel E., 203; Union leader, 134, 159, 295; consumption of northern products opposed by, 2; a convention opposed by, 104 n.; amendment to test oath offered by, 321.

Hunt. Colonel B. F., and test oath, 334.

Intelligencer, The Winyaw, against too advanced position in 1828, 20.

Interior, the. See Up-country districts.

Internal improvements, 164; resolutions against, in 1825, 1; constitutionality of, 4, 136; advocates of, 30, 50; legislature of 1824 on, 35.

Jackson, Andrew: his party accused of disunion designs, 13, 31; South Carolina earned by, in 1828, 32; thought to support nullification, 65. 86, 150; toast of, to Federal Union, 86, 87; and Calhoun, 118, 119, 151, 152; and nullification, 223, 226, 228-43, 255-60 269, 270, 281-85, 303, 304; administration of, considered weak in 1830, 56; no hope in, 91; name of, dropped by State Rights party, 112; and internal improvements, 137; letter of, June 14, 1831, 149, 160; nullification doctrine opposed by, 150-53, 303, 304; caucus of supporters of, 159, 160; caucus of opponents of, 159, 160; nullification proclamation of, 225, 235-43. 248, 253, 267, 303; message of, on tariff praised by Nullifiers, 237, and denounced by Nullifiers, 272, 307, 310; message of, of January 16, 1833, 213 n., 273; and the force bill, 305, 306.

Jefferson, Thomas, 117 n., 128; quoted by Telescope, 38; on nullification, 176.

Johnson, Judge David, Union leader, 134.

Johnson, Judge Joseph, Union leader, 98, 203; on test oath, 335-37, 340.

Johnson, Judge William, Union leader, 134.

Journal, The Camden, 102, 132; nullification opposed by, 83; a convention opposed by, 95 n.; McDuffie, answered by, 137; Legaré, defended by, 149.

Judges, state. See Courts, state.

Judiciary, federal. See Supreme Court of United States.

Kendall, Amos, on nullification and politics, 259.

Kentucky: resolutions of, in 1798, 33, 139, 176, 214; proposal of, to stop purchase of stock of, 2, 3, 21; and nullification, 176 n.

Kershaw district in 1828, 18.

King, Mr., Union leader, 203 n.

Landrum, Dr. A., editor of the Edgefidd Hive, 26.

Laurens district, test oath, opposition of, to, 327.

Lee, Judge, Union leader, 134.

Lee, of Massachusetts, suported for Vice-President, 229.

Legaré, Hugh S.: in legislature of 1828, 35; Union leader, 134; accused of tariff support, 149.

Legislature of South Carolina: anti-nationalistic resolutions of, in 1825, 1, and in 1827, 4; Exposition for, written by Calhoun, 5; looked to for action in 1828, 7, 11, 18, 27, 34; of 1828, 35, 37; of 1829, 40, 41, 44, 45; and a convention, 88, 89; of 1830, 103-10, 127; of 1831, 158; extra session of, in 1832, 208, 209; regular session of, in 1832, nullification legislation by, 214, 215, 218-24, 243, 255, 256; given power to act on test oath, 299, 300, 316, 317, 325; of 1833, test oath legislation by, 317-22, 336; of 1834, test oath legislation by, 337-39, 351-61.

Leigh, Benjamin W., agent of Virginia to South Carolina, 273, 287.

"Leonidas" on the tariff, 9.

Lexington district, anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.

Livingston, Edward, Secretary of State, 242 n.

Louisiana, purchase of, 135.

Low-country districts: coastal parishes, effect of tariff on, 149; and test oath, 328.

"Lowndes" on the legislature of 1829, 40.

McCrady, Edward, on the test oath, 334.

McDuffie, George: in Congress, 46, 170 n.; on the tariff, 116, 170; answered, 116, 117, 136, 137, 172; northern manufactures, opposed by, 2; and broad-construction, 3: state excise on northern goods urged by, 21; disunion leader, 23, 173; authority of, questioned, 128; State Rights leader, 133, 311; convention address written by, 216; on test oath, 338; elected governor, 361.

McLane, Louis, Secretary of Treasury, tariff bill, 166.

McWillie, William, a convention, opposed by, 104 n.

Madison, James, 117 n., 128; on nullification, 140, 176.

Mallory tariff bill, 47, 48, 110.

Manning, Richard I., Union leader, 134, 295.

Manufactures, northern: proposal to stop purchase of, 2, 11; Harrisburg meeting, 5; and the tariff, 6, 47, 52, 110. See also Non-consumption of northern products.

Manufactures, southern: urged, 21; opposed, 131, 132.

Massachusetts: and nullification, 176 n.; oath of alliance to, 296, 297.

Masyck, Alexander, 123.

Mercury, The Charleston, 101, 146, 147, 313, 327; on southern exhaustion by tariff, 12; on the presidential campaign, 11; Colleton stand approved by, 19, 20; non-consumption opposed by, 21; "Junto" of, accused of disunion propaganda, 23-26; Jackson, praised by, 31, 65; disunion charges denied by, 32; The Crisis essays, published by, 4; on tariff of 1828, 6; moderate position of, in 1828, 7: pro-tariff articles answered by, 29; on Jackson's toast, 87; on a convention, 100; on tariff of 1832, 170; on test oath, 296, 327, 333.

Messenger, The Pendleton: open-minded, 82; Calhoun's "Exposé" printed by, in July, 1831, 138.

Middleton, Governor, 203 n.

Military preparations. See Federal government; State Rights party; Union party.

Militia, state: and nullification, 251, 282; militia law or "military bill," 306, 307, 317, 320, 322-24, 327-38, 344, 364.

Miller. Stephen D., advocate of moderation, 60, 170 n.

Minute Men. See State Rights party (s.v. military preparations of).

Mississippi, 202, 203 n.

Mitchell, Thomas R., Congressman: on the tariff, 166, 169, 172; denounced by Nullifiers, 310.

Monroe, James, 117 n.

Mountaineer, The Greenville: on Jackson's toast, 87; nullification opposed by, 133; legislative action of 1828 indorsed by, 40; and convention of 1832, 209, 210; on test oath, 360, 361.

National Intelligencer: Jackson's toast interpreted by, 187; Adams admmistration presses led by, 12, 13; and the Unionists, 348.

National Republicans, 260.

"Native, A," pro-tariff argument of, 27, 28.

Newberry district, anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.

New England: and nullification, 75 n.; and the tariff, 117 n., 149, 270; and War of 1812, 74; and secession, 270.

New York: protectionist convention in, 164; and nullification, 227, 241; and politics, 261; congressmen of, on the tariff, 286.

Niles' Register, read in South Carolina, 96.

Non-consumption of northern products. See Non-intercourse with the North.

Non-convention party. See Anti-Conventionists.

Non-intercourse with the North: approved, 11, 19, 20, 21, 40; opposed, 11, 19, 22, 23.

North, the: opposition to, 2, 3, 291; blamed for disunion, 32; and the tariff, 37, 48, 110, 113; the South ridiculed by, 9; and southern disunion talk 31,63 n.; nullification indorsed by, 65; warned by Unionists, 80, 90; warned by State Ridits men, 217.

North Carouna, and nullification, 120, 241, 262, 202, 203 n.

Nuckolls, William T., Congressman, 170 n, 171; on a convention, 110.

Nullification: doctrine and practice, not generally discussed in 1828, 20; advocated, 33, 61, 62, 65, 98, 121 n., 128-49, 164; denounced, 60, 62, 67- 80, 83, 97, 98, 121 n., 127, 128-49, 156, 172-9i, 202, 212, 247, 313; brought to prominence by J. Hamilton, Jr., 1828, 33; in the Exposition, 36; suffered from disunion stigma, 53, 57; campaign of education for, 53, 60; relation of secession to, 56, 57, 59, 78, 88, 223, 286; spread of, over the Union, 66; and a convention, 93, 94, 96; in legislature of 1830, 103-10; lull in advocacy of, in 1831, 108, 109; in other southern states, 120, 130, 224, 284, 285; new campaign for, in 1831, 121: in Washington, 130; in legislature of 1831, 161, 162; new campaign for, in 1832, 164, 172, 195; not a peaceful remedy, 173, 174, 239, 273, 294; in operation, 33, 34, 186, 187, 216, 219-24; in election of 1832, 206; ordinance of, 214, 215; and the political situation, 259; suspended, 1833, 272-76, 289; efficacy of, 291, 302, 303, 313.

Nullification party. See State Rights party.

Nullifiers. See State Rights party.

Ohio: and nullification, 176 n.; tariff, position of congressmen of, on, 286.

"One of the People," disunion opposed by, in 1828, 17; on internal improvements, 30.

O'Neall, Judge J. B., 203 n.; Union leader, 134; on test oath, 335, 336, 337, 340.

Orangeburg district, anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.

Ordinance of nullification. See Nullification.

Palmetto, emblem of South Carolina, 123, 323.

Parishes, defined, 10 n. See also Low-country districts.

Patriot, The Charleston Southern: nullification opposed by, 83; 146, 313; on the tariff, 114, 116, 117, 144.

Pendleton, district, 125 n.; anti-tariff meeting in, in 1828, 11 n.; and test oath, 349, 364.

Pennsylvania: and nullification, 241, 176 n.; tariff, position of congressmen of, on 286.

Perry, Benjamin F., Union party leader, 67.

Petrigru, James L., Union leader, 98, 154, 159, 295, 101.

Philadelphia anti-tariff convention, September, 1831, 112, 113, 124, 155, 162, 164.

Pickens district, test oath, opposition of, to, 327.

Pickens, Francis W.: author of "Hampden" articles, 53-56: use of pamphlets advocated by, 60; convention favored by, 104 n.

Pinckney, Henry L.: advocate of nullification, 63, 173; State Rights candidate, 99, 315; convention favored by, 104 n.

Player, T. T., 104 n.

Poinsett, Joel R.: Union party leader, 97, 127, 134, 231, 246, 282, 295; work of, with Jackson, 229, 233, 271; and test oath, 331.

Post, The Charleston State Sights and Free Trade Evening, a nullification paper, 121 n.

President. See Adams, John Quincy; Jackson, Andrew.

Pressley, J. J., convention opposed by, 104 n.

Preston, John, and manufacturing, 131, 132.

Preston, William C: speech of, at Columbia, 1828, 17; Calhoun asked to write report for legislature by, 36; convention supported by, 104 n.; candidate, 132; State Rights leader, 277; on test oath, 338.

Pringle, James R.: Union leader, 98; candidate, 99.

Prioleau, Judge Samuel, in legislature of 1824, 34.

Radical, The Cheraw, Professor Henry defended by, 18.

Replevin act, to carry nullification into effect, 219-23.

Republican party: Remnants of, 242; principles of, 305.

Revolution, and nullification, 78, 79; 135, 140, 262.

Revolutionary Society of Charleston, 147, 196, 345.

Revolutionary War: conditions during, 69, 73; pensions from, 165; veterans of, 218.

Rhett, Robert Barnwell: resistance favored by, 93; address of, on July 4, 1832, 174.

Rhode Island, 74.

Richardson, Judge J. P.: nullification opposed by, 93; convention opposed by, 104 n.; Union leader, 134, 203 n.

Richland district, and disunion, 27.

Ritchie, Thomas: on strict construction, 1; on nullification, 225.

Rives, W. C, of Virginia, supporter of Jackson, 339.

Rogers, James, Union general removed by test oath, 323.

St. James', Goosecreek, parish, anti-tariff meeting in, 11 n.

St. Philip's, and St. Michael's parish, 100.

"Sale day," importance of politically, 10.

Scotch-Irish, on nullification, 120 n.

Secession: advocated, 57; denounced, 143; relation of, to nullification, 56, 57, 88, 223, 304; little thought of in 1830, 62; Unionist attitude toward, 212, 294. See also Disunion.

Senate of South Carolina. Assembly. See Legislature of South Carolina and maps in text.

Seventy-six Association of Charleston, 147, 196, 345.

Seyle's Long Room, Union headquarters, 146.

Slavery, and the parties, 107, 107 n.

Smith, Robert Barnwell. See Rhett, Robert Barnwell.

Smith, Judge William, Congressman: anti-nationalistic resolutions in legislature of 1825 introduced by, 1, 35; moderation advocated by, 60, 95 n.; nullification opposed by, 130; Union leader, 134, 203 n.

South, the: impoverished by the tariff or not, 5, 6, 7 n., 15, 16, 47, 49, 61, 114, 129, 135, 141, 164, 189, 190, 192, 289, 302; Union of, advocated, 7, 48, 92; North, opinion of, concerning, 9; union of policy urged in, 23, 304; and disunion, 32, 217; and state sovereignty doctrine, 43; weak position of, 81, 82, 291, 307; and nullification, 120, 130, 224, 270, 273, 286.

South Carolina: ridiculed at North, 9; impoverished by tariff, 12; excises proposed in, 21; Jackson supported by, in 1828, 32; changes in tariff views of, 53; duty of, in 1831, 66, and in 1832, 165.

South Carolina Canal and Railway Company, aid of congress sought by, 50 n.

South Carolina College: Dr. Thomas Cooper, president of, 3; Professor Henry of, 17, 18.

South Carolina Manufacturing Company of Society Hill, Darlington district, samples of work of, shown, 21.

Spartanburg district: test oath opposed by, 327; Union center, 282 n.

State courts. See Courts, State.

"State Guard." See State Rights party (s.v. military preparations of).

"State Rights," opinion of, on the legislature of 1829, 41.

State Rights associations. See State Rights party.

State Rights doctrine. See State sovereignty.

State Rights party: Nullification party, not well organised in 1828, 13, 25; original purpose of, 17; campaign of education by, 60, 64; public dinner of, July, 1830, 62; leaders of, 84, 85, 104 n., 129, 133, 196; convention in 1830 supported by, 90, 91; answered by Unionists, 67-80, 117, 118, 172-91; meeting of, at Columbia in September, 1830, 92; and election of 1830, 99-103; in legislature of 1830, 103-10; new campaign of education by, in 1831, 108-11, 119-23; name of, changed, 112, 153; associations of, formed in 1831, 124, 150, 154; convention of, in December, 1831, 125, 126; associations of, condemned by Unionists, 126, 325; convention of associations of, in Februaiy, 1832, 164; accused of evil motives, 130, 166, 167; July 4, celebration of, 1831, 146-48; disunion charge, denied by, 150; Jackson, denounced by, 15O, 153, 159, 160, 228, 238; and Charleston election of, 1831, 156; wait-awhile policy of, in 1831-32, 159, 162; campaign of, in 1832, 165, 172, 193; tariff of 1832, views of, on, 166-70; meeting of associations of, 194; and election of 1832, 203-6; military preparations of, 219, 224, 230, 249-55, 268. 276-80, 291, 306-9; and tariff of 1833, 264; nullification suspended by, 272-75: convention of, reassembled, March, 1833, 289-93; on force bill, 305; and Charleston election of, 1833, 314; congressional election of 1833, 314; test oath supported by, 316-19, 326, 334, 335, 337, 338, 340, 346-48; associations of, revived, 337; and Charleston election ox, 1834, 351; and state election of, 352; oompromise of, on test oath, 350-61.

State sovereignty: state rights doctrine invoked and supported, 11, 38, 39, 47, 49, 54 n., 55, 61, 62, 66, 99, 178, 213, 255, 292, 305, 340, 346; denounced and opposed, 62, 68, 69, 199, 340; perverted use of, 17; in 1824-28, 35; South Carolina not a unit upon, 42, 43.

Submission party, term applied by Nullifiers to Unionists, 86, 133, 133 n., 160, 201. See also Union party.

Sullivan's Island, Charleston harbor, military importance of, 230, 257.

Supreme Court of United States: and the tariff, 6; and nullification, 62, 214, 221, 232, 284; and the Constitution, 3; Unionist views of, 71, 142, 177.

Tariff, the, of 1824, denounced, 2; constitutionality of, denied, 3, 4, 6, 9, 18, 20, 67, 117, 123, 141, 213; constitutionality of, upheld, 16, 29, 117, 118, 129, 143-46; resolutions against, in 1825, 1; Harrisburg meeting to promote, 5; of Abominations, 1828, 6; anti-tariff communications in 1828, 8, 9, 23; anti-tariff meetings of 1828, 10, 11, 17; effects of, upon South Carolina, 12, 28, 30, 50 n., 53, 189, 190, 192; pro-tariff oommimications, 26-30; legislature of 1824 on, 35, and of 1828 on, 35, 36; less agitation over in 1829, 36, 37; legislature of 1829 on, 44, 45; in Congress, 46, 47; of 1830, 48; pro-tariff arguments, 50, 113-17; 143-46; in South Carolina in 1816, 51, 117 n.; and nullification, 58; anti-tariff arguments, 108, 110, 114, 216; effect of, on price of cotton, 115, 116, 145, 149, 313, 314; of 1832, 165-69; in Congress of 1833, 263, 264, 270, 286, 287, 288; convention of 1833 on, 289, 290; compromise tariff in South Carolina, 301-3, 312.

Taylor, Colonel, Union leader, 134.

Tazewell, L. W., Senator, of Virginia, 240.

Telescope, The Columbia: position of, set forth, 37, 38; Walterborough meeting of June, 1828, disapproved of, by, 20.

Tennessee, 177, 202, 203 n.; and nullification, 227, 241, 270.

Test oath: supported, 288, 289, 296, 317, 318, 326, 332, 334-40, 346-48; opposed, 246, 247, 296-99, 316, 318, 319, 321-31, 334, 335, 337, 340, 344, 348, 349, 353, 356; provided for by convention, 289, 293; legislature given power to act on, 299, 316, 317, 325, 326; compromise on, 356-66.

Thompson, General Waddy, consumption of northern products opposed by, 3.

Times, The Cohmbia Southern: and disunion, 80; on test oath, 360.

Tories, Nullifiers call Unionists Tories, 238.

Treason, definitions of, 178, 183, 184, 212, 219, 237, 239, 255, 256, 270, 283, 337, 340, 344, 349, 355-57.

Turnbull, Robert J.: "Brutus," author of The Crisis, advocate of nullification, 63, 64 n., 106, 173; answered, 14; convention address, written by, 215; death of, 309.

Tyler, John, of Virginia, opponent of Jackson, 239, 240.

Union, the federal: Dr. Thomas Cooper on, 3; constitutional basis of, 32; purposes of, 38; formation of, 58; love for, 61, 80, 96, 104, 173, 216, 290, 291; character of (see also Federal government; Jackson, Andrew; State Rights party; Union party).

Union district, anti-tariff meeting of, 11 n.

Union party: leaders of, 14, 67, 97, 98, 104 n., 134, 196; control of state by, in 1828, 24; not well organized in 1828, 25; nullification decried by, 60, 67-80, 128-49, 172-91, 244; position held by, 67-80; protective tariff opposed by, 67, 80, 155; state sovereignty. position of, on, 68, 69; on federal judiciary, 70, 71; on call of federal convention by one state, 73, 75, 77; on nullification and war. 74, 78; would support revolution if decided upon by state, 79; convention in 1830, opposed by, 90. 96, 97; convention, favored by part of, 94; organization of, in 1830, 97, 98; and election of 1830, 99-103; in legislature of 1830, 103-10; tariff, views of, on, 115-18, 144, 166, 167, 171, 266; State Rights associations opposed by, 126, 154, 154 n.; July 4, celebration of, 1831, by, 146, 147, 148; supported by Jackson, 150-53. 229, 234, 236, 246, 268, 271, 283-85; Jackson, supported by, 155, 159, 160, 161, 228, 234, 246, 268, 271, 281, 283-85; and Charleston election, 1831, 156; in legislature of 1831, 158-63; Washington societies formed by, 196; co-operation favored by, 197-202; convention of, 1832, 201, 202; and election of 1832, 203-6; constitutionality of extra session of legislature questioned by, 208; and call of state convention in 1832, 209-12; threats against, 215, 216, 255; and legislature of 1832, 218, 219; military preparations of opponents decried by, 224, 281, 311; military preparations of, 248, 281, 282, 327, 330, 341, 342, 343, 347; Hayne's counter-proclamation ridiculed by, 243; convention of, in Columbia, December, 1832, 246-48; and tariff re- duction in 1833, 265, 266; and consolidation, 267; State Rights suspension of nullification ridiculed by, 275, 288, 312; union societies formed, 281; test oath, opposition of, to, 293, 296-303, 316, 317, 319, 321-40, 348-50, 353, 356; party convention of, March, 1833, postponed, 293, 294; Calhoun answered by, 312; and Charleston election of 1833, 314; and congressional election of 1833, 314; convention of, in M ardi, 1834, 329, 330, 333; and Charleston election of 1834, 351; and state election of 1834, 353; test oath, compromiae of, 356-61.

Union and State Bights Gazette, The Charleston, pro-tariff, 143, 144, 146.

Up-country districts, distrust of, 88; convention favored by, 93; convention opposed by, 107; and test oath, 338, 332.

Uplands. See Up-country districts.

Usurpations of the central government: protests against in 1835, 1, 3, 17, 59; legislature of 1824, on, 35; of 1829, 44.

Van Buren, Martin: caution, advised by, 258, 259; and politics, 259-61.

Vermont, oath of allegiance, 296.

Verplanck tariff bill. See Tariff.

Virginia: anti-nationalistic movement in, 1; and tariff of 1828, 13; resolutions of, in 1798, 33, 139, 176, 214, 258, 292; and nullification, 120, 176 n., 225, 226, 239-42, 262, 284; and the Philadelphia anti-tariff meeting, 113; mediation offered by, 273-75, 287, 291, 292, 306.

Walterborough meeting: of June. 1828, 19, 20, 25; of October, 1828, 33; of July, 1829, 37; of February, 1830, 52 n.; Jackson, denounced by. 150; "manifesto" of, July, 1832, 174.

Washington, George, 117 n., 128.

Washington - Society, a Union organization, 196, 246.

Webster, Daniel, 149; debate of. with Hayne, 49, 64, 65; and politics, 260; debate of, with Calhoun, 312; political creed of, 348.

West, the, and internal improvements, 164.

Whig associations, Nullifiers' organizations, 345.

Whigs, Nullifiers of South Carolina call themselves Whigs, 238, 278.

Whitner, Benjamin F., 91 n.

Wilde, R. H., of Georgia, on the tariff, 286.

Wilkins bill. See Force bill.

Williams, David R.: on the tariff and disunion, 18, 19; and manufacturing, 132 n.

Williams, Thomas, convention, opposed by, 104 n.

Williamsburg district, test oath, opposition of, to, 327.

Wilson, Governor John L., message of, in 1824, 35.

Wirt, William, 159.

York district: anti-tariff meeting in, 11 n.; test oath opposed by, 327, 349.